Det här avsnittet innehåller hjälpavsnitten för cmdletarna System Center 2025 – Virtual Machine Manager (VMM).
Add-CloudResource |
Adds a cloud resource to VMM. |
Add-SCApplicationDeployment |
Adds an application to an application profile. |
Add-SCApplicationHostTemplate |
Adds an application host template to a service template. |
Add-SCBGPPeer |
Adds a BFP peer to the router. |
Add-SCComputerTierTemplate |
Adds a computer tier template to a service template. |
Add-SCCustomPlacementRule |
Adds a custom placement rule to the placement configuration for a host group. |
Add-SCFabricRoleResource |
Adds a fabric role resource. |
Add-SCLibraryServer |
Adds a computer as a library server to VMM. |
Add-SCLibraryShare |
Adds Windows shares on the file system of a library server to the VMM library as library shares. |
Add-SCLoadBalancer |
Adds a load balancer to VMM. |
Add-SCNATConnection |
Adds a NAT connection. |
Add-SCNATRule |
Adds a NAT rule. |
Add-SCNetworkConnection |
Adds a network service connection. |
Add-SCNetworkGateway |
Adds a network gateway. |
Add-SCNetworkRoute |
Adds a network route to VMM. |
Add-SCNetworkService |
Adds a network service to VMM. |
Add-SCOperatingSystem |
Adds an operating system to an application profile to specify which operating systems the application profile is compatible with. |
Add-SCPowerOptimizationRange |
Adds a time range to the power optimization schedule in a dynamic optimization configuration. |
Add-SCPXEServer |
Adds an existing Windows Deployment Services computer to VMM. |
Add-SCScriptCommand |
Adds a script command to an application profile, application deployment, or host profile. |
Add-SCServerFeature |
Adds an operating system role or feature to a guest operating system profile. |
Add-SCServicingWindowSubscription |
Adds a servicing window to a virtual machine, host, or service. |
Add-SCSQLDeployment |
Adds a SQL Server deployment to a SQL Server profile. |
Add-SCSQLScriptCommand |
Adds a SQL Server script to a SQL Server application deployment. |
Add-SCStorageProvider |
Adds a storage provider to VMM. |
Add-SCUpdateServer |
Adds a WSUS server to VMM. |
Add-SCUserRolePermission |
Adds a permission to a user role. |
Add-SCVirtualizationManager |
Adds a VMware vCenter Server to VMM. |
Add-SCVirtualSwitchExtensionManager |
Adds a virtual switch extension manager to VMM. |
Add-SCVMHost |
Adds a computer as a virtual machine host. |
Add-SCVMHostCluster |
Adds a Windows Server failover cluster, VMware ESX host cluster, or Citrix XenServer resource pool to VMM. |
Add-SCVMHostNetworkAdapter |
Adds a physical network adapter on a host managed by VMM to a virtual network. |
Add-SCVMMManagedComputer |
Adds a managed computer to VMM. |
Add-SCVMNetworkGateway |
Adds a virtual machine network gateway to VMM. |
Add-SCVPNConnection |
Adds a VPN connection to a virtual machine network. |
Backup-SCVMMServer |
Backs up the Virtual Machine Manager database. |
Clear-SCPowerOptimizationSchedule |
Deletes a power optimization time range from a dynamic optimization configuration. |
Clear-SCPROTip |
Dismisses a PRO tip object that is no longer applicable. |
Compress-SCVirtualDiskDrive |
Compresses a dynamically expanding virtual hard. |
Convert-SCVirtualDiskDrive |
Converts a virtual hard disk from dynamic to fixed, from fixed to dynamic, from VHD to VHDX, or converts a pass-through disk to a virtual hard disk. |
Copy-SCVirtualHardDisk |
Copies a VMware virtual hard disk file (a .vmdk file) to a Windows-based virtual hard disk file (a .vhd file) and converts the virtual hard disk for use in a VMM environment. |
Disable-SCLoadBalancerVIPMember |
Disables a member of a load balancer VIP. |
Disable-SCRunAsAccount |
Disables a Run As account so that it cannot be used. |
Disable-SCVMHost |
Places a virtual machine host into maintenance mode. |
Enable-SCLoadBalancerVIPMember |
Enables a member of a load balancer VIP. |
Enable-SCRunAsAccount |
Enables a previously disabled Run As account. |
Enable-SCVMHost |
Restores a virtual machine host in maintenance mode to full service. |
Expand-SCVirtualDiskDrive |
Expands a virtual hard disk attached to a virtual disk drive object. |
Export-SCLibraryPhysicalResource |
Exports a library resource form a VMM library share to a local file folder or network share. |
Export-SCTemplate |
Exports a template from the VMM library to the specified path. |
Find-SCCluster |
Finds the specified failover cluster in a VMM environment. |
Find-SCComputer |
Searches for computers by querying Active Directory, and returns the computer objects. |
Find-SCJob |
Searches for VMM jobs. |
Find-SCLibraryShare |
Finds all of the shares on the specified computer or library server that can be added as library shares. |
Get-CloudResource |
Gets a cloud resource. |
Get-CloudResourceExtension |
Gets a cloud resource extension. |
Get-CloudService |
Gets a cloud service. |
Get-CloudVMRoleSizeProfile |
Gets a cloud virtual machine role size profile. |
Get-SCApplicableVMHostGroup |
Gets an applicable host group. |
Get-SCApplication |
Gets the applications that are currently installed within a virtual machine that were installed by VMM. |
Get-SCApplicationDeployment |
Gets the applications that have been added to an application profile. |
Get-SCApplicationHost |
Gets the application host for a service or for all services. |
Get-SCApplicationHostTemplate |
Gets the application host template for a service template or for all service templates. |
Get-SCApplicationPackage |
Gets an application package. |
Get-SCApplicationProfile |
Gets application profiles. |
Get-SCApplicationSetting |
Gets application settings for an application or application deployment. |
Get-SCAvailabilitySetName |
Gets the names of availability sets associated with virtual machines or computer tier configurations. |
Get-SCAzureProfile |
Gets Azure Profile objects from the Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) library. [!Note] Azure Profiles and Azure subscriptions are discontinued from System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2025. |
Get-SCBaseline |
Gets one or more baseline objects. |
Get-SCBGPPeer |
Gets configuration information for a BGP peer. |
Get-SCCapabilityProfile |
Gets a capability profile. |
Get-SCCertificate |
Gets a security certificate object from a VMware vCenter Server, from a VMware ESX host, or from a Citrix XenServer host. |
