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.NET Samples - How To: XML Data

This section includes the following samples:

DataSetMapXMLData Sample

SaveDataSetMapXSDSchema Sample

LoadDataSetXMLData Sample

DataSetMapXSDSchema Sample

ReadXmlFile Sample

ReadXmlStream Sample

XmlReadFromUrl Sample

MultipleXmlReader Sample

DOMInterfaceXmlDocument Sample

SaveXmlDocument Sample

LoadXmlDocument Sample

WriteXmlFile Sample

XmlDocumentEvent Sample

SchemaCollection Sample

XmlReadWriteSchema Sample

ValidationReadingXML Sample

QueryXmlDocumentXPath Sample

NavigateXmlDocument Sample

XmlNameSpace Sample

XPathExpression Sample

SaveDataSetXMLData Sample

XmlSchemaObjectModel Sample

XmlNodeReader Sample

TransformXML Sample

StreamXmlDocument Sample

DataSetMapXMLData Sample

This sample illustrates how to create DataSet mappings from XML data.

Namespaces used in this sample:

System; System.IO; System.Data; System.Xml

Classes used in this sample:

DataSet; Console; String; Xml; Table; XmlDataDocument; Object; StringWriter; Import; Exception; DataColumn; Page; DataTable; Array; Debug; EventArgs; StreamReader; Path; Stream; DataRow

SaveDataSetMapXSDSchema Sample

This sample illustrates how to save the internal DataSet mappings to an XML Schema Definition Language (XSD) schema file.

Namespaces used in this sample:

System; System.IO; System.Data; System.Xml

Classes used in this sample:

DataSet; Console; Table; DataColumn; String; Exception; DataRow; Xml; DataTable; XmlDataDocument; StringWriter; Type; Import; Stream; Object; DataRelation; StreamWriter; Page; EventArgs; Array; Debug; XmlSchema

LoadDataSetXMLData Sample

This sample illustrates how to load a DataSet with XML data.

Namespaces used in this sample:

System; System.IO; System.Data; System.Xml

Classes used in this sample:

DataSet; Console; Table; Xml; String; XmlDataDocument; Stream; StreamReader; Exception; Object; StringWriter; Import; Path; Page; DataTable; DataRow; DataColumn; Type; Array; Debug; XmlSchema; EventArgs

DataSetMapXSDSchema Sample

This sample illustrates how to create DataSet mappings from a supplied XML Schema Definition Language (XSD) schema.

Namespaces used in this sample:

System; System.IO; System.Xml

Classes used in this sample:

DataSet; Xml; Table; XmlDataDocument; Console; String; StreamReader; Stream; Exception; StringWriter; Import; Type; Debug; EventArgs; Page; Path; XmlSchema; Object

ReadXmlFile Sample

This sample illustrates how to read XML from a file using the XmlTextReader class.

Namespaces used in this sample:

System; System.IO; System.Xml

Classes used in this sample:

Xml; Console; File; Type; Form; String; XmlNode; Attribute; Process; XmlTextReader; XmlText; TextReader; XmlDeclaration; Exception; XmlReader; Import; StringWriter; Object; EventArgs; Debug; Path; Page

ReadXmlStream Sample

This sample illustrates how to read XML from a stream using the XmlTextReader class.

Namespaces used in this sample:

System; System.IO; System.Xml

Classes used in this sample:

Xml; Console; Stream; Type; Form; String; XmlNode; Attribute; Process; XmlTextReader; XmlText; TextReader; StringReader; XmlReader; Exception; StringWriter; Import; Object; EventArgs; Debug; Page

XmlReadFromUrl Sample

This sample illustrates how to read XML from a URL using the XmlTextReader class.

Namespaces used in this sample:

System; System.IO; System.Xml

Classes used in this sample:

Xml; Console; Type; Form; XmlNode; XmlText; TextReader; XmlTextReader; Attribute; String; Process; XmlDeclaration; Url; Import; Exception; StringWriter; EventArgs; Page; Object; Debug

MultipleXmlReader Sample

This sample illustrates how to create and use an XmlNodeReader to provide fast, noncached, forward-only access to XML data in an XML node.

Namespaces used in this sample:

System; System.IO; System.Xml

Classes used in this sample:

Xml; Console; XmlReader; Type; String; XmlNode; XmlTextReader; TextReader; XmlText; File; XmlNamespaceManager; Context; Import; Stream; XmlParserContext; Exception; NameTable; Table; FileStream; StringWriter; Object; Page; Debug; EventArgs; Path

DOMInterfaceXmlDocument Sample

This sample illustrates the classes which implement the Document Object Model (Core) of the W3C Document Object Model (DOM) Specification.

