Dela via

ReqFilterHeadingML Property

Sets the text used as a ReqFilterHeading Property for a request page tab.

Applies To

  • Data items on reports.

  • Table elements on XMLports.


ReqFilterHeadingML is multilanguage enabled. This means that it can contain a list of text in different languages. The text that is used will be selected according to the current language setting of the user. The ReqFilterHeadingML property has the following format.

<Language ID>=<ReqFilterHeading>

<Language ID> is a Windows standard three-letter language ID and <ReqFilterHeading> is the caption text for this language. Semicolons separate entries.

You can enter values for the ReqFilterHeadingML property in the following ways:

  • If you enter a ReqFilterHeading, this value will be inserted in ReqFilterHeadingML as the value for the language that is currently selected. If the language is set to Danish when a value is entered in ReqFilterHeading, ReqFilterHeadingML will be updated with a DAN=<value

    > string. You have to use the abbreviated name (DAN for Danish, for example) of the languages.

  • When you choose the AssistEdit button in the ReqFilterHeadingML field, the Multilanguage Editor window opens. This window has two columns: Language and Value. The Language column is populated with all languages defined by Windows. For your convenience, the full names of the languages are displayed. The ReqFilterHeadingML value for a language is added by entering a value in the Value field for that language. To save the values that you set, you must close this window by choosing the OK button. If you close it by pressing the Esc key, then the ReqFilterHeadingML field is not updated.

See Also


Multilanguage Development