.gif) |
RibbonApplicationMenuAutomationPeer |
Exposes RibbonApplicationMenu types to UI Automation. |
.gif) |
RibbonAutomationPeer |
Exposes Ribbon types to UI Automation. |
.gif) |
RibbonButtonAutomationPeer |
Exposes RibbonButton types to UI Automation. |
.gif) |
RibbonCheckBoxAutomationPeer |
Exposes RibbonCheckBox types to UI Automation. |
.gif) |
RibbonComboBoxAutomationPeer |
Exposes RibbonComboBox types to UI Automation. |
.gif) |
RibbonContextMenuAutomationPeer |
Exposes RibbonContextMenu types to UI Automation. |
.gif) |
RibbonContextualTabGroupAutomationPeer |
Exposes RibbonContextualTabGroup types to UI Automation. |
.gif) |
RibbonContextualTabGroupDataAutomationPeer |
Exposes RibbonContextualTabGroup types to UI Automation when a RibbonContextualTabGroup is collapsed. |
.gif) |
RibbonContextualTabGroupItemsControlAutomationPeer |
Exposes RibbonContextualTabGroupItemsControl types to UI Automation. |
.gif) |
RibbonControlAutomationPeer |
Exposes RibbonControl types to UI Automation. |
.gif) |
RibbonControlDataAutomationPeer |
Exposes RibbonControl types to UI Automation. |
.gif) |
RibbonControlGroupAutomationPeer |
Exposes RibbonControlGroup types to UI Automation. |
.gif) |
RibbonGalleryAutomationPeer |
Expose RibbonGallery types to UI Automation. |
.gif) |
RibbonGalleryCategoryAutomationPeer |
Exposes RibbonGalleryCategory types to UI Automation. |
.gif) |
RibbonGalleryCategoryDataAutomationPeer |
Exposes RibbonGalleryCategory types to UI Automation. |
.gif) |
RibbonGalleryItemAutomationPeer |
Exposes RibbonGalleryItem types to UI Automation. |
.gif) |
RibbonGalleryItemDataAutomationPeer |
Exposes RibbonGalleryItem types to UI Automation. |
.gif) |
RibbonGroupAutomationPeer |
Exposes RibbonGroup types to UI Automation. |
.gif) |
RibbonGroupDataAutomationPeer |
Exposes RibbonGroup types to UI Automation. |
.gif) |
RibbonGroupHeaderAutomationPeer |
Exposes the header of RibbonGroup types to UI Automation when a RibbonGroup is collapsed. |
.gif) |
RibbonMenuButtonAutomationPeer |
Exposes RibbonMenuButton types to UI Automation. |
.gif) |
RibbonMenuItemAutomationPeer |
Exposes RibbonMenuItem types to UI Automation. |
.gif) |
RibbonMenuItemDataAutomationPeer |
Represents the data contained in a RibbonMenuItem. |
.gif) |
RibbonQuickAccessToolBarAutomationPeer |
Exposes RibbonQuickAccessToolBar types to UI Automation. |
.gif) |
RibbonRadioButtonAutomationPeer |
Exposes RibbonRadioButton types to UI Automation. |
.gif) |
RibbonSeparatorAutomationPeer |
Exposes RibbonSeparator types to UI Automation. |
.gif) |
RibbonSplitButtonAutomationPeer |
Exposes RibbonSplitButton types to UI Automation. |
.gif) |
RibbonTabAutomationPeer |
Exposes RibbonTab types to UI Automation. |
.gif) |
RibbonTabDataAutomationPeer |
Exposes RibbonTab types to UI Automation. |
.gif) |
RibbonTabHeaderAutomationPeer |
Exposes RibbonTabHeader types to UI Automation. |
.gif) |
RibbonTabHeaderDataAutomationPeer |
Exposes RibbonTabHeader types to UI Automation. |
.gif) |
RibbonTabHeaderItemsControlAutomationPeer |
Exposes RibbonTabHeaderItemsControl types to UI Automation. |
.gif) |
RibbonTextBoxAutomationPeer |
Exposes RibbonTextBox types to UI Automation. |
.gif) |
RibbonTitleAutomationPeer |
Exposes the title of the Ribbon to UI Automation. |
.gif) |
RibbonToggleButtonAutomationPeer |
Exposes RibbonToggleButton types to UI Automation. |
.gif) |
RibbonToolTipAutomationPeer |
Exposes RibbonToolTip types to UI Automation. |
.gif) |
RibbonTwoLineTextAutomationPeer |
Exposes RibbonTwoLineText types to UI Automation. |