Namespaces used in this sample:

System; System.IO; System.Xml

Classes used in this sample:

Xml; XmlDocument; Console; String; XmlNode; Form; XmlText; TextReader; XmlTextReader; Import; Process; Type; Exception; StringWriter; Object; EventArgs; Debug; Page; XmlNamedNodeMap; File; Path; Attribute

SaveXmlDocument Sample

This sample illustrates how to update and save XML using the XmlDocument class, which is an implementation of the W3C Document Object Model (DOM).

Namespaces used in this sample:

System; System.IO; System.Xml

Classes used in this sample:

Xml; XmlDocument; String; Console; Exception; Import; StringWriter; Path; Debug; Page; Object; TextReader; XmlTextReader; XmlText; XmlNode; EventArgs

LoadXmlDocument Sample

This sample illustrates how to load XML into the XmlDataDocument class.

Namespaces used in this sample:

System; System.IO; System.Xml

Classes used in this sample:

Xml; XmlDocument; String; Console; XmlDataDocument; StringWriter; Exception; Import; Debug; Object; Path; Page; EventArgs

WriteXmlFile Sample

This sample illustrates how to write XML to a file using the XmlTextWriter class.

Namespaces used in this sample:

System; System.IO; System.Xml

Classes used in this sample:

Xml; XmlText; TextWriter; XmlTextWriter; Console; String; File; Form; Type; Attribute; TextReader; XmlTextReader; XmlNode; Process; StringWriter; Import; Exception; EventArgs; Page; XmlReader; Object; Path; Debug

XmlDocumentEvent Sample

This sample illustrates how to receive and handle events when nodes in an XML document change.

Namespaces used in this sample:

System; System.IO; System.Xml; System.Globalization; System.Xml.XPath

Classes used in this sample:

Xml; XmlDocument; Console; XmlNode; String; Object; XmlElement; EventArgs; XmlNodeList; Exception; Import; Path; EventHandler; XmlNodeChangedEventArgs; StringWriter; XmlNodeChangedEventHandler; Page; Debug; XmlDocumentFragment

SchemaCollection Sample

This sample illustrates how to use the XmlSchemaCollection class used by the XmlValidatingReader for efficient data validation.

Namespaces used in this sample:

System; System.IO; System.Xml; System.Xml.Schema

Classes used in this sample:

Xml; Console; String; Type; Exception; XmlValidatingReader; EventHandler; XmlSchema; Path; XmlText; XmlSchemaCollection; StringWriter; EventArgs; Import; TextReader; XmlTextReader; ValidationEventHandler; Page; Object; ValidationEventArgs; Message; XmlNode; Uri; Debug; Attribute

XmlReadWriteSchema Sample

This sample illustrates how to read an XML Schema Definition Language (XSD) file into the Schema Object Model (SOM).

Namespaces used in this sample:

System; System.IO; System.Xml; System.Xml.Schema

Classes used in this sample:

Xml; String; StringWriter; Console; XmlWriter; XmlText; Form; TextWriter; XmlTextWriter; Exception; XmlSchema; Import; XmlTextReader; TextReader; Debug; EventArgs; Object; Path; Page

ValidationReadingXML Sample

This sample illustrates how to apply validation when reading and parsing XML data using the XmlValidatingReader class.

Namespaces used in this sample:

System; System.IO; System.Xml; System.Xml.Schema

Classes used in this sample:

Xml; XmlValidatingReader; Console; XmlTextReader; TextReader; XmlText; String; Exception; Type; XmlSchemaCollection; XmlSchema; Path; ValidationEventHandler; XmlException; StringWriter; EventHandler; EventArgs; Import; ValidationEventArgs; Uri; Message; Object; Page; Debug

QueryXmlDocumentXPath Sample

This sample illustrates how to query an XPathDocument with a W3C XML Path Language (XPath) expression supplied to the XPathNavigator class.

Namespaces used in this sample:

System; System.IO; System.Xml; System.Xml.XPath

Classes used in this sample:

Path; Xml; XmlDocument; String; XPathNavigator; Console; XPathNodeIterator; XPathDocument; StringWriter; Import; Exception; EventArgs; Page; Object; Debug

This sample illustrates how to navigate XML documents with an XPathNavigator created from an XPathDocument.

