Dela via

Set Grid Scale Dialog Box

Makes it possible to specify horizontal and vertical increments in pixels for the designer grid. For reports and labels, you can specify whether to display the ruler in pixels or the default system units.

You can also set the default setting on the Forms and Reports tabs in the Options dialog box.


Depending on the setting of the _REPORTBUILDER system variable, this dialog box may be replaced by an alternative user interface. For more information, see _REPORTBUILDER System Variable.

Grid in pixels

Specifies the number of pixels per inch of the "snap-to" alignment grid horizontally and vertically.

  • Horizontal
    Specifies the number of pixels per inch horizontally. The default setting is 12 pixels, and the range is from 1 to 48 pixels.

  • Vertical
    Specifies the number of pixels per inch vertically. The default setting is 12 pixels, and the range is from 1 to 48 pixels.


The resolution of the visible grid is half that of the actual snap-to grid. (For example, if the Horizontal spacing is set to 12 pixels, the vertical grid lines will be drawn every 24 pixels.)

Ruler scale

Specifies the measurement units for the ruler along the top and left edges of the Report Designer or Label Designer window.

  • None
    The rulers are not displayed. The measurement units displayed in various dialog boxes will be in inches.

  • Inches
    The measurement ruler and other dimensions are displayed in inches.

  • Centimeters
    The measurement ruler and other dimensions are displayed in centimeters.

  • Pixels
    The measurement ruler and other dimensions are displayed in pixels.

  • System default
    Specifies inches or centimeters as the unit of measurement displayed on the ruler depending on your language setting.

See Also


Form Designer

Grid Builder

Other Resources

Dialog Boxes (Visual FoxPro)

Working with Page Layouts