Verifies a signature against a hash using Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS1) padding.
__stdcall VerifyHash(
__in DWORD cbHash,
__in_bcount( cbHash ) BYTE* pHash,
__in LPCWSTR hashAlgOid,
__in DWORD cbSig,
__in_bcount( cbSig ) BYTE* pSig,
__out BOOL* pfVerified );
Parameter | Description |
hCrypto |
Handle to the cryptography object associated with a previously released security token. |
cbHash |
The length, in bytes, for both the input and output buffers. |
pHash |
The data to be decrypted. |
hashAlgOid |
The string OID that identifies the hash algorithm used to produce the data to be decrypted in pHash. Supported values are the OIDs for MD5 and SHA1. |
cbSig |
The length of the signature to verify. |
pSig |
A pointer to a buffer that contains the signature to verify. |
pfVerified |
On return, contains true if the signature matches the hash; otherwise, false. |
Property Value/Return Value
HRESULT: If any of the parameters are NULL or 0, E_INVALIDARG is returned.
Windows Vista
Header: Declared in infocard.h.
Library: Use infocardapi.lib.
See Also
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