Get-SCCloud |
Gets a private cloud object. |
Get-SCCloudCapacity |
Gets the cloud capacity for a private cloud. |
Get-SCCloudProtectionInfo |
This cmdlet is reserved for future use. |
Get-SCCloudUsage |
Gets cloud usage data for a specified private cloud in VMM. |
Get-SCClusterVirtualNetwork |
Gets the virtual network associated with a host cluster. |
Get-SCCodeIntegrityPolicy |
Gets a code integrity policy. |
Get-SCComplianceStatus |
Gets the compliance status of computers managed by VMM. |
Get-SCComputerTier |
Gets a VMM computer tier object. |
Get-SCComputerTierConfiguration |
Gets the computer tier configuration for a service deployment configuration. |
Get-SCComputerTierTemplate |
Gets the computer tier template for a service template. |
Get-SCConfigurationProvider |
Gets a configuration provider object. |
Get-SCCPUType |
Gets CPU object types for use in virtual machines, or for use in templates or hardware profiles used to create virtual machines. |
Get-SCCustomPlacementRule |
Gets the custom placment rules for a placement configuration. |
Get-SCCustomProperty |
Gets a custom property definition from the VMM database. |
Get-SCCustomPropertyValue |
Gets a custom property value object. |
Get-SCCustomResource |
Gets a custom resource from the VMM library. |
Get-SCDependentLibraryResource |
Identifies dependencies between VMM objects. |
Get-SCDirectoryChildItem |
Gets all files and subdirectories in the specified directory on a virtual machine host or on a library server managed by VMM. |
Get-SCDriverPackage |
Gets a driver package stored in a VMM library share. |
Get-SCDynamicOptimizationConfiguration |
Gets the dynamic optimization configuration for a host group. |
Get-SCExtensionUplinkPortProfile |
Gets an extension uplink port profile. |
Get-SCFabricRole |
Gets a fabric role. |
Get-SCFabricRoleMonitor |
{{Fill in the Synopsis}} |
Get-SCGuardianConfiguration |
Gets metadata for HGS configured with a VMM server. |
Get-SCGuestOSProfile |
Gets a guest operating system profile object from the VMM library. |
Get-SCHardwareProfile |
Gets hardware profile objects from the VMM library. |
Get-SCHostReserve |
Gets the host reserve and placement settings for a host group. |
Get-SCIPAddress |
Gets allocated static and virtual IP addresses. |
Gets ISO files from the VMM library. |
Get-SCISOConfiguration |
Gets the ISO configuration for a virtual machine configuration. |
Get-SCJob |
Gets VMM job objects. |
Get-SCKMSNetworkSetting |
Gets a KMS network setting. |
Get-SCLibraryRating |
Calculates the placement rating of library servers to determine whether a SAN transfer can be used to transfer a virtual machine from a host to the library. |
Get-SCLibraryServer |
Gets VMM library server objects. |
Get-SCLibraryShare |
Gets VMM library shares. |
Get-SCLoadBalancer |
Gets a load balancer object. |
Get-SCLoadBalancerConfiguration |
Gets the configuration details for the load balancer that is contained within a computer tier configuration. |
Get-SCLoadBalancerTemplate |
Gets a load balancer template for a service or computer tier template. |
Get-SCLoadBalancerVIP |
Gets a load balancer VIP object. |
Get-SCLoadBalancerVIPMember |
Gets a member of a load balancer VIP. |
Get-SCLoadBalancerVIPTemplate |
Gets a load balancer VIP template. |
Get-SCLogicalNetwork |
Gets a logical network object. |
Get-SCLogicalNetworkDefinition |
Gets a logical network definition. |
Get-SCLogicalSwitch |
Gets a logical switch. |
Get-SCLogicalSwitchVirtualNetworkAdapter |
Gets a logical switch virtual network adapter. |
Get-SCMACAddress |
Gets allocated MAC addresses. |
Get-SCMACAddressPool |
Gets a MAC address pool. |
Get-SCNATConnection |
Gets a NAT connection. |
Get-SCNativeUplinkPortProfile |
Gets a native uplink port profile. |
Get-SCNATRule |
Gets a NAT rule. |
Get-SCNetworkConnection |
Gets a network service connection. |
Get-SCNetworkGateway |
Gets a network gateway object. |
Get-SCNetworkRoute |
Gets a network route. |
Get-SCNetworkService |
Gets a network service. |
Get-SCNetworkServiceCapabilities |
Gets network service capabilities. |
Get-SCNetworkServiceCertificateUrl |
Gets the URL for a network service certificate. |
Get-SCNotification |
Gets update notifications for a service template or service instance. |
Get-SCOperatingSystem |
Gets valid operating system objects from the VMM database. |
Get-SCOpsMgrConnection |
Gets the Operations Manager connection object. |
Get-SCPendingServiceSetting |
Gets the pending service settings for a service that is in a pending service state. |
Get-SCPerformanceData |
Gets performance data for host groups, clusters, hosts, and virtual machines. |
Get-SCPhysicalComputerNetworkAdapterProfile |
Gets a physical computer network adapter object. |
Get-SCPhysicalComputerProfile |
Gets a physical computer profile object. |
Get-SCPlacementConfiguration |
Gets the placement configuration settings for a host group. |
Get-SCPortACL |
Gets a port ACL. |
Get-SCPortACLRule |
Gets a port ACL rule. |
Get-SCPortClassification |
Gets a port classification. |
Get-SCPowerOptimizationRange |
Gets the set of time ranges when power optimization will be used. |
Get-SCPROMonitor |
Gets a PRO monitor object from Operations Manager. |
Get-SCPROMonitorConfiguration |
Gets a PRO monitor configuration object for a specified scope. |
Get-SCPROMonitorState |
Gets the state of a specified PRO monitor on a specific VMM object. |
Get-SCPROTip |
Gets PRO tip objects from the VMM database. |
Get-SCPXEServer |
Gets a PXEServer object from the VMM database. |
Get-SCReplicationGroup |
Gets a replication group. |
Get-SCRunAsAccount |
Gets VMM Run As accounts. |
Get-SCRunAsAccountConsumer |
Gets the Run As account consumer objects for a specified Run As account. |
Get-SCScript |
Gets script objects from the VMM library, which allows you to view or edit any script, or to view, edit, or run a Windows PowerShell script if you have appropriate permissions. |
Get-SCScriptCommand |
Gets all script commands for an application profile, application deployment, or host profile. |
Get-SCScriptCommandSetting |
Gets the settings for a script command. |
Get-SCServerFeature |
Gets the operating system roles and features that have been added to a guest operating system profile. |
Get-SCService |
Gets a VMM service. |
Get-SCServiceConfiguration |
Gets a service configuration object stored in the VMM library. |
