Performing Culture-Insensitive String Comparisons
By default, the String.Compare method performs culture-sensitive and case-sensitive comparisons. This method also includes several overloads that provide a culture parameter that lets you specify the culture to use, and a comparisonType parameter that lets you specify the comparison rules to use. Calling these methods instead of the default overload removes any ambiguity about the rules used in a particular method call, and makes it clear whether a particular comparison is culture-sensitive or culture-insensitive.
Both overloads of the String.CompareTo method perform culture-sensitive and case-sensitive comparisons; you cannot use this method to perform culture-insensitive comparisons. For code clarity, we recommend that you use the String.Compare method instead.
For culture-sensitive operations, specify the StringComparison.CurrentCulture or StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase enumeration value as the comparisonType parameter. If you want to perform a culture-sensitive comparison using a designated culture other than the current culture, specify the CultureInfo object that represents that culture as the culture parameter.
The culture-insensitive string comparisons supported by the String.Compare method are either linguistic (based on the sorting conventions of the invariant culture) or non-linguistic (based on the ordinal value of the characters in the string). Most culture-insensitive string comparisons are non-linguistic. For these comparisons, specify the StringComparison.Ordinal or StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase enumeration value as the comparisonType parameter. For example, if a security decision (such as a user name or password comparison) is based on the result of a string comparison, the operation should be culture-insensitive and non-linguistic to ensure that the result is not affected by the conventions of a particular culture or language. (See Custom Case Mappings and Sorting Rules for an example that demonstrates how culture-sensitive string comparisons can produce inconsistent results.)
Use culture-insensitive linguistic string comparison if you want to handle linguistically relevant strings from multiple cultures in a consistent way. For example, if your application displays words that use multiple character sets in a list box, you might want to display words in the same order regardless of the current culture. For culture-insensitive linguistic comparisons, the .NET Framework defines an invariant culture that is based on the linguistic conventions of English. To perform a culture-insensitive linguistic comparison, specify StringComparison.InvariantCulture or StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase as the comparisonType parameter.
The following example performs two culture-insensitive, non-linguistic string comparisons. The first is case-sensitive, but the second is not.
Public Class CompareSample
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim string1 As String = "file"
Dim string2 As String = "FILE"
Dim compareResult As Integer
compareResult = String.Compare(string1, string2, _
Console.WriteLine("{0} comparison of '{1}' and '{2}': {3}",
StringComparison.Ordinal, string1, string2,
compareResult = String.Compare(string1, string2,
Console.WriteLine("{0} comparison of '{1}' and '{2}': {3}",
StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase, string1, string2,
End Sub
End Class
' The example displays the following output:
' Ordinal comparison of 'file' and 'FILE': 32
' OrdinalIgnoreCase comparison of 'file' and 'FILE': 0
using System;
public class CompareSample
public static void Main()
string string1 = "file";
string string2 = "FILE";
int compareResult = 0;
compareResult = String.Compare(string1, string2,
Console.WriteLine("{0} comparison of '{1}' and '{2}': {3}",
StringComparison.Ordinal, string1, string2,
compareResult = String.Compare(string1, string2,
Console.WriteLine("{0} comparison of '{1}' and '{2}': {3}",
StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase, string1, string2,
// The example displays the following output:
// Ordinal comparison of 'file' and 'FILE': 32
// OrdinalIgnoreCase comparison of 'file' and 'FILE': 0
See Also
Comparing and Sorting Data for a Specific Culture
Best Practices for Using Strings in the .NET Framework