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Design Details: Integration with Inventory

The Warehouse Management application area and the Inventory application area interact with one another in physical inventory and in inventory or warehouse adjustment.

Physical Inventory

The Whse. Phys. Inventory Journal window is used with the Phys. Inventory Journal window for all advanced warehouse locations. The inventory on bin level is calculated, and a printed list is provided for the warehouse employee. The list shows which items in which bins must be counted.

The warehouse employee enters the counted quantity in the Whse. Phys. Inventory Journal window and then posts the journal.

If the counted quantity is greater than the quantity on the journal line, a movement is posted for this difference from the default adjustment bin to the counted bin. This increases the quantity in the counted bin and decreases the quantity in the default adjustment bin.

If the quantity counted is less than the quantity on the journal line, a movement for this difference is posted from the counted bin to the default adjustment bin. This decreases the quantity in the counted bin and increases the quantity in the default adjustment bin.

In advanced warehousing, the value in the Quantity (Calculated) field is retrieved from item ledger entries and the value in the Quantity (Phys. Inventory) field is retrieved from warehouse entries, excluding the adjustment bin content. The Quantity field specifies the difference between the first two fields, which should be equal to the contents of the adjustment bin.

When you post the physical inventory journal, the inventory and the default adjustment bin are updated.

Warehouse Adjustments to the Item Ledger

You use the Item Journal window and the Calculate Whse. Adjustment function to adjust inventory on the item ledger in accordance with an adjustment that has been made to the item quantity in a warehouse bin. To create a link between the inventory and the warehouse, you must define a default adjustment bin per location.

The default adjustment bin registers items in the warehouse when you post an increase for the inventory. However, if you post a decrease, the quantity on the default bin is also decreased. In both cases, item ledger entries and warehouse entries are created.


The adjustment bin is not included in the availability calculation.

If you want to adjust the bin content, you can use the warehouse item journal, from which you can enter the item number, zone code, bin code, and quantity that you want to adjust.

If you enter a positive quantity and post the line, then the inventory stored in the bin increases, and the quantity of the default adjustment bin decreases correspondingly.

See Also


Design Details: Availability in the Warehouse

Other Resources

Design Details: Warehouse Management