Get-SCServiceSetting |
Gets a service setting for a service template or a service instance. |
Get-SCServiceTemplate |
Gets a service template stored in the VMM library. |
Get-SCServicingWindow |
Gets a list of servicing windows that are assigned to a virtual machine, a host, or a service. |
Get-SCServicingWindowSubscription |
Gets a list of servicing window subscriptions. |
Get-SCSharedResource |
Gets resources that are shared with a self-service user or a self-service user role. |
Get-SCSQLDeployment |
Gets a SQL Server deployment. |
Get-SCSQLProfile |
Gets a SQL Server profile. |
Get-SCSQLScriptCommand |
Gets a SQL Server script for an application deployment. |
Get-SCSSASConnection |
Gets the existing SQL Server Analysis Services connection. |
Get-SCSSHKey |
Gets Linux Administrator SSHKey objects from the VMM library. |
Get-SCStaticIPAddressPool |
Gets static IP address pools. |
Get-SCStep |
Gets the steps for the specified VMM job. |
Get-SCStorageArray |
Gets a storage array object. |
Get-SCStorageClassification |
Gets a storage classification object. |
Get-SCStorageClusterDisk |
Gets a storage cluster disk from the VMM database. |
Get-SCStorageDisk |
Gets a storage disk object for the specified host from the VMM database. |
Get-SCStorageFabric |
Gets a fibre channel fabric from the VMM database. |
Get-SCStorageFabricClassification |
Gets Fibre Channel fabric classification objects. |
Get-SCStorageFileServer |
Gets a storage file server. |
Get-SCStorageFileShare |
Gets a storage file share. |
Get-SCStorageLogicalUnit |
Gets a storage logical unit object. |
Get-SCStoragePhysicalDisk |
Gets storage physical disk objects. |
Get-SCStoragePool |
Gets a storage pool object from the VMM database. |
Get-SCStorageProvider |
Gets a storage provider object. |
Get-SCStorageQoSPolicy |
Gets a top-level storage QoS policy object. |
Get-SCStorageSwitch |
Gets a Fibre Channel switch object. |
Get-SCStorageTier |
Gets a storage tier. |
Get-SCStorageVolume |
Gets a storage volume object from a host managed by VMM. |
Get-SCStorageZone |
Gets a Fibre Channel zone object. |
Get-SCStorageZoneAlias |
Gets a Fibre Channel zone alias. |
Get-SCStorageZoneSet |
Gets a fabric zone set object. |
Get-SCSupportedRecoveryPointObjective |
Gets a supported recovery point objective for a virtual machine. |
Get-SCTag |
Gets existing tags. |
Get-SCTemplatePackage |
Gets an exported service template or virtual machine template package at a specified location. |
Get-SCUpdate |
Gets one or more updates. |
Get-SCUpdateServer |
Gets the WSUS server that has been added to VMM. |
Get-SCUplinkPortProfileSet |
Gets uplink port profile sets. |
Get-SCUserRole |
Gets a VMM user role. |
Get-SCUserRoleMembership |
Gets information about user roles of which a user is a member. |
Get-SCUserRolePermission |
Gets a user role permission instance. |
Get-SCUserRoleQuota |
Gets a user role quota. |
Get-SCVirtualCOMPort |
Gets a virtual COM port from a virtual machine, a virtual machine template, or a hardware profile. |
Get-SCVirtualDiskDrive |
Gets virtual disk drives on a virtual machine template or on a virtual machine. |
Get-SCVirtualDVDDrive |
Gets a VMM virtual DVD drive object from a virtual machine, a virtual machine template, or a hardware profile. |
Get-SCVirtualFibreChannelAdapter |
Gets a Virtual Fibre Channel adapter object. |
Get-SCVirtualFibreChannelAdapterConfiguration |
Gets a Virtual Fibre Channel adapter configuration for a virtual machine configuration. |
Get-SCVirtualFloppyDisk |
Gets virtual floppy disk objects from the VMM library. |
Get-SCVirtualFloppyDrive |
Gets a VMM virtual floppy drive objects from a virtual machine, a virtual machine template, or a hardware profile. |
Get-SCVirtualHardDisk |
Gets virtual hard disk objects from a virtual machine, from a template, or as a standalone file stored in the VMM library. |
Get-SCVirtualHardDiskConfiguration |
Gets the virtual hard disk configuration contained within a virtual machine configuration. |
Get-SCVirtualizationManager |
Gets a VMware vCenter Server object managed by VMM. |
Get-SCVirtualMachine |
Gets virtual machine objects. |
Get-SCVirtualNetwork |
Gets virtual network objects configured on a VMM host. |
Get-SCVirtualNetworkAdapter |
Gets VMM virtual network adapter objects from a virtual machine, virtual machine template, or hardware profile. |
Get-SCVirtualNetworkAdapterConfiguration |
Gets the virtual network adapter configuration information contained in a virtual machine configuration. |
Get-SCVirtualNetworkAdapterExtensionPortProfile |
Gets a virtual network adapter extension port profile object. |
Get-SCVirtualNetworkAdapterNativePortProfile |
Gets a virtual network adapter native port profile. |
Get-SCVirtualNetworkAdapterPortProfileSet |
Gets a virtual network adapter port profile set. |
Get-SCVirtualScsiAdapter |
Gets a VMM virtual SCSI adapter object from a virtual machine, virtual machine template, or hardware profile. |
Get-SCVirtualSwitchExtension |
Gets a virtual switch extension. |
Get-SCVirtualSwitchExtensionManager |
Gets a virtual switch extension manager. |
Get-SCVMCheckpoint |
Gets virtual machine checkpoint objects from the VMM database. |
Get-SCVMConfiguration |
Gets the virtual machine configuration information for a service configuration or computer tier configuration. |
Get-SCVMConsoleInformation |
Displays VMM console information about a virtual machine. |
Get-SCVMHost |
Gets virtual machine host objects from the Virtual Machine Manager database. |
Get-SCVMHostCluster |
Gets a host cluster object. |
Get-SCVMHostFibreChannelHba |
Gets the Fibre Channel HBA on a host managed by VMM. |
Get-SCVMHostFibreChannelVirtualSAN |
Gets a virtual Fibre Channel SAN object. |
Get-SCVMHostGroup |
Gets a host group object from the VMM database. |
Get-SCVMHostNetworkAdapter |
Gets physical network adapter objects on a VMM host. |
Get-SCVMHostNetworkAdapterProfile |
Gets a host network adapter profile. |
Get-SCVMHostProfile |
Gets a host profile. |
Get-SCVMHostRating |
Calculates the placement rating for one or more hosts managed by VMM on which you might want to deploy a specific virtual machine. |
Get-SCVMMAccessLicense |
Gets the VMM server license information. |
Get-SCVMMDRServiceRegistration |
Gets current registration information for Site Recovery provider. |
Get-SCVMMManagedComputer |
