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Microsoft.Windows.Shell Namespace

Contains types that provide managed code access to the enhanced functionality of the Windows 7 taskbar, and enable Windows Presentation Foundation applications to interact with the non-client area of a window.

The Windows 7 taskbar provides enhanced functionality that enables you to use the taskbar button to communicate status to a user and expose common tasks when the window is minimized or hidden. The taskbar functionality exposed by the types in the Microsoft.Windows.Shell namespace is not available in versions of Windows prior to Windows 7. In Windows 7, some functionality might not be available depending on the user's settings.


  Class Description
Public class JumpItem Represents the base class for the JumpPath and JumpTask classes.
Public class JumpItemsRejectedEventArgs Provides data for the JumpItemsRejected event.
Public class JumpItemsRemovedEventArgs Provides data for the JumpItemsRemovedByUser event.
Public class JumpList Represents a list of items and tasks displayed as a menu on a Windows 7 taskbar button.
Public class JumpPath Represents a link to a file that is displayed in a Windows 7 taskbar Jump List.
Public class JumpTask Represents a shortcut to an application in the Windows 7 taskbar Jump List.
Public class SystemCommands Defines routed commands that are common to window management.
Public class SystemParameters2 Contains properties that you can use to query system settings of the non-client area of a window.
Public class TaskbarItemInfo Represents information about how the taskbar thumbnail is displayed.
Public class ThumbButtonInfo Represents information about how to display a button in the Windows 7 taskbar thumbnail.
Public class ThumbButtonInfoCollection Represents a collection of ThumbButtonInfo objects that are associated with a Window.
Public class WindowChrome Represents an object that describes the customizations to the non-client area of a window.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration JumpItemRejectionReason Describes why a JumpItem could not be added to the Jump List by the Windows shell.
Public enumeration NonClientFrameEdges Specifies constants that indicate which edges of the window frame are not owned by the client.
Public enumeration ResizeGripDirection Specifies constants that indicate the direction of the resize grip behavior on an input element.
Public enumeration TaskbarItemProgressState Specifies the state of the progress indicator in the Windows taskbar.