Dela via

Time Zone Related Types

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

There are several data or object types that are related to date/time or time zone. Also, X++ has several intrinsic functions that are related to date/time or time zone.


The following tables list data and object types that are related to date/time or time zone.

Cc617101.collapse_all(en-us,AX.60).gifClass – Unrelated to Visual Controls

Type name in X++



A class whose members are mostly static methods. Used for parsing and translating utcdatetime values.

For more information, see DateTimeUtil Class.

Cc617101.collapse_all(en-us,AX.60).gifClass – Visual Controls

For more information about where visual controls related to date/time are used, see Time Zone and DateTime Display Controls.

Type name in X++



Displays a date/time value, and enables editing of the value.

Translates UTC date/time values both to and from a preferred time zone.


Displays a date/time value, and enables editing of the value.

Translates UTC date/time values both to and from a preferred time zone.


Displays a date/time value.

Translates a UTC date/time value to a preferred time zone.

Cc617101.collapse_all(en-us,AX.60).gifDatabase Table Columns

Type name



Stored date/time for a specific hour, minute, and second. Corresponds to utcdatetime in X++.

When you create a DateTime field on a table, the system always creates a hidden column with the same name except appended with the four letters TZId. The *TZId column is used to automatically store the time zone and DST information that was used to convert the local date/time to UTC.

System created DateTime fields on tables, like CreatedDateTime and ModifiedDateTime, do not have corresponding *TZId fields.


Stored date, corresponds to date in X++.

There is no *TZId column associated with this type. Date values are not associated with a time zone, and Date values are not converted to any time zone.

Birth date is a common example where the Date type is appropriate. No specific Time is associated with a birth date.


Stored time, corresponds to the timeOfDay extended data type.

There is no *TZId column associated with this type. Time values are not associated with a time zone, and Time values are not converted to any time zone.

The daily hours that a business is scheduled to be open is a common example of where the Time type could be used.


Type name



Based on int.

An int value of 0 is used for the UTC time zone.

Cc617101.collapse_all(en-us,AX.60).gifExtended Data Types

Type name



An integer count of the number of seconds since the start of a day.

Cc617101.collapse_all(en-us,AX.60).gifX++ Intrinsic Types

Type name in X++



Stores yyyy-mm-dd data, independent of any display format.

It is better to use utcdatetime whenever the time component is also needed.


Stores yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss data. Storage is independent of any display format.

X++ Functions

There are functions intrinsic to X++. A few of these functions are related to date/time.

The following functions can be used to convert between utcdatetime and string.

Function name



Converts a utcdatetime into a text string.

For more information, see datetime2Str Function.


Converts a text string into a utcdatetime.

For more information, see str2Datetime Function.

See also

Time Zone Overview and Terminology

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