Dela via

Incoming Service example

This example creates a customer XML document and sends it to the queue the Incoming Service monitors. This example requires references to the System.Messaging and Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect.Serialization assemblies.

Notice how the example performs the following steps:

  • Creates an eConnect serialization object for a customer and populates its elements with data.
  • Creates an eConnect XML document that describes a new customer to add to Microsoft Dynamics GP.
  • Serializes the eConnect XML document object to create a string representation of the XML.
  • Specifies the MSMQ queue that will receive the message.
  • Places the string representation of the XML document in an MSMQ message object.
  • Sends the message to the specified queue.
Private Sub CreateCustomerSendtoMSMQ()
        'XML document compnents
        Dim eConnect As New eConnectType
        Dim CustomerType As New SMCustomerMasterType
        Dim MyCustomer As New taUpdateCreateCustomerRcd
        'Serialization objects
        Dim serializer As New XmlSerializer(GetType(eConnectType))
        Dim MemStream As New MemoryStream
        Dim sCustomerXmlDoc As String
        'Populate the MyCustomer object with data.
        With MyCustomer
            .CUSTNMBR = "JOEH0001"
            .CUSTNAME = "Joe Healy"
            .ADRSCODE = "PRIMARY"
            .ADDRESS1 = "789 First Ave N"
            .CITY = "Rollag"
            .STATE = "MN"
            .ZIPCODE = "23589"
        End With
        'Build the XML document
        CustomerType.taUpdateCreateCustomerRcd = MyCustomer
        ReDim eConnect.SMCustomerMasterType(0)
        eConnect.SMCustomerMasterType(0) = CustomerType
        'Serialize the XML document
        serializer.Serialize(MemStream, eConnect)
        MemStream.Position = 0
        'Use the Memory Stream to create an xml string
        Dim xmlreader As New XmlTextReader(MemStream)
        While xmlreader.Read
            sCustomerXmlDoc = sCustomerXmlDoc & xmlreader.ReadOuterXml & vbCr
        End While
        'Create the MSMQ queue and message objects
        Dim MyQueue As New MessageQueue(".\private$\econnect_incoming")
        Dim MyMessage As New Message
        Dim MyQueTrans As New MessageQueueTransaction
        Dim MyFormatter As New ActiveXMessageFormatter
        'Build the MSMQ message and send it to the queue
        MyMessage.Label = "eConnect Test with ActiveXMessageFormatter"
        MyMessage.Body = sCustomerXmlDoc
        MyMessage.Formatter = MyFormatter
        MyFormatter.Write(MyMessage, sCustomerXmlDoc)
        MyQueue.Send(MyMessage, MyQueTrans)
    Catch ex As System.Exception
        Debug.Write(ex.Message & vbCrLf & ex.StackTrace)
        SerializedXmlDoc.Text = ex.Message & vbCrLf & ex.StackTrace
    End Try
End Sub