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Feature Limitations of Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework supports most of the same Microsoft Dynamics NAV objects and features as Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client, but there are some small differences. This topic lists the features that are not supported or are partially supported by Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework. These features are listed in comparison to Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client. The topic is divided into the following sections:

  • General Features

  • Objects

  • Pages Features

  • Report Features

  • C/AL Triggers

  • C/AL Functions

  • User Interface Features


In this topic, partially supported means that the feature does not have all the capabilities as it does in Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client or it works differently than in Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client.

General Features

The following table lists general features that are not fully supported by Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework.

Feature Level of support Remarks

Chart parts

Not supported.

A chart part on a page is ignored by Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework and does not appear.

System parts that include Notes, MyNotes, and Record Links

Not supported.

A system part on a page is ignored by Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework and does not appear.

COM and Automation

Not supported.

If a Microsoft Dynamics NAV object implements Automation (objects and servers), then an error occurs when the object is run in Microsoft SharePoint.

Control add-ins

Not supported.

If a page that contains a control add-in is displayed in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV SharePoint client, then the control add-in is ignored and nothing appears in its place.


Partially supported.

Search is only available on the General tab in the ribbon of a page. Search can only find pages and reports, not views as with the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client.


Not supported.

The Departments page is only available from the Role Center in the RoleTailored client.

System Indicator

Not supported.

The system indicator does not appear even if it is enabled.

Microsoft .NET Framework Interoperability

Partially supported.

Microsoft .NET Framework interoperability objects that are configured to run on the client are not supported; objects that run on Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server are supported. For more information, see How to: Set .NET Framework Types to Run on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows Client or Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Computers.

Configuring the user interface for a profile

Partially supported.

You cannot perform the configuration in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV SharePoint client. Instead, you use the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client. For more information, see Configuring Pages in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV SharePoint Client.


The following object types are not supported by Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework.

Feature Level of support Remarks

Menu suites

Not supported.

Menu suites are only used to build the Department page in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client.


Partially supported.

Request pages are not supported. If you try to run an XMLport that uses a request page from a Microsoft SharePoint site, then you receive an error that the XMLport page type is not supported.

To run an XMLport without a request page, you can set the UseRequestPage Property of the XMLport in XML Designer to No. Or, if the XMLport is run from C/AL code by calling the RUN Function (XMLport), then you can set the ReqWindow parameter to false.

Pages Features

This section includes page features that are not fully supported by Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework.

General Page Features

The following page features are not fully supported by Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework.

Feature Level of support Remarks

Navigate page type

Not supported.

If you try to open a page of the NavigatePage type in Microsoft SharePoint, then an error occurs.

If you have page that will display in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV SharePoint client and the page includes an action that opens a page of the Navigate type, then you should consider removing or hiding the action. You can hide an action globally by setting the action's Visible Property to No. You can hide the action for a specific profile only by running the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client in the configuration mode, and then customizing the ribbon of the page. For more information, see How to: Configure a Role Center.

FixedLayout control for arranging page fields

Partially supported.

You can experience misalignment of captions and fields.

GridLayout control for arranging page fields

Partially supported.

The RowSpan and ColumnSpan properties on fields in the grid layout are not supported.

Page Properties

The following page properties are not supported or are partially supported by Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework.


Properties that are not supported are ignored by Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework when the page displays on a SharePoint site.

Control Property Level of support Remarks

Page object


Not supported.


Partially supported

The NavigatePage option is not supported.



Not supported.


Not supported.

Columns will be indented but they will not be expandable or collapsible.


Partially supported.

The FixedLayout and GridLayout options are not fully supported.

  • With the FixedLayout option, you can experience misalignment of captions and fields..

  • With the GridLayout option, the RowSpan and ColumnSpan properties on fields in the grid layout are not supported.


Partially supported.

Only supports indentation on one column. If you specify more than one column in the IndentationControls property, only the first column is used.



Not supported.


Not supported.


Not supported.


Not supported.


Not supported.


Partially supported.

The AssistEdit button does not appear on a field when a field or the page is in the view mode and never appears on a field that has the data type Option. You specify whether the field or page is in the view or edit mode by setting the Editable Property.


Partially supported.

The property is not supported on repeater controls, which are typically used on List and ListPart type pages.


Partially supported.

The property is not supported on repeater controls, which are typically used on List and ListPart type pages.


Partially supported.

The Additional option is not supported. Fields that are applied with the Additional option will always be hidden because there is no button for displaying more fields on the FastTab.



Not supported.

If a page contains a Chart part, then the part is ignored and nothing appears for the part in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV SharePoint client.


Not supported.

If a page contains a System part, then the part is ignored and nothing appears for the part in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV SharePoint client.


Partially supported.

The System and Chart options are not supported. If a page contains a Chart part or System part, then the part is ignored and nothing appears for the part in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV SharePoint client.

Report Features

The following table includes reports features that are not supported or are partially supported by Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework.

Feature Level of support Remarks

Printing a report without using a request page by calling the Report.Run function

Partially supported.

