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Microsoft Dynamics Business Analyzer

Microsoft Dynamics Business Analyzer provides a dashboard where you can view and interact with reports, charts, or KPIs for your Microsoft Dynamics ERP solution.  Choose from a set of default reports based on a specific role or personalize the application with the reports that are most important to you.

Devices and configuration

Windows 8.1 Tablet or PC

  1. Install the app. Windows Store app download
  2. Open Business Analyzer.
  3. Swipe in from the right edge of your screen or press Windows logo + C and then click Settings.
  4. Tap or click Configuration.
  5. Turn the Sample Report Mode setting off.
  6. Enter your username and password.
  7. Enter the connection string that was provided to you after you configured the companion application services for Business Analyzer.

Apple device (iOS 7.1)

  1. Install the app. iTunes App Store app download
  2. Open Business Analyzer.
  3. Tap the ellipsis ( …) in the upper or lower area of your screen.
  4. Tap Settings, and then tap or click Configuration.
  5. Turn the Sample Report Mode setting off.
  6. Enter your username and password.
  7. Enter the connection string that was provided to you after you configured the companion application services for Business Analyzer.

Windows Phone 8

  1. Open Business Analyzer.
  2. Tap the Settings icon on the lower action bar.
  3. Turn the Sample Report Mode setting off and select your Report Server Mode.
  4. If the report server mode is Native, enter the URL for the report server where your Microsoft Dynamics reports are deployed. If your reports are deployed to a specific folder on your report server, enter the name of the folder in the Folder field. If the report server mode is SharePoint Integrated, enter the document library location where your Microsoft Dynamics reports are deployed.
  5. Enter your credentials and domain name for the domain that your report server is joined to.
  6. To automatically refresh your reports when you start the application, turn on the Auto refresh reports when I launch the application setting.
  7. Tap the check mark icon to connect.

Microsoft Dynamics ERP integration

Microsoft Dynamics Business Analyzer integrates with Microsoft Dynamics GP, Microsoft Dynamics AX, and Microsoft Dynamics SL. Before you can use this app to view Microsoft Dynamics ERP data, you must configure your Microsoft Dynamcis ERP environment to integrate with the app. For more information, refer to the information in the following sections.

Microsoft Dynamics GP

Before you can use the Windows 8 Business Analyzer app with Microsoft Dynamics GP, you must install and configure the Microsoft Dynamics GP Companion Application Services. For more information, see Microsoft Dynamics GP Companion Application Services Configurator white paper.

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Before you can use the Windows 8 Business Analyzer app with Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, you must configure your Microsoft Dynamics AX environment and the Business Analyzer app. For more information, see Microsoft Dynamics AX Mobile Connector white paper.

Microsoft Dynamics SL

Refer to the section “Installing Business Analyzer on Windows 8/Windows Server 2012” in the BusinessAnalyzer.pdf document in your Microsoft Dynamics SL product documentation for more information.

Q & A

The information in this topic provides answers to some of the frequently asked questions about Business Analyzer.

Why can’t I find the app in the Windows store?

Business Analyzer is currently only available in US English and is available for most countries/regions. To determine if the app is available within your country/region, go to the app download page.

Why isn’t a newly created report showing up when I try to add it to the home screen?

Business Analyzer caches metadata about the reports that are available to add to your home screen. Whenever you create new reports and before you can select the report to display in Business Analyzer, you need to refresh the metadata. To refresh this metadata, navigate to the screen where you select the reports to add and tap or click the command Refresh.

What will happen to the report data when I uninstall the application?

Nothing. Business Analyzer uses your local device storage for its cache, which means that it stores a view of your report data on your device. When you uninstall Business Analyzer from your device, the “view” of that data is removed from your device, but the actual report data remains unmodified in its source location. When you uninstall and then reinstall the app, your old Business Analyzer cache is removed and a new cache is created.

Why aren’t all of my Microsoft Dynamics GP reports available in the Windows 8 app?

Only your Microsoft Dynamics GP reports that are available within one of the Charts and KPIs sub-folders in your report library are available in Business Analyzer. Also, if your report file name contains the text “KPI”, the report will be included in the KPI gallery and section.

Why don’t I see today’s date in my charts on my start screen?

Charts are cached from the last time you viewed them using Business Analyzer. You must refresh your data. Swipe up from the bottom of the screen, or right-click and then tap or click Refresh.

I downloaded the updated app. Why don’t I see the updated features?

Some updates may require that the companion application services be updated also. Talk to your system administrator or review the information for your ERP system in the following white papers for more information.

Why do I see the following error messages?

"Oops, something went wrong. Exit the application or modify your configuration information."

  • Network disruption
  • There are security problems between the service and your data. For example, you can connect to the Business Analyzer but not to the Reporting Services
  • Your service configuration string is wrong

"Your Business Analyzer service is not configured properly. The application will start in sample mode.”

  • This error message could be displayed because your Reporting Services server is not properly configured. Verify that you have the necessary configuration reports for your Reporting Services.

"Your Business Analyzer service was recently updated. Please select your reports again.”

  • The Business Analyzer service was updated to point to different Reporting Services.
  • The Microsoft Dynamics GP companion application service for Business Analyzer was changed from sample mode to point to a live service or vice versa.

"Your Business Analyzer service is not configured properly.”

  • This error message could be displayed because your Reporting Services server is not properly configured. Verify that you have the necessary configuration reports for your Reporting Services.