Gets computer objects managed by VMM. |
Get-SCVMMServer |
Connects to a VMM management server if a connection does not already exist, or connects to a different VMM management server. |
Get-SCVMNetwork |
Gets a virtual machine network. |
Get-SCVMNetworkGateway |
Gets a virtual machine network gateway object. |
Get-SCVMShieldingData |
Gets a virtual machine shielding data object. |
Get-SCVMSubnet |
Gets a virtual machine subnet. |
Get-SCVMTemplate |
Gets virtual machine template objects from the VMM library. |
Get-SCVMwareResourcePool |
Gets VMware resource pool objects from the VMM database. |
Get-SCVMXComputerConfiguration |
Gets VMX computer configuration objects from the VMM database that are associated with one or more VMware-based virtual machines. |
Get-SCVolumeSignatureCatalog |
Gets the volume signature catalog information from a template disk. |
Get-SCVPNConnection |
Gets a VPN connection. |
Grant-SCIPAddress |
Allocates a static or virtual IP address from a specified address pool. |
Grant-SCMACAddress |
Allocates the next available physical address (MAC address) from a MAC address pool, and assigns it to a virtual network adapter. |
Grant-SCResource |
Grants a user or self-service user role access to a resource. |
Import-CloudResourceExtension |
Imports a cloud resource extension. |
Import-SCLibraryPhysicalResource |
Imports a resource into the VMM library. |
Import-SCStorageProvider |
Imports storage providers that are installed and registered on a VMM management server. |
Import-SCTemplate |
Imports a virtual machine template or service template into the VMM library. |
Install-SCStorageFileServer |
Installs failover clustering and a file server on a set of computers. |
Install-SCVMHostCluster |
Creates a failover cluster from Hyper-V hosts managed by VMM. |
Invoke-SCPROTip |
Performs the action recommended by a PRO tip. |
Invoke-SCScriptCommand |
Runs a script command on the specified host. |
Join-SCVirtualMachine |
Re-associates an orphaned virtual machine to its service or virtual machine role. |
Mount-SCStorageDisk |
Mounts a storage disk. |
Move-SCVirtualHardDisk |
Moves a virtual hard disk file from one location to another on the same host or, when used with Move-SCVirtualMachine, to a location on a different host. |
Move-SCVirtualMachine |
Moves a virtual machine stored in the VMM library or deployed on a host to a new location on a host. |
Move-SCVMHost |
Moves a virtual machine host managed by VMM from one host group to another. |
Move-SCVMHostCluster |
Moves a host cluster object managed by VMM from one host group to another. |
Move-SCVMHostGroup |
Moves a host group from the current location to a new location under a different host group parent. |
New-CloudService |
Creates a cloud service. |
New-CloudVMRoleSizeProfile |
Creates a cloud virtual machine role size profile. |
New-SCApplicationProfile |
Creates an application profile. |
New-SCBaseline |
Creates a baseline. |
New-SCCapabilityProfile |
Creates a capability profile. |
New-SCCloud |
Creates a private cloud. |
New-SCCodeIntegrityPolicy |
Creates a code integrity policy. |
New-SCCustomProperty |
Creates a custom property definition in the VMM database. |
New-SCDCBSettings |
Note: This cmdlet is applicable for VMM 2019 UR1 and later. Configures DCB settings in the S2D cluster managed by VMM. |
New-SCDefaultGateway |
Creates a default gateway object that is used when creating or modifying static IP address pools. |
New-SCExternalJob |
Creates a new external job in VMM. |
New-SCGatewayRoleConfiguration |
Creates a gateway role configuration. |
New-SCGuestOSProfile |
Creates a guest operating system profile for use in VMM. |
New-SCHardwareProfile |
Creates a hardware profile in the VMM library. |
New-SCLoadBalancerConnectionPersistence |
Creates a load balancer connection persistence object that is used when you create a load balancer virtual IP. |
New-SCLoadBalancerHealthMonitor |
Creates a load balancer health monitor object that is used when you create a load balancer virtual IP. |
New-SCLoadBalancerProtocol |
Creates a load balancer protocol object that is used when you create a load balancer virtual IP. |
New-SCLoadBalancerRoleConfiguration |
Creates a load balancer role configuration. |
New-SCLoadBalancerTemplate |
Creates a load balancer template that can be added to a service template. |
New-SCLoadBalancerVIP |
Creates a load balancer VIP on a load balancer. |
New-SCLoadBalancerVIPMember |
Adds a virtual machine to a load balancer VIP. |
New-SCLoadBalancerVIPTemplate |
Creates a load balancer VIP template used to create a load balancer VIP. |
New-SCLoadBalancingMethod |
Creates a load balancer method object that is used when you create a load balancer virtual IP. |
New-SCLogicalNetwork |
Creates a logical network object. |
New-SCLogicalNetworkDefinition |
Creates a definition for a logical network that can be associated with one or more host groups. |
New-SCLogicalSwitch |
Creates a logical switch. |
New-SCLogicalSwitchVirtualNetworkAdapter |
Adds a virtual network adapter (VNIC) to a logical switch. |
New-SCMACAddressPool |
Creates a MAC address pool. |
New-SCNativeUplinkPortProfile |
Creates a native uplink port profile. |
Creates VMM BGP Peer object that can be used for BGP configuration. |
New-SCNCBGPRouter |
Creates VMM BGP Router object that can be used for BGP configuration. |
New-SCNetworkRoute |
Creates a network route. |
New-SCOpsMgrConnection |
Creates a connection to an Operations Manager management group. |
New-SCPackageMapping |
Creates a package mapping object. |
New-SCPhysicalComputerConfig |
Creates a computer configuration object. |
New-SCPhysicalComputerNetworkAdapterConfig |
Creates a network adapter configuration that is applied to an operating system deployed on a physical computer. |
New-SCPhysicalComputerNetworkAdapterProfile |
Creates a profile for network configuration applied to an operating system that is deployed to physical computer. |
New-SCPhysicalComputerProfile |
Creates a profile that is used to deploy an operating system to a computer. |
New-SCPortACL |
Creates a port ACL. |
New-SCPortACLRule |
Creates a port ACL rule. |
New-SCPortClassification |
Creates a port classification. |
New-SCReplicationGroup |
Creates a new replication group. |
New-SCRunAsAccount |
Creates a VMM Run As account. |
New-SCScriptCommandSetting |
