Dela via

IMetaDataEmit::TranslateSigWithScope Method

Imports an assembly into the current scope and gets a new metadata signature for the merged scope.

HRESULT TranslateSigWithScope ( 
    [in]  IMetaDataAssemblyImport   *pAssemImport, 
    [in]  const void                *pbHashValue, 
    [in]  ULONG                     cbHashValue, 
    [in]  IMetaDataImport           *import, 
    [in]  PCCOR_SIGNATURE           pbSigBlob, 
    [in]  ULONG                     cbSigBlob,
    [in]  IMetaDataAssemblyEmit     *pAssemEmit, 
    [in]  IMetaDataEmit             *emit, 
    [out] PCOR_SIGNATURE            pvTranslatedSig, 
    [in]  ULONG                     cbTranslatedSigMax, 
    [out] ULONG                     *pcbTranslatedSig 


  • pAssemImport
    [in] The interface for import assembly (where the signature is defined).

  • pbHashValue
    [in] The hash blob for the assembly.

  • cbHashValue
    [in] The count of bytes in pbHashValue.

  • import
    [in] The interface for import metadata scope.

  • pbSigBlob
    [in] The signature to be imported.

  • cbSigBlob
    [in] The size, in bytes, of pbSigBlob.

  • pAssemEmit
    [in] The interface for export assembly.

  • emit
    [in] The interface for export metadata scope.

  • pvTranslatedSig
    [out] The buffer to hold the translated signature blob.

  • cbTranslatedSigMax
    [in] The capacity, in bytes, of pvTranslatedSig.

  • pcbTranslatedSig
    [out] The number of actual bytes in the translated signature.


Platforms: See .NET Framework System Requirements.

Header: Cor.h

Library: Used as a resource in MSCorEE.dll

.NET Framework Versions: 4, 3.5 SP1, 3.5, 3.0 SP1, 3.0, 2.0 SP1, 2.0, 1.1, 1.0

See Also


IMetaDataAssemblyEmit Interface

IMetaDataAssemblyImport Interface

IMetaDataEmit Interface

IMetaDataEmit2 Interface

IMetaDataImport Interface