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Personnel actions


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Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3

This topic contains answers to questions that you might have if your organization uses personnel actions. Personnel actions are additional steps that you must complete when you perform certain personnel-related tasks. Examples of tasks that might require personnel actions are when you create new positions, modify existing position values, hire new workers, transfer workers, change worker compensation, change position assignments, or terminate workers.


Personnel actions are available only if Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 or AX 2012 R3 is installed and the Personnel actions configuration key is selected.

How can I tell if my organization requires personnel actions?

Personnel actions are required by your organization if you are asked to select a personnel action when you create new positions, change existing positions, hire new workers, transfer workers, change worker compensation, change position assignments, terminate workers, or enter leave for workers.

You can also click Human resources > Common > Actions. If you don’t see an Actions option, your organization doesn’t use personnel actions.

What is the difference between a position action and a worker action?

There are two types of personnel actions:

  • Position action – A position action is performed on existing positions or new positions. For example, a position action might be required if you change a value on an existing position or if you create a new seasonal position. For detailed information about how to use position actions, see Key tasks: Existing worker positions or Key tasks: New worker positions.

  • Worker action – A worker action is performed on existing employees or new employees. For example, a worker action might be required when a new employee is hired or an existing employee is promoted. For detailed information about how to use worker actions, see Assign personnel actions to workers.


    Worker actions are available only if Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 or AX 2012 R3 is installed and the Personnel actions configuration key is selected.

Can I view a list of all my personnel actions?

No, you can’t view a list of all your personnel actions. However, you can use the Actions list pages to view all your position actions or all your worker actions. You can also view worker actions that have a specific status. Click Human resources > Common > Actions to access the following personnel action list pages:

  • Position actions – View a list of all pending and completed position actions.

  • All worker actions – View a list of all pending and completed worker actions.

  • Pending worker actions – View a list of worker actions that don’t have a status of Completed or Denied.

  • Completed worker actions – View a list of worker actions that have a status of Completed or Denied.


    Worker actions are available only if Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 or AX 2012 R3 is installed and the Personnel actions configuration key is selected.

What do the statuses of the personnel actions mean?

Personnel actions can have one of the following statuses:

  • Draft – If workflow is used, the action hasn’t been submitted. If workflow isn’t used, the action hasn’t been completed.

  • In review – The personnel action has been submitted to workflow, but the workflow is not completed.

  • Approved waiting – The workflow is completed, but the changes are still in process.

  • Canceled – The workflow was canceled or the personnel action was recalled.

  • Rejected – The action request was rejected by the approver.

  • Processing action – The action request has been approved and the changes are being processed.

  • Workflow complete – The workflow is completed and the changes have been processed.

  • Failed – The workflow failed because the information is out of date. Click Reactivate to display the latest information and continue.

  • Completed – The position was successfully created or modified, or the employee was successfully hired, transferred, or terminated, or had their compensation changed.

  • Error – A problem occurred other than information being out of date. Open the Personnel actions message log to determine the cause of the error.

  • Denied – The action request was denied by the approver.

Can I delete a personnel action?

Yes, you can delete personnel actions that have a status of Draft, Error, Failed, or Canceled.

What is the fastest way to tell if there are attachments assigned to a personnel action?

Open any of the personnel action list pages and select a personnel action. The Related information section in the FactBox displays the number of attachments that are assigned to it.


Click Attachments on the Action Pane to view the attachments. All the attachments are displayed. These include notes and website links. To add an attachment, click New.

What is the fastest way to check the status of a personnel action request?

Open any of the personnel action list pages and select a personnel action. The status appears in the Review process details FactBox.

What should I do if a personnel action request fails?

If a personnel action request fails, follow these steps to resolve the error and resubmit the request:

  1. On the Action Pane, click the Error text button to view the message text that describes the problem.

  2. On the Action Pane, click Reactivate to load the latest information and set the status of the personnel action back to Draft.

  3. Resolve the error, and then click Complete or Submit.


    If you received an error message that says a worker already exists, but you want to add the new worker anyway, you can open the personnel action and clear the Check for duplicates box on the Action tab to resolve the error.

What happens to a personnel action that uses workflow when the final approval is completed?

If there are no errors, the personnel action becomes read-only. (You can view the history on the All worker actions list page, but you can’t change the personnel action.) When the status of a personnel action is Completed, the position or worker record has already been updated. To view the changes that were performed, open the Positions or Workers list page.

Why do I get this error when I click Submit or Complete? “The Plan field in the Compensation fast tab is required because a fixed compensation action is assigned. Click Reactivate and then clear both fields if you do not want to enter compensation.”

This message is displayed when a fixed compensation action is assigned and a plan is also required. Your system administrator has mapped a fixed compensation action to the personnel action that you selected. This saves you time when you enter data because these fields are typically very similar. When a fixed compensation action is assigned, the Plan field is required, which is why you receive this error message.

To resolve this error, follow these steps:

  1. On the Compensation tab, select a plan.

  2. If you don’t want to assign compensation yet, select the value in the Fixed compensation action field and delete it.


If you find that you’re clearing this field too often, you can ask your system administrator to remove the association in the Personnel action types form. Alternatively, the system administrator can create a new personnel action type that has the Fixed compensation action field cleared in the Personnel action types form.

Why do I receive the following error when I enter a non-zero value in the Pay rate field? “The value is out of its valid range - it must be between 0.00 and 0.00”

You receive this message because the Level field in the Job form is blank for the job that is associated with the selected position.

To resolve this error, follow these steps:

  1. On the Worker position assignments tab, right-click in the Position field and select View details.

  2. Click the Job field value (the link) to open the Job form.

  3. On the Action Pane, click Edit.

  4. Click the Compensation tab.

  5. In the Level field, select a level.

  6. Close the Job form.

  7. Close the Position form.

  8. Return to the Compensation tab on the Worker form, select a value in the Plan field, and then enter the employee’s compensation in the Pay rate field.

Why can’t I change the effective date in the header of the Worker action form?

You can’t change the effective date because the field is populated with the most logical date for the action type.

For example:

  • The effective date in the header of a Terminate a worker action is the date that you entered in the Termination date field.

  • The effective date of a Hire a worker action is the date that you entered in the Employment start date field.

  • The effective date of a Transfer a worker action is the date that you entered in the Assignment start date/time field for the worker.

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