Namespaces used in this sample:

System; System.IO; System.Xml; System.Xml.XPath

Classes used in this sample:

Path; XPathNavigator; Console; Xml; XmlDocument; String; XPathNodeIterator; XPathDocument; Type; Form; Attribute; StringWriter; Import; Exception; Page; Object; Debug; EventArgs

XmlNameSpace Sample

This sample shows how to select namespace-specific XML data from an XmlDocument.

Namespaces used in this sample:

System; System.IO; System.Xml; System.Xml.XPath

Classes used in this sample:

Xml; String; XmlNode; XmlDocument; Console; Form; XmlNamespaceManager; Type; Exception; Import; StringWriter; Path; Page; NameTable; XmlNamedNodeMap; Object; XmlNodeList; Table; Debug; EventArgs; Attribute

XPathExpression Sample

This sample illustrates how to use an XPathExpression class to compile an XML Path Language (XPath) expression to select a node-set from an XML file.

Namespaces used in this sample:

System; System.IO; System.Xml; System.Xml.XPath; System.Collections

Classes used in this sample:

Path; Console; XPathExpression; XPathNavigator; String; Form; Xml; XPathNodeIterator; Type; XPathDocument; Object; Comparer; Import; Process; Exception; Attribute; StringWriter; Page; EventArgs; Debug

SaveDataSetXMLData Sample

This sample illustrates how to use XmlDataDocument to save relational data from a DataSet to an XML file.

Namespaces used in this sample:

System; System.Xml; System.IO; System.Data; System.Xml.Xsl; System.Xml.XPath

Classes used in this sample:

DataSet; Xml; Console; Table; String; DataColumn; XmlNode; Type; Form; DataRow; Exception; XmlNodeReader; DataTable; XmlDataDocument; File; Process; XmlReader; Object; DataRelation; StringWriter; Import; Attribute; Page; Debug; XmlSchema; EventArgs; Array; Path

XmlSchemaObjectModel Sample

This sample illustrates how to read two XML Schema Definition Language (XSD) schemas into an XmlSchemaCollection, navigate through the schemas that they represent, and create a fictitious XML output that is representative of the schema's output.

Namespaces used in this sample:

System; System.Xml; System.IO; System.Xml.Schema

Classes used in this sample:

Xml; XmlSchema; Type; XmlText; TextWriter; XmlTextWriter; Attribute; String; Console; XmlSchemaAttribute; Group; Object; XmlSchemaObject; XmlSchemaSimpleType; XmlSchemaElement; XmlSchemaComplexType; XmlSchemaAttributeGroup; XmlSchemaCollection; XmlSchemaParticle; XmlSchemaNotation; XmlSchemaAnnotation; XmlSchemaGroup; Table; NameTable; XmlNameTable; XmlSchemaSequence; Path; Import; Uri; Random; StringWriter; Form; Exception; XmlSchemaDatatype; EventArgs; XmlQualifiedName; XmlSchemaAttributeGroupRef; XmlSchemaObjectCollection; XmlSchemaSimpleTypeList; Debug; XmlSchemaSimpleTypeRestriction; XmlSchemaInclude; ValueType; Page

XmlNodeReader Sample

This sample illustrates how to create and use an XmlNodeReader to provide fast, noncached, forward-only access to XML data in an XML node.

Namespaces used in this sample:

System; System.Xml; System.IO; System.Xml.XPath

Classes used in this sample:

Xml; XmlNode; XmlNodeReader; Console; Form; Type; XmlDocument; String; Exception; StringWriter; Import; Process; Attribute; Path; Object; Page; Debug; EventArgs

TransformXML Sample

This sample illustrates how to apply an Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT) file to an XML document using the XslTransform class.

Namespaces used in this sample:

System; System.Xml; System.IO; System.Xml.Xsl; System.Xml.XPath

Classes used in this sample:

Xml; Console; Path; String; Form; Type; XslTransform; Style; XPathDocument; Process; XmlNode; Exception; XmlReader; Import; Stream; TextWriter; XmlTextWriter; XmlText; StreamReader; Attribute; StringWriter; EventArgs; Page; Debug; Object

StreamXmlDocument Sample

This sample illustrates how to create an XmlReader class that reads the XML data stored in the XmlDataDocument.

Namespaces used in this sample:

System; System.Xml; System.IO; System.Xml.Xsl; System.Xml.XPath

Classes used in this sample:

Xml; XmlDocument; Stream; Form; Type; String; Console; XmlReader; XmlNode; XmlDataDocument; Path; XslTransform; Style; Attribute; XPathNavigator; StringWriter; Import; Exception; Process; Object; Debug; EventArgs; Page