Creates a settings object for a script command. |
New-SCService |
Deploys a new service instance in VMM. |
New-SCServiceConfiguration |
Creates a service configuration from a service template. |
New-SCServiceTemplate |
Creates a service template used to create a service in VMM. |
New-SCServicingWindow |
Creates a servicing window and the schedule for the servicing window. |
New-SCSQLProfile |
Creates a SQL Server profile. |
New-SCSSASConnection |
Creates a connection to SQL Server Analysis Services. |
New-SCStaticIPAddressPool |
Creates a static IP address pool. |
New-SCStorageClassification |
Creates a storage classification. |
New-SCStorageFabricClassification |
Creates a Fibre Channel fabric classification. |
New-SCStorageFileShare |
Creates a storage file share in VMM. |
New-SCStorageLogicalUnit |
Creates a logical unit from unallocated capacity in a storage pool. |
New-SCStoragePool |
Creates a storage pool. |
New-SCStorageQoSPolicy |
Creates a storage QoS policy on one or more storage file servers. |
New-SCStorageTier |
Creates a Storage Tier configured with Virtual Machine Manager Server. |
New-SCStorageVolume |
Creates a storage volume. |
New-SCStorageZone |
Creates a zone in a zone set for a given fabric. |
New-SCStorageZoneAlias |
Creates a Fibre Channel zone alias. |
New-SCSubnetVLan |
Creates a subnet VLAN object. |
New-SCUplinkPortProfileSet |
Creates an uplink port profile set. |
New-SCUserRole |
Creates a user role for a group of VMM users. |
New-SCV2V |
Converts a virtual machine to a virtual machine deployed on a Hyper-V host that VMM manages. |
New-SCVirtualDiskDrive |
Creates a virtual disk drive object. |
New-SCVirtualDVDDrive |
Creates a virtual DVD drive on a virtual machine, a virtual machine template, or a hardware profile used in VMM. |
New-SCVirtualFibreChannelAdapter |
Creates a Virtual Fibre Channel adapter in a hardware profile, virtual machine template, or virtual machine instance. |
New-SCVirtualMachine |
Creates a virtual machine to be managed by VMM. |
New-SCVirtualNetwork |
Creates a virtual network on a host managed by VMM over which virtual machines on that host can communicate. |
New-SCVirtualNetworkAdapter |
Creates a virtual network adapter on a virtual machine, virtual machine template, or hardware profile used in VMM. |
New-SCVirtualNetworkAdapterNativePortProfile |
Creates a virtual network adapter native port profile. |
New-SCVirtualNetworkAdapterPortProfileSet |
Creates a virtual network adapter port profile set. |
New-SCVirtualScsiAdapter |
Creates a virtual SCSI adapter on a virtual machine, virtual machine template, or hardware profile used in VMM. |
New-SCVMCheckpoint |
Creates a checkpoint for a virtual machine deployed on a host managed by VMM. |
New-SCVMConfiguration |
Creates a virtual machine configuration from a virtual machine template. |
New-SCVMConnectFedAuth |
Issues a set of federated authentication tokens with supporting information. |
New-SCVMHost |
Creates a VMM host from a physical computer by using the properties defined in a host profile. |
New-SCVMHostConfig |
Creates a host configuration. |
New-SCVMHostFibreChannelVirtualSAN |
Creates a virtual Fibre Channel SAN object on a Hyper-V host. |
New-SCVMHostGroup |
Creates a host group that can contain virtual machine host computers, other host groups, or host clusters. |
New-SCVMHostNetworkAdapterConfig |
Creates a host network adapter configuration. |
New-SCVMHostNetworkAdapterProfile |
Creates a host network adapter profile. |
New-SCVMHostProfile |
Creates a host profile. |
New-SCVMNetwork |
Creates a virtual machine network. |
New-SCVMShieldingData |
Creates a virtual machine shielding data object from a .pdk file. |
New-SCVMSubnet |
Creates a virtual machine subnet. |
New-SCVMTemplate |
Creates a virtual machine template used to create virtual machines managed by VMM. |
New-SCVMXComputerConfiguration |
Creates a VMX computer configuration object by gathering virtual machine configuration information from a virtual machine created in VMware that you plan to convert to a virtual machine deployed on a Windows-based host managed by VMM. |
Publish-SCWindowsPE |
Publishes an updated Windows PE image for use by all PXE servers in your VMM environment. |
Read-SCFabricRole |
{{Fill in the Synopsis}} |
Read-SCFabricRoleResource |
Reads a fabric role resource. |
Read-SCGuestInfo |
Retrieves the value associated with a key in a guest operating system. |
Read-SCLibraryShare |
Updates the state and metadata of VMM library objects stored in a library share. |
Read-SCLoadBalancer |
Refreshes load balancer information in the VMM console. |
Read-SCLoadBalancerVIP |
Refreshes load balancer VIP information in the VMM console. |
Read-SCLogicalNetwork |
{{Fill in the Synopsis}} |
Read-SCNATConnection |
{{Fill in the Synopsis}} |
Read-SCNetworkGateway |
Refreshes a network gateway object. |
Read-SCNetworkService |
Refreshes a network service. |
Read-SCPortACL |
{{Fill in the Synopsis}} |
Read-SCPortACLRule |
{{Fill in the Synopsis}} |
Read-SCService |
Refreshes the information for a service. |
Read-SCServiceTemplate |
Refreshes the properties of a service template and displays the updates in the VMM console. |
Read-SCStorageProvider |
Retrieves updated information from the storage provider including array, pool, and logical unit information exposed by the provider. |
Read-SCVirtualizationManager |
Refreshes the properties of a VMware vCenter Server so that the VMM console displays updated information about vCenter Server entities. |
Read-SCVirtualMachine |
Refreshes the properties of a virtual machine so that the VMM console displays updated information about the virtual machine. |
Read-SCVirtualSwitchExtensionManager |
Refreshes a virtual switch extension manager. |
Read-SCVMHost |
Refreshes virtual machine host properties in the VMM Console. |
Read-SCVMHostCluster |
Refreshes host cluster properties in the VMM console. |
Read-SCVMMManagedComputer |
Refreshes a computer that is managed by VMM. |
Read-SCVMNetwork |
{{Fill in the Synopsis}} |
Read-SCVMNetworkGateway |
Refreshes a virtual machine network gateway. |
Read-SCVPNConnection |
Refreshes a VPN connection. |
Register-SCStorageFileShare |
Registers a storage file share with a VM host, cluster, or library server. |
Register-SCStorageLogicalUnit |
Associates a logical unit with a host. |
