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Profiling Global Static Functions

This section describes the unmanaged API functions that the profiling API uses.

In This Section

.NET Framework version 1 Profiling Functions

  • FunctionEnter Function
    Notifies the profiler that control is being passed to a function. Deprecated in the .NET Framework 2.0.

  • FunctionLeave Function
    Notifies the profiler that a function is about to return to the caller. Deprecated in the .NET Framework 2.0.

  • FunctionTailcall Function
    Notifies the profiler that the currently executing function is about to perform a tail call to another function. Deprecated in the .NET Framework 2.0.

.NET Framework version 2 Profiling Functions

  • FunctionIDMapper Function
    Notifies the profiler that the given identifier of a function may be remapped to an alternative ID to be used in the FunctionEnter2, FunctionLeave2, and FunctionTailcall2 callbacks for that function. Also enables the profiler to indicate whether it wants to receive callbacks for that function

  • FunctionEnter2 Function
    Notifies the profiler that control is being passed to a function and provides information about the stack frame and function arguments. Deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.

  • FunctionLeave2 Function
    Notifies the profiler that a function is about to return to the caller and provides information about the stack frame and function return value. Deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.

  • FunctionTailcall2 Function
    Notifies the profiler that the currently executing function is about to perform a tail call to another function and provides information about the stack frame. Deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.

  • StackSnapshotCallback Function
    Provides the profiler with information about each managed frame and each run of unmanaged frames on the stack during a stack walk, which is initiated by the ICorProfilerInfo2::DoStackSnapshot method.

.NET Framework version 4 Profiling Functions

Profiling Overview

Profiling Interfaces

Profiling Enumerations

Profiling Structures