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Configure Marketing Processes

To get started working with your contacts and marketing interests, some steps need to be taken to set up the feature. Managing your contacts and having a strategy in place to identify, attract, and retain customers will help optimize your business and increase customer satisfaction. Using a good contact management system will also help you create and maintain relationships with your customers. Communication is the key to these relationships. Being able to tailor communication with potential and existing customers, vendors, and business partners according to their needs, is necessary for companies to succeed.

Establishing a strategy and defining how your company uses contact information is a primary step. This information will be viewed by many different groups in your company, so having a good system in place will help everyone be more productive.

The following table describes a sequence of tasks, with links to the topics that describe them. These tasks are listed in the order in which they are generally performed.

To See

Configure general settings, such as where to store documents that you send and receive, set default language codes, territory codes, country/region codes, set up number series and other basic settings.

General Marketing Setup

Set up the contact details.

Setup Contacts