Dela via

Manage Documents

A central role, such as the application administrator, must regularly deal with accumulating historic documents by deleting or compressing them.

Delete Documents

In certain situations, you may need to delete invoiced purchase orders that have not been deleted. Dynamics NAV checks that you have fully invoiced the deleted purchase orders. You cannot delete orders that you have not fully invoiced and received.

Return orders are usually deleted after they are invoiced. When you post an invoice, it is transferred to the Posted Purchase Credit Memo window. If you selected the Return Shipment on Credit Memo check box in the Purchases & Payable Setup window, then the invoice is transferred to the Posted Return Shipment window. You can delete the documents using the Delete Invd Purch. Ret. Orders batch job. Before deleting, the batch job checks if the purchase return orders are fully shipped and invoiced.

Blanket purchase orders are not deleted after you have processed and invoiced all the related purchase orders. You can delete blanket orders with the Delete Invoiced Blanket Purchase Orders batch job.

Invoiced service orders are usually deleted automatically after having been fully invoiced. When an invoice is posted, a corresponding entry is created in the Posted Service Invoices window. The posted document can be viewed in the Posted Service Invoice window.

Service orders are not deleted automatically, however, if the total quantity on the order has been posted not from the service order itself, but from the Service Invoice window. Then you may need to delete invoiced orders that were not deleted. You can do this by running the Delete Invoiced Service Orders batch job.

See Also

Dynamics 365 Business Central
Setup and Administration in Dynamics NAV