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How to: Implement Events in Your Class

The following procedures describe how to implement an event in a class. The first procedure implements an event that does not have associated data; it uses the classes System.EventArgs and System.EventHandler for the event data and delegate handler. The second procedure implements an event with custom data; it defines custom classes for the event data and the event delegate handler.


   This topic shows how to declare and raise an event in a class. It does not show how to define an event handler that consumes that event. For information about how to consume events, see Consuming Events and How to: Raise and Consume Events.

For a complete example that illustrates raising and handling events, see How to: Raise and Consume Events.

To implement an event without event-specific data

  1. Define a public event member in your class. Set the type of the event member to a System.EventHandler delegate.

    Public Class Countdown
        ' ...
        Public Event CountdownCompleted As EventHandler
    End Class
    public class Countdown 
        // ...
        public event EventHandler CountdownCompleted;   
  2. Provide a protected method in your class that raises the event. Name the method OnEventName. Raise the event within the method. Note that the C# code should check to determine whether the event is null before raising the event. This eliminates the need to handle the NullReferenceException that is thrown when an event is raised but no event handlers have been attached to it. This check is necessary in this case because the CountDown class simply raises the event but does not provide a handler for it.

    Public Class Countdown
       ' ...
       Public Event CountdownCompleted As EventHandler
       Protected Overridable Sub OnCountdownCompleted(e As EventArgs)
          RaiseEvent CountdownCompleted(Me, e)
       End Sub
    End Class
    public class Countdown 
        public event EventHandler CountdownCompleted;   
        protected virtual void OnCountdownCompleted(EventArgs e)
            if (CountdownCompleted != null)
                CountdownCompleted(this, e);
  3. Determine when to raise the event in your class. Call OnEventName to raise the event.

    Public Class Countdown
       Dim internalCounter As Integer = 0
        ' ...
       Public Event CountdownCompleted As EventHandler
       Protected Overridable Sub OnCountdownCompleted(e As EventArgs)
          RaiseEvent CountdownCompleted(Me, e)
       End Sub
       Public Sub Decrement()
          internalCounter -= 1
          If internalCounter = 0
             OnCountdownCompleted(New EventArgs())
          End If
       End Sub
    End Class
    public class Countdown 
       int internalCounter = 0;
       // ...
       public event EventHandler CountdownCompleted;   
        protected virtual void OnCountdownCompleted(EventArgs e)
            if (CountdownCompleted != null)
                CountdownCompleted(this, e);
       public void Decrement()
          if (internalCounter == 0)
             OnCountdownCompleted(new EventArgs());

To implement an event with event-specific data

  1. Define a class that provides data for the event. Name the class EventNameArgs, derive the class from System.EventArgs, and add any event-specific members.

    Public Class AlarmEventArgs : Inherits EventArgs
       Private nRings As Integer = 0
       Private pressed As Boolean = False
       Private text As String = "The alarm is ringing!"
       ' Constructor.
       Public Sub New(ByVal snoozePressed As Boolean, ByVal nRings As Integer) 
          Me.pressed = snoozePressed
          Me.nRings = nRings
       End Sub
       ' Properties.
       Public Property AlarmText() As String
             Return Me.text
          End Get
             Me.text = value
          End Set  
       End Property 
       Public ReadOnly Property NumRings() As Integer
             Return Me.nRings
          End Get   
       End Property 
       Public ReadOnly Property SnoozePressed() As Boolean
             Return Me.pressed
          End Get
       End Property
    End Class
    public class AlarmEventArgs : EventArgs 
       private readonly int nRings = 0;
       private readonly bool pressed = false;
       private string text = "The alarm is ringing!";
       // Constructor.
       public AlarmEventArgs(bool snoozePressed, int nRings) 
          this.pressed = snoozePressed;
          this.nRings = nRings;
       // Properties.
       public string AlarmText {  
          get { return text; }
          set { this.text = value; }
       public int NumRings {
          get { return nRings; }
       public bool SnoozePressed {
          get { return pressed; }
  2. Declare a delegate for the event. Name the delegate EventNameEventHandler.

    Public Delegate Sub AlarmEventHandler(sender As Object, e As AlarmEventArgs)
    public delegate void AlarmEventHandler(object sender, AlarmEventArgs e);
  3. Define a public event member named EventName in your class. Set the type of the event member to the event delegate type.

    Public Class AlarmClock
        ' ...
        Public Event Alarm As AlarmEventHandler
    End Class
    public class AlarmClock 
        // ...
        public event AlarmEventHandler Alarm;
  4. Define a protected method in your class that raises the event. Name the method OnEventName. Raise the event within the method. Note that the C# code should check to determine whether the event is null before raising the event. This eliminates the need to handle the NullReferenceException that is thrown when an event is raised but no event handlers have been attached to it. This check is necessary in this case because the CountDown class simply raises the event but does not provide a handler for it.

    Public Class AlarmClock
        ' ...
        Public Event Alarm As AlarmEventHandler
        Protected Overridable Sub OnAlarm(e As AlarmEventArgs)
            RaiseEvent Alarm(Me, e)
        End Sub
    End Class
    public class AlarmClock 
        // ...
        public event AlarmEventHandler Alarm;
        protected virtual void OnAlarm(AlarmEventArgs e)
          if (Alarm != null) 
              Alarm(this, e); 
  5. Determine when to raise the event in your class. Call OnEventName to raise the event and pass in the event-specific data by using EventNameEventArgs.