Register-SCVirtualMachine |
Registers an existing virtual machine with VMM that is currently not registered with the virtualization platform of any host managed by VMM and is not stored in the VMM library. |
Register-SCVMHost |
Associates a VMware ESX host with VMM as a virtual machine host and specifies credentials to manage the host. |
Register-SCVMMAccessLicense |
Registers VMM using the provided product key. |
Register-SCVMMManagedComputer |
Reassociates a managed computer on which VMM agent software is installed with a different VMM management server. |
Remove-CloudResource |
Removes a cloud resource from VMM. |
Remove-CloudResourceExtension |
Removes a cloud resource extension from VMM. |
Remove-CloudService |
Removes a cloud service from VMM. |
Remove-CloudVMRoleSizeProfile |
Removes a cloud virtual machine role size profile. |
Remove-SCApplicationDeployment |
Deletes an application deployment from an application profile. |
Remove-SCApplicationHostTemplate |
Removes an application host template from a service template. |
Remove-SCApplicationPackage |
Removes an application package from the VMM library. |
Remove-SCApplicationProfile |
Deletes an application profile. |
Remove-SCAzureProfile |
Removes an azure profile from Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) Library. [!Note] Azure Profiles and Azure subscriptions are discontinued from System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2025. |
Remove-SCBaseline |
Removes a baseline from VMM. |
Remove-SCBGPPeer |
Removes a BGP peer from a router. |
Remove-SCCapabilityProfile |
Deletes a capability profile from VMM. |
Remove-SCCloud |
Deletes a private cloud from VMM. |
Remove-SCCodeIntegrityPolicy |
Removes a code integrity policy. |
Remove-SCComputerTierTemplate |
Removes a computer tier template from a service template. |
Remove-SCCustomPlacementRule |
Deletes a custom placement rule from a placement configuration. |
Remove-SCCustomProperty |
Removes a custom property definition from the VMM database. |
Remove-SCCustomPropertyValue |
Removes the value from a custom property. |
Remove-SCCustomResource |
Removes a custom resource from the VMM library. |
Remove-SCDriverPackage |
Removes a driver package object from the VMM library. |
Remove-SCFabricRoleResource |
Removes a fabric role resource. |
Remove-SCGuestOSProfile |
Removes a guest operating system profile object from VMM. |
Remove-SCHardwareProfile |
Removes a hardware profile object from the VMM library. |
Remove-SCISO |
Removes an ISO file from the VMM library. |
Remove-SCLibraryServer |
Removes a library server from VMM. |
Remove-SCLibraryShare |
Removes a library share from VMM but does not delete the share from the Windows file system. |
Remove-SCLoadBalancer |
Removes a load balancer from VMM. |
Remove-SCLoadBalancerTemplate |
Removes a load balancer template from a service template. |
Remove-SCLoadBalancerVIP |
Removes a load balancer VIP from a load balancer. |
Remove-SCLoadBalancerVIPMember |
Removes a member from a load balancer VIP. |
Remove-SCLoadBalancerVIPTemplate |
Deletes a load balancer VIP template from VMM. |
Remove-SCLogicalNetwork |
Deletes a logical network object. |
Remove-SCLogicalNetworkDefinition |
Deletes a logical network definition. |
Remove-SCLogicalSwitch |
Removes a logical switch. |
Remove-SCLogicalSwitchVirtualNetworkAdapter |
Removes a virtual network adapter (VNIC) from a logical switch. |
Remove-SCMACAddressPool |
Deletes a MAC address pool. |
Remove-SCNATConnection |
Removes a NAT connection. |
Remove-SCNativeUplinkPortProfile |
Removes a native uplink port profile. |
Remove-SCNATRule |
Removes a NAT rule. |
Remove-SCNetworkConnection |
Removes a network service connection. |
Remove-SCNetworkGateway |
Removes a network gateway object from VMM. |
Remove-SCNetworkRoute |
Removes a network route from VMM. |
Remove-SCNetworkService |
Removes a network service from VMM. |
Remove-SCOperatingSystem |
Deletes an operating system from an application profile. |
Remove-SCOpsMgrConnection |
Removes the Operations Manager connection from VMM. |
Remove-SCPhysicalComputerNetworkAdapterProfile |
Removes a physical computer network adapter profile object from VMM. |
Remove-SCPhysicalComputerProfile |
Removes a physical computer profile from VMM. |
Remove-SCPortACL |
Removes a port ACL. |
Remove-SCPortACLRule |
Removes a port ACL rule. |
Remove-SCPortClassification |
Removes a port classification. |
Remove-SCPXEServer |
Removes a PXEServer object from the VMM database. |
Remove-SCReplicationGroup |
Removes a replication group. |
Remove-SCRunAsAccount |
Removes a VMM Run As account. |
Remove-SCScript |
Removes a script object from VMM. |
Remove-SCScriptCommand |
Deletes a script command from an application profile, application deployment, or host profile. |
Remove-SCServerFeature |
Removes an operating system role or feature from a guest operating system profile. |
Remove-SCService |
Deletes a VMM service and all associated virtual machines. |
Remove-SCServiceConfiguration |
Deletes a service configuration object from the VMM library. |
Remove-SCServiceTemplate |
Deletes a service template from the VMM library. |
Remove-SCServicingWindow |
Removes a servicing window definition from VMM. |
Remove-SCServicingWindowSubscription |
Removes a servicing window from a virtual machine, host, or service. |
Remove-SCSQLDeployment |
Removes a SQL Server deployment from a SQL Server profile. |
Remove-SCSQLProfile |
Removes a SQL Server profile. |
Remove-SCSQLScriptCommand |
Removes a SQL Server script from an application deployment. |
Remove-SCSSASConnection |
Removes the SQL Server Analysis Services connection object from VMM. |
Remove-SCSSHKey |
Removes a Linux Administrator SSHkey object from VMM. |
Remove-SCStaticIPAddressPool |
Deletes a static IP address pool. |
Remove-SCStorageClassification |
Deletes a storage classification object from the VMM database. |
Remove-SCStorageFabricClassification |
Removes a Fibre Channel fabric classification from VMM. |
Remove-SCStorageFileShare |
Removes a storage file share from VMM. |
Remove-SCStorageLogicalUnit |
Deletes any associations a logical unit has to a host under VMM management. |
Remove-SCStoragePool |
Deletes a storage pool and returns capacity. |
Remove-SCStorageProvider |
Removes a storage provider from VMM. |
Remove-SCStorageQoSPolicy |
