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Remoting Settings Schema

Contains tags used to put custom settings in remoting application configuration files.

         <channels> (Instance)
            <channel> (Instance)
               <serverProviders> (Instance)
                  <provider> (Instance)
                  <formatter> (Instance)
               <clientProviders> (Instance)
                  <provider> (Instance)
                  <formatter> (Instance)
            <wellknown> (Client Instance)
            <activated> (Client Instance)
            <wellknown> (Service Instance)
            <activated> (Service Instance)
      <channels> (Template)
         <channel> (Template)
            <serverProviders> (Instance)
               <provider> (Instance)
               <formatter> (Instance)
            <clientProviders> (Instance)
               <provider> (Instance)
               <formatter> (Instance)
            <serverProviders> (Template)
               <provider> (Template)
               <formatter> (Template)
            <clientProviders> (Template)
               <provider> (Template)
               <formatter> (Template)

Element Description
<system.runtime.remoting> Contains information about remote objects and channels.
<application> Contains information about remote objects the application consumes and exposes.
<lifetime> Contains information about the lifetime of all client-activated objects serviced by this application.
<channels> (Instance) Contains channels that the application uses to communicate with remote objects.
<channel> (Instance) Configures the channel that the application uses to communicate with remote objects.
<serverProviders> (Instance) Contains providers for channel sinks that are to become part of the default server-side channel sink call chain for this channel template when the template is referenced elsewhere in the configuration file.
<provider> (Instance) Contains the channel sink provider for a channel sink that is to be inserted into the channel sink chain.
<formatter> (Instance) Contains the channel sink provider for a formatter sink that is to be inserted into the channel sink chain.
<clientProviders> (Instance) Contains providers for channel sinks that are to become part of the default client-side channel sink call chain for this channel template when the template is referenced elsewhere in the configuration file.
<client> Contains objects the application consumes.
<wellknown> (Client Instance) Contains information about server-activated (well-known) objects the application wants to consume.
<activated> (Client Instance) Contains information about client-activated objects the application wants to consume.
<service> Contains objects the application exposes to other application domains or contexts.
<wellknown> (Service Instance) Contains information about server-activated (well-known) objects the application wants to publish.
<activated> (Service Instance) Contains information about client-activated objects the application wants to publish.
<soapInterop> Contains type mappings used with SOAP.
<interopXmlType> Creates a bidirectional map between a common language runtime type and an XML type and XML namespace.
<interopXmlElement> Creates a bidirectional map between a common language runtime type and an XML element and XML namespace.
<preLoad> Specifies the type to load the mappings from classes that extend SoapAttribute.
<channels> (Template) Contains channel templates that the application uses to communicate with remote objects.
<channel> (Template) Contains the channel template that the application can specify and configure to communicate with or listen to requests for remote objects.
<channelSinkProviders> Contains templates for client and server channel sink providers. Any channel sink providers specified underneath this element can be referenced anywhere a channel sink provider might be registered.
<serverProviders> (Template) Contains channel sink templates that can be inserted into a server channel call chain.
<provider> (Template) Contains the channel sink provider template for a channel sink that is to be inserted into the server or client channel sink chain.
<formatter> (Template) Contains the channel sink provider for a formatter sink that is to be inserted into the client or server channel sink chain.
<clientProviders> (Template) Contains channel sink templates that can be inserted into a client channel call chain.
<debug> Specifies whether to load types in the configuration file when the application starts.
<customErrors> Indicates whether the server channels in this application domain return filtered or complete exception information to local or remote callers.

See Also

.NET Framework Configuration File Schema | .NET Remoting Overview