    Public Class AlarmClock
        Public Sub Start
            ' ...
            Dim e As AlarmEventArgs = New AlarmEventArgs(False, 0)
        End Sub
        Public Event Alarm As AlarmEventHandler
        Protected Overridable Sub OnAlarm(e As AlarmEventArgs)
            RaiseEvent Alarm(Me, e)
        End Sub
    End Class
    public class AlarmClock 
        public void Start()
            // ...
            AlarmEventArgs e = new AlarmEventArgs(false, 0);
        public event AlarmEventHandler Alarm;
        protected virtual void OnAlarm(AlarmEventArgs e)
          if (Alarm != null) 
              Alarm(this, e); 


The following example defines a DiskSpaceMonitor class that uses an event to produce a warning whenever free disk space falls below a percentage that is defined in a configuration file. It also defines a DiskSpaceWarningEventArgs class to provide custom data on disk free space to event handlers.

Imports System.Collections.Specialized
Imports System.Configuration
Imports System.IO

Public Class DiskSpaceWarningEventArgs : Inherits EventArgs
   Dim currentFreeSpace As Long
   Dim currentTotalSpace As Long
   Dim driveName As String

   Public Sub New(name As String, freeSpace As Long, totalSpace As Long)
      Me.driveName = name
      Me.currentFreeSpace = freeSpace
      Me.currentTotalSpace = totalSpace
   End Sub

   Public ReadOnly Property Name As String
         Return Me.driveName
      End Get
   End Property

   Public ReadOnly Property FreeSpace As Long
         Return Me.currentFreeSpace 
      End Get
   End Property

   Public ReadOnly Property TotalSpace As Long
         Return Me.currentTotalSpace
      End Get
   End Property
End Class

Public Delegate Sub DiskSpaceWarningEventHandler(sender As Object, _
                                                 e As DiskSpaceWarningEventArgs)

Public Class DiskSpaceMonitor
   Public Event DiskSpaceWarning As DiskSpaceWarningEventHandler
   Private threshhold As Decimal 

   Public Sub New()
      ' Retrieve threshhold to fire event from configuration file.
         Dim settings As NameValueCollection = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings
         Me.threshhold = CDec(settings.Item("Threshhold"))
      ' If there is no configuration file, provide a default value.
      Catch e As ConfigurationErrorsException
         Me.threshhold = 10d
      Catch e As InvalidCastException
         Me.threshhold = 10d
      End Try               
   End Sub

   Public Sub CheckFreeSpace
      ' Get drives present on system.
      Dim drives() As DriveInfo = DriveInfo.GetDrives()
      For Each drive As DriveInfo In drives
         If drive.IsReady Then
            If drive.TotalFreeSpace/drive.TotalSize <= Me.threshhold Then
               OnDiskSpaceWarning(New DiskSpaceWarningEventArgs(drive.Name, _
                                  drive.TotalFreeSpace, drive.TotalSize))
            End If
         End If
   End Sub

   Protected Sub OnDiskSpaceWarning(e As DiskSpaceWarningEventArgs)
      RaiseEvent DiskSpaceWarning(me, e)
   End Sub
End Class
using System;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Configuration;
using System.IO;

public class DiskSpaceWarningEventArgs : EventArgs
   private long currentFreeSpace;
   private long currentTotalSpace;
   private string driveName;

   public DiskSpaceWarningEventArgs(string name, long freeSpace, long totalSpace)
      this.driveName = name;
      this.currentFreeSpace = freeSpace;
      this.currentTotalSpace = totalSpace;

   public string Name
      get { return this.driveName; }

   public long FreeSpace
      get { return this.currentFreeSpace; }

   public long TotalSpace
      get { return this.currentTotalSpace; }

public delegate void DiskSpaceWarningEventHandler(object sender, 
                                                  DiskSpaceWarningEventArgs e);

public class DiskSpaceMonitor
   public event DiskSpaceWarningEventHandler DiskSpaceWarning;
   private decimal threshhold;

   public DiskSpaceMonitor()
      // Retrieve threshhold to fire event from configuration file.
         NameValueCollection settings = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings;
         this.threshhold = Convert.ToDecimal(settings["Threshhold"]);
      // If there is no configuration file, provide a default value.
      catch (ConfigurationErrorsException)
         this.threshhold = 10m;
      catch (InvalidCastException)
         this.threshhold = 10m;

   public void CheckFreeSpace()
      // Get drives present on system.
      DriveInfo[] drives = DriveInfo.GetDrives();
      foreach (DriveInfo drive in drives)
         if (drive.IsReady)
            if (drive.TotalFreeSpace/drive.TotalSize <= this.threshhold)
               OnDiskSpaceWarning(new DiskSpaceWarningEventArgs(drive.Name, 
                                  drive.TotalFreeSpace, drive.TotalSize));

   protected void OnDiskSpaceWarning(DiskSpaceWarningEventArgs e)
      if (DiskSpaceWarning != null)
         DiskSpaceWarning(this, e);

Instead of using the EventArgs class to provide event data, the example defines a custom event data class named DiskSpaceWarningEventArgs. It provides event handlers with the drive name, as well as the amount of free and total space available on the drive. The example also defines a delegate, DiskSpaceWarningEventHandler, that represents the event signature.

The DiskSpaceMonitor class defines the DiskSpaceWarning event and also provides an OnDiskSpaceWarning method that raises the event. The OnDiskSpaceWarning method is, in turn, called by the CheckFreeSpace method when it detects that the free space available on a drive is less than or equal to a percentage that is defined in a configuration file.

See Also


How to: Raise and Consume Events


Events and Delegates

Raising an Event

Other Resources

Handling and Raising Events