Removes a top-level storage QoS policy from file servers. |
Remove-SCStorageVolume |
Deletes an existing Storage Volume. |
Remove-SCStorageZone |
Removes a zone from a zone set. |
Remove-SCStorageZoneAlias |
Removes a Fibre Channel zone alias from a fabric. |
Remove-SCUpdateServer |
Removes a WSUS server from VMM. |
Remove-SCUplinkPortProfileSet |
Removes an uplink port profile set. |
Remove-SCUserRole |
Removes an existing user role. |
Remove-SCUserRolePermission |
Removes a permission from a user role. |
Remove-SCVirtualDiskDrive |
Removes virtual disk drives from a virtual machine or from a virtual machine template. |
Remove-SCVirtualDVDDrive |
Removes a virtual DVD drive object from VMM. |
Remove-SCVirtualFibreChannelAdapter |
Removes a Virtual Fibre Channel adapter. |
Remove-SCVirtualFloppyDisk |
Removes a virtual floppy disk object from VMM. |
Remove-SCVirtualHardDisk |
Removes a virtual hard disk object from a virtual machine or template, or from the VMM library. |
Remove-SCVirtualizationManager |
Removes a VMware vCenter Server from VMM. |
Remove-SCVirtualMachine |
Removes a virtual machine object from VMM. |
Remove-SCVirtualNetwork |
Removes a virtual network from a host managed by VMM. |
Remove-SCVirtualNetworkAdapter |
Removes a virtual network adapter object from VMM. |
Remove-SCVirtualNetworkAdapterNativePortProfile |
Removes a virtual network adapter native port profile. |
Remove-SCVirtualNetworkAdapterPortProfileSet |
Removes a virtual network adapter port profile set. |
Remove-SCVirtualScsiAdapter |
Removes a virtual SCSI adapter object from VMM. |
Remove-SCVirtualSwitchExtensionManager |
Removes a virtual switch extension manager from VMM. |
Remove-SCVMCheckpoint |
Removes a virtual machine checkpoint object from the VMM database. |
Remove-SCVMConfiguration |
Removes a virtual machine configuration object from VMM. |
Remove-SCVMHost |
Removes a virtual machine host from VMM. |
Remove-SCVMHostCluster |
Removes a host cluster object from VMM. |
Remove-SCVMHostFibreChannelVirtualSAN |
Removes a Fibre Channel SAN from Hyper-V. |
Remove-SCVMHostGroup |
Removes a host group from VMM. |
Remove-SCVMHostNetworkAdapter |
Removes a physical host network adapter object from a virtual network that is configured on a host managed by VMM. |
Remove-SCVMHostNetworkAdapterProfile |
Removes a host network adapter profile. |
Remove-SCVMHostProfile |
Removes a host profile object from the VMM database. |
Remove-SCVMMManagedComputer |
Removes a computer from VMM management. |
Remove-SCVMNetwork |
Removes a virtual machine network. |
Remove-SCVMNetworkGateway |
Removes a virtual machine network gateway from VMM. |
Remove-SCVMShieldingData |
Removes a virtual machine shielding data object. |
Remove-SCVMSubnet |
Removes a virtual machine subnet. |
Remove-SCVMTemplate |
Removes a template object from VMM. |
Remove-SCVMXComputerConfiguration |
Removes a VMX computer configuration object from VMM. |
Remove-SCVPNConnection |
Removes a VPN connection from VMM. |
Repair-CloudVmRole |
Repairs a cloud virtual machine role. |
Repair-SCStorageFileShare |
Repairs a storage file share. |
Repair-SCVirtualMachine |
Repairs a virtual machine in a failed state. |
Repair-SCVirtualNetwork |
Repairs a virtual network. |
Repair-SCVirtualNetworkAdapter |
Repairs a virtual network adapter. |
Repair-SCVMHost |
Starts remediation steps on a failed host for a set of known failure conditions. |
Repair-SCVMMDRServiceRegistration |
Repairs the connection between Virtual Machine Manager server and Azure Site Recovery Manager. |
Reset-SCPROMonitorState |
Resets the state of a specified PRO monitor. |
Reset-SCVirtualMachine |
Resets a virtual machine by powering off the virtual machine and then starting it. |
Resolve-SCServiceTemplate |
Validates a service template and updates the global settings for the service template. |
Restart-SCJob |
Restarts a failed or canceled VMM job. |
Restart-SCVMHost |
Restarts a specified host managed by VMM. |
Restore-SCVMCheckpoint |
Restores a virtual machine to a specified checkpoint. |
Resume-SCService |
Starts a paused VMM service and all virtual machines within that service. |
Resume-SCVirtualMachine |
Resumes paused virtual machines managed by VMM. |
Revoke-SCIPAddress |
Returns an allocated IP address to the static IP address pool. |
Revoke-SCMACAddress |
Returns an allocated MAC address to the MAC address pool. |
Revoke-SCResource |
Revokes access to a resource from a user or user role. |
Save-SCVirtualMachine |
Migrates a virtual machine deployed on a host to the VMM library. |
Set-CloudResourceExtension |
Updates a cloud resource extension. |
Set-CloudService |
Updates a cloud service. |
Set-CloudVmRoleScale |
Updates a cloud virtual machine role scale. |
Set-CloudVMRoleSizeProfile |
Updates a cloud VM role size profile. |
Set-SCApplicationDeployment |
Modifies an application deployment. |
Set-SCApplicationHostTemplate |
Configures the properties of an application host template that has been added to a service template. |
Set-SCApplicationPackage |
Modifies the properties of an application package. |
Set-SCApplicationProfile |
Modifies the properties of an application profile. |
Set-SCApplicationSetting |
Sets the value of an application setting. |
Set-SCBaseline |
Modifies a baseline by adding or removing updates or assignment scopes. |
Set-SCCapabilityProfile |
Modifies the properties of a capability profile. |
Set-SCCloud |
Changes the properties of a private cloud in VMM. |
Set-SCCloudCapacity |
Modifies the cloud capacity settings for a private cloud. |
Set-SCCodeIntegrityPolicy |
Modifies a code integrity policy. |
Set-SCComplianceStatus |
Sets a compliance status object. |
Set-SCComputerTier |
Modifies the properties of a VMM computer tier object. |
Set-SCComputerTierConfiguration |
Configures the computer tier configuration object in an undeployed service configuration. |
Set-SCComputerTierTemplate |
Modifies the properties of a computer tier template. |
Set-SCCustomPlacementRule |
Modifes a custom placement rule in the placement configuration of a host group. |
Set-SCCustomProperty |
Modifies the properties of a custom property. |
Set-SCCustomPropertyValue |
Updates the value of a custom property. |
Set-SCCustomResource |
Sets the properties of a custom resource. |
Set-SCDriverPackage |
Updates the properties of an existing driver package object. |
