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Copy Cost Budget Batch Job

Copies cost budget amounts within a budget or from budget to budget. You can copy a budget several times and enter a factor to increase or reduce the budget amounts.

The following examples describe what you can do with this batch job.

  • You can copy 12 monthly cost budgets for the current fiscal year to 12 monthly cost budgets for the coming fiscal year. This ensures that the budget amounts are placed in the correct cost types, cost centers and cost objects. If the figures need to be changed, you can use the Amount multiplication factorfield to increase or reduce the copied budget amounts.

  • You can copy the January budget figures 11 times to create budget amounts for the months February to December.

  • You can transfer budget figures from one cost center to another cost center.

  • You can copy a budget named Max to a budget named Min and, by using this maximum variant as a basis, define values for the minimum variant.


Field Description

Budget Name

Enter the name of the new cost budget.

Cost Type No.

Enter the cost type number.

Cost Center Code

Enter the cost center code.

Cost Object Code

Enter the cost object code.

Amount multiplication factor

Enter an adjustment factor to multiply the amounts you want to copy. By entering an adjustment factor, you can increase or decrease the amounts that are to be copied to the new budget.

No. of Copies

Enter a number to specify how many times the cost budget is copied.

Date Change Formula

Specify how the dates on the entries that are copied will be changed. For example, to copy last week's budget to this week, use the formula 1W, which is one week.


For more information on how to work with batch jobs, see How to: Run Batch Jobs and How to: Set Filters. For assistance in finding specific pages, see Search.

See Also


Copy G/L Budget to Cost Acctg.
Copy Cost Acctg. Budget to G/L
Transfer Budget to Actual

Other Resources

Cost Budget per Period
About Cost Accounting