UI Automation Control Pattern Samples
This section contains sample applications that demonstrate the use of control patterns in UI Automation client applications.
In This Section
InvokePattern, ExpandCollapsePattern, and TogglePattern Sample
This sample demonstrates the Microsoft UI Automation ExpandCollapsePattern, InvokePattern, and TogglePattern control pattern classes.SelectionPattern and SelectionItemPattern Sample
This sample demonstrates the Microsoft UI Automation SelectionPattern and SelectionItemPattern control pattern classes.TextPattern Search and Selection Sample
This sample demonstrates the Microsoft UI Automation TextPattern and TextPatternRange classes.ValuePattern Insert Text Sample
This sample demonstrates how to use both Microsoft UI Automation and unmanaged methods to input text into standard Win32 text controls. The target text controls are a single-line text box, a multi-line text box and a rich text box.WindowPattern Sample
This sample demonstrates how to use the Microsoft UI Automation WindowPattern control pattern to control the screen location of a top-level window as well as register and listen for standard window events.