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Code Access Permissions

Code access permissions are permission objects that are used to help protect resources and operations from unauthorized use. They are a fundamental part of the common language runtime's mechanism for enforcing security restrictions on managed code.

Each code access permission represents one of the following rights:

  • The right to access a protected resource, such as files or environment variables.
  • The right to perform a protected operation, such as accessing unmanaged code.

All code access permissions can be requested or demanded by code, and the runtime decides which permissions, if any, to grant the code.

Each code access permission derives from the CodeAccessPermission class, which means that all code access permissions have methods in common, such as Demand, Assert, Deny, PermitOnly, IsSubsetOf, Intersect, and Union.

The .NET Framework provides the following code access permissions.

Permission class name Right represented
AspNetHostingPermission Access resources in ASP.NET-hosted environments.
DirectoryServicesPermission Access to the System.DirectoryServices classes.
DnsPermission Access to Domain Name System (DNS).
EnvironmentPermission Read or write environment variables.
EventLogPermission Read or write access to event log services.
FileDialogPermission Access files that have been selected by the user in an Open dialog box.
FileIOPermission Read, append, or write files or directories.
IsolatedStorageFilePermission Access isolated storage, which is storage that is associated with a specific user and with some aspect of the code's identity, such as its Web site, publisher, or signature.
MessageQueuePermission Access message queues through the managed Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) interfaces.
OdbcPermission Access an ODBC data source.
OleDbPermission Access databases using OLE DB.
OraclePermission Access an Oracle database.
PerformanceCounterPermission Access performance counters.
PrintingPermission Access printers.
ReflectionPermission Discover information about a type at run time.
RegistryPermission Read, write, create, or delete registry keys and values.
SecurityPermission Execute, assert permissions, call into unmanaged code, skip verification, and other rights.
ServiceControllerPermission Access running or stopped services.
SocketPermission Make or accept connections on a transport address.
SqlClientPermission Access SQL databases.
UIPermission Access user interface functionality.
WebPermission Make or accept connections on a Web address.

Additionally, the .NET Framework provides the following abstract classes that you can use to create your own custom permissions.

Permission class name Right represented
DBDataPermission Access a database.
IsolatedStoragePermission Access isolated storage.
ResourcePermissionBase Access system resources.

See Also

Permissions | CodeAccessPermission")