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Monitoring Azure Time Series Insights data reference


The Time Series Insights service will be retired on 7 July 2024. Consider migrating existing environments to alternative solutions as soon as possible. For more information on the deprecation and migration, visit our documentation.

Learn about the data and resources collected by Azure Monitor from your Azure Time Series Insights environment. See Monitoring Time Series Insights for details on collecting and analyzing monitoring data.


This section lists all the automatically collected platform metrics collected for Azure Time Series Insights. For a list of all Azure Monitor support metrics (including Azure Time Series Insights), see Azure Monitor supported metrics. The resource provider for these metrics is Microsoft.TimeSeriesInsights/environments/eventsources and Microsoft.TimeSeriesInsights/environments.


Metric Metric Display Name Unit Aggregation Type Description
IngressReceivedBytes Ingress Received Bytes Bytes Total Count of bytes read from the event source
IngressReceivedInvalidMessages Ingress Received Invalid Messages Count Total Count of invalid messages read from the event source
IngressReceivedMessages Ingress Received Messages Count Total Count of messages read from the event source
IngressReceivedMessagesCountLag Ingress Received Messages Count Lag Count Average Difference between the sequence number of last enqueued message in the event source partition and sequence number of messages being processed in Ingress
IngressReceivedMessagesTimeLag Ingress Received Messages Time Lag Seconds Maximum Difference between the time that the message is enqueued in the event source and the time it is processed in Ingress
IngressStoredBytes Ingress Stored Bytes Bytes Total Total size of events successfully processed and available for query
IngressStoredEvents Ingress Stored Events Count Total Count of flattened events successfully processed and available for query


Metric Metric Display Name Unit Aggregation Type Description
WarmStorageMaxProperties Warm Storage Max Properties Count Maximum Maximum number of properties used allowed by the environment for S1/S2 SKU and maximum number of properties allowed by Warm Store for PAYG SKU
WarmStorageUsedProperties Warm Storage Used Properties Count Maximum Number of properties used by the environment for S1/S2 SKU and number of properties used by Warm Store for PAYG SKU

Resource logs

This section lists the types of resource logs you can collect for your Azure Time Series Insights environment.

Category Display Name Description
Ingress TSIIngress The Ingress category tracks errors that occur in the ingress pipeline. This category includes errors that occur when receiving events (such as failures to connect to an Event Source) and processing events (such as errors when parsing an event payload).


The following schemas are in use by Azure Time Series Insights

TSIIngress table

Property Description
TimeGenerated Time (UTC) at which this event is generated.
Location The location of the resource.
Category Category of the log event.
OperationName Operation name of the event.
CorrelationId The correlation ID of the request.
Level The severity level of the event.
ResultDescription Description of the result of the operation, such as 'Received forbidden error'.
Message The message associated with the error. Includes details on what went wrong and how to mitigate the error.
ErrorCode The code associated with the error
EventSourceType The type of event source. It could either be Event hub or IoT hub.
EventSourceProperties A collection of properties specific to your event source. Contains details such as the consumer group and the access key name.