If a report is run by calling the REPORT.RUN Function and the function call does not use a request page, then you must set up reports to print from Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, otherwise you will get an error at runtime. Client-side printing is not supported in this scenario. For more information, see the following topics.

Filtering on request page of a report

Partially supported.

There is a limit on the number of filters a user can set. The user can only specify one filter in addition to the number of filter fields that are set by the ReqFilterFields property or the SETRECFILTER function in C/AL code.

Sorting on a report request page

Not supported.

Unlike the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client, the sort action is not available.

Filter strings in a report URL

Not supported.

Unlike pages, you cannot filter a report by adding filter strings to the Internet address.

Document map in the report preview

Partially supported.

When you choose an item in the document map, the preview does not scroll to display the item. If the item is on another page, the preview scrolls to display the page but not to the specific item.

C/AL Triggers

This section lists the C/AL triggers that are not fully supported by Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework. Triggers that are not supported are not invoked on an object at runtime.

Page Triggers

The following page triggers are not fully supported by Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework.

Triggers Level of support Remarks


Partially supported.

The OnClosePage trigger is invoked only when the Microsoft Dynamics NAV page is hosted in a modal popup dialog (MPO).


Partially supported.

The OnQueryClosePage trigger is invoked only when the Microsoft Dynamics NAV page is hosted in a modal popup dialog (MPO).

Field Control Triggers

The following field control triggers are not fully supported by Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework.

Triggers Level of support Remarks


Not supported.


Partially supported.

The trigger is not invoked for fields in repeater controls on pages.


Partially supported.

The trigger is not invoked on a page that is in the view mode.

C/AL Functions

This section lists the C/AL functions that are not supported by Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework. Except when indicated otherwise, if you use a function that is not supported, you will receive error at runtime.

Data Type Function Level of support Remarks



Not supported.

If the C/AL code of Microsoft Dynamics NAV object calls the CREATE function, then an error occurs at when the object is run on a Microsoft SharePoint site.


Not supported.



Not supported.

An error occurs at runtime.



Not supported.

The function is ignored.



Partially supported.

If the ReqWindow parameter of the function is set to false, then you must set up reports to print from Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, otherwise you will get an error at runtime. Client-side printing is not supported in this scenario. For more information, see How to: Specify Printer Selection for Reports and STARTSESSION Function (Sessions).


Partially supported.

If the ReqWindow parameter of the function is set to false, then you must set up reports to print from Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, otherwise you will get an error at runtime. Client-side printing is not supported in this scenario. For more information, see How to: Specify Printer Selection for Reports and STARTSESSION Function (Sessions).



Partially supported.

The DialogTitle, ToFolder, and ToFilter parameters are not supported.


Partially supported.

The DialogTitle, ToFolder, and ToFilter parameters are not supported.


Partially supported.

The DialogTitle, FromFolder, and FromFile parameters are not supported.


Partially supported.

The DialogTitle, FromFolder, and FromFile parameters are not supported.

User Interface Features

The following end-user interface features are not supported in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV SharePoint client.

Feature Level of support Remarks


Not supported.

If a user has customized the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client, then the custom settings are ignored for the user in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV SharePoint client.

Buffering of keyboard input for heads-down data entry

Not supported.

Select All feature in lists

Not supported.

Context-sensitive (F1) Help

Not supported.

The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Help action on Microsoft Dynamics NAV pages targets a general Help source for Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework. You can change the Help target in the web.config file for the Microsoft SharePoint application that is running Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework for Microsoft SharePoint 2010. For more information, see Configuring Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework.

Advanced filtering on pages

Not supported.

Application menu

Not supported.

System Actions

System actions are default actions in the Application menu and ribbon on pages and reports. System actions include the following:

  • Copy Link to Page

  • Recipient as Attachment

  • Save to Microsoft Word

  • Save to Microsoft Excel

  • Print Page

  • Set Work Date

  • Select Language

  • Select Server

  • Select Company

  • Customize

  • Show as Chart

  • Show as List

  • OneNote

  • Notes

  • Links

Not supported.

The actions are not available in the user interface.

Actions related to a subpage in a part when the subpage is dynamically shown or hidden based on a user interaction.

Partially supported.

The actions related to the subpage will always be present and active in the ribbon, even when the page is not shown. For an example, see page 5855 of the CRONUS International Ltd. demonstration database.


Partially supported.

The AssistEdit button will not appear on a field if the field or the page is in the view mode (not editable).


Partially supported.

The Up Arrow button will not appear on a field if the field or the page is in the view mode (not editable).

Also, unlike the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client, there is no advanced option in the lookup window for managing lookup items but there is filtering capability.

Drill down

Partially supported.

The property is not supported on fields in Repeater controls.

Filtering on request pages of reports

Partially supported.

There is a limit on the number of filters a user can set. The user can only specify one filter in addition to the number of filter fields that are set by the ReqFilterFields property.

See Also


How to: Install Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework


Getting Started with Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework
Accessibility Features of Microsoft Dynamics NAV SharePoint Client
Developing for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV SharePoint Client