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Packaging and Deploying .NET Framework Applications

**Note   **The sample code for this tutorial is installed in the SDK Samples\Tutorials\Deployment subdirectory.

This tutorial shows developers how to package and deploy .NET Framework applications and components using the .NET Framework SDK. The tools that accompany the .NET Framework allow developers to quickly build and deploy robust applications that take advantage of the new common language runtime environment to provide a fully managed and feature-rich application-execution environment. The .NET Framework also provides the following benefits:

  • Improved isolation of application components.
  • Simplified application deployment.
  • Robust version numbering.

This tutorial walks you through packaging and deploying the classic Hello World program as well as a small, component-based application. The process of deploying a .NET Framework application does not depend on the source language used to develop the application. The demo program used in this tutorial was written in Visual C#, the new language that was designed for .NET. But the program could also have been written in any other .NET-compatible language, such as Visual Basic, and the process would be identical. The steps necessary to construct, compile, and run Visual C# and Visual Basic programs are detailed in a separate tutorial, Introduction to Developing with the .NET Framework.

After reading this tutorial and working with the samples, you should be able to plan how to package and deploy traditional, stand-alone, executable .NET Framework applications. Appendix B: Packaging And Deployment Tools contains additional information on several useful deployment-related utilities.

**Note   **This tutorial does not directly cover packaging and deploying Web-server (ASP.NET) or browser-based applications.

See Also

Introduction to Packaging and Deployment | Common Packaging & Deployment Concepts | (1) Hello World | (2) A Simple Componentized Application | (3) Path for Private Components | (4) A Shared Component | (5) Component Versioning | Packaging and Deployment Summary | Appendix A: Additional Packaging and Deployment Information | Appendix B: Packaging and Deployment Tools