Set-SCDynamicOptimizationConfiguration |
Configures dynamic optimization for a host group. |
Set-SCExternalJob |
Updates an existing external job. |
Set-SCFabricRole |
Modifies a fabric role. |
Set-SCFabricRoleResource |
Modifies a fabric role resource. |
Set-SCGuestInfo |
Sets the value associated with a key for a key/value pair in a guest operating system. |
Set-SCGuestOSProfile |
Changes the properties of a guest operating system profile used in VMM. |
Set-SCHardwareProfile |
Changes the properties of a hardware profile used in VMM. |
Set-SCHostReserve |
Modifies the host reserve settings for a host group. |
Set-SCInternetSCSIHba |
Configures iSCSI initiator sessions and logs the initiator on to the iSCSI storage array. |
Set-SCIPAddress |
Modifies an allocated IP address by assigning the IP address to an object, or updating the IP address description. |
Changes the properties of an ISO object. |
Set-SCISOConfiguration |
Updates an ISO configuration in a virtual machine configuration. |
Set-SCKMSNetworkSetting |
Sets a KMS network setting. |
Set-SCLibraryServer |
Sets the properties of a VMM library server. |
Set-SCLibraryShare |
Changes the description property of a VMM library share object. |
Set-SCLoadBalancer |
Modifies the properties of a load balancer. |
Set-SCLoadBalancerConfiguration |
Updates a load balancer configuration object for a computer tier. |
Set-SCLoadBalancerTemplate |
Configures the properties of a load balancer template. |
Set-SCLoadBalancerVIPTemplate |
Modifies the properties of a load balancer VIP template. |
Set-SCLogicalNetwork |
Changes the properties of a logical network object. |
Set-SCLogicalNetworkDefinition |
Modifies a logical network definition. |
Set-SCLogicalSwitch |
Updates the properties of a logical switch. |
Set-SCLogicalSwitchVirtualNetworkAdapter |
Commits any changes in settings to an existing virtual network adapter (VNIC) that is connected to a logical switch. |
Set-SCMACAddressPool |
Modifies a MAC address pool. |
Set-SCNATConnection |
Updates a NAT connection. |
Set-SCNativeUplinkPortProfile |
Updates a native uplink port profile. |
Set-SCNetworkConnection |
Modifies a network service connection. |
Set-SCNetworkGateway |
Sets the properties of a network gateway object. |
Set-SCNetworkService |
Modifies a network service. |
Set-SCNotification |
Dismisses update notifications for a service template or service instance. |
Set-SCOpsMgrConnection |
Updates the Operations Manager connection settings. |
Set-SCPackageMapping |
Updates a package mapping object. |
Set-SCPhysicalComputerProfile |
Modifies a physical computer profile object. |
Set-SCPlacementConfiguration |
Sets the placement configuration settings for a host group. |
Set-SCPortACL |
Modifies a port ACL. |
Set-SCPortACLRule |
Modifies a port ACL rule. |
Set-SCPortClassification |
Sets the properties of a port classification. |
Set-SCPROMonitorConfiguration |
Updates the properties of a PRO monitor configuration. |
Set-SCPROTip |
Sets the status of a PRO tip. |
Set-SCReplicationGroup |
Modifies a replication group. |
Set-SCRunAsAccount |
Modifies the properties of a Run As account. |
Set-SCScript |
Changes the properties of a script stored in the VMM library. |
Set-SCScriptCommand |
Configures a script command. |
Set-SCScriptCommandSetting |
Configures a script command setting. |
Set-SCService |
Modifies a VMM service instance. |
Set-SCServiceConfiguration |
Modifies the properties of an undeployed service configuration object stored in the VMM library. |
Set-SCServiceSetting |
Modifies a service setting. |
Set-SCServiceTemplate |
Configures the properties of a service template. |
Set-SCServicingWindow |
Modifies the properties of a servicing window. |
Set-SCSQLDeployment |
Modifies a SQL Server deployment. |
Set-SCSQLProfile |
Modifies the properties of a SQL Server profile. |
Set-SCSQLScriptCommand |
Modifies the properties of a SQL Server script. |
Set-SCSSHKey |
Updates the properties of a Linux SSHKey. |
Set-SCStaticIPAddressPool |
Modifies a static IP address pool that is associated with one or more hostgroups. |
Set-SCStorageArray |
Modifies the properties of a storage array object. |
Set-SCStorageClassification |
Modifies the properties of an existing storage classification. |
Set-SCStorageDisk |
Updates a storage disk object in the VMM database. |
Set-SCStorageFabric |
Updates a storage Fibre Channel fabric object. |
Set-SCStorageFabricClassification |
Modifies a Fibre Channel fabric classification. |
Set-SCStorageFileServer |
Adds or removes a storage file share from VMM management. |
Set-SCStorageFileServerNode |
Modifies a file server node. |
Set-SCStorageFileShare |
Modifies a storage file share. |
Set-SCStorageLogicalUnit |
Updates the metadata of a storage logical unit object. |
Set-SCStoragePool |
Modifies a storage pool object in the VMM database. |
Set-SCStorageProvider |
Modifies a storage provider object in VMM. |
Set-SCStorageQoSPolicy |
Modifies a storage QoS policy on one or more storage file servers. |
Set-SCStorageVolume |
Modifies the setting for a volume on a host that enables VMM to evaluate that volume as available storage during the virtual machine placement process. |
Set-SCStorageZone |
Modifies an existing zone in a zone set. |
Set-SCStorageZoneAlias |
Modifies an existing Fibre Channel zone alias. |
Set-SCStorageZoneSet |
Modifies a fabric zone set object. |
Set-SCUpdate |
Accepts Microsoft Software License Terms for software updates that require acceptance. |
Set-SCUpdateServer |
Configures the settings of a WSUS server that has been added to VMM. |
Set-SCUplinkPortProfileSet |
Modifies an uplink port profile set. |
Set-SCUserRole |
Modifies the settings for an existing VMM user role. |
Set-SCUserRoleQuota |
Modifies the settings for a user role quota. |
Set-SCVirtualCOMPort |
Modifies properties of a virtual COM port for a virtual machine, virtual machine template, or hardware profile. |
Set-SCVirtualDiskDrive |
Modifies settings of a virtual disk drive. |
Set-SCVirtualDVDDrive |
Changes properties of a virtual DVD drive associated with a virtual machine, virtual machine template, or hardware profile used in VMM. |
Set-SCVirtualFibreChannelAdapter |
Modifies a Virtual Fibre Channel adapter. |
Set-SCVirtualFibreChannelAdapterConfiguration |
Updates a configuration object that is used to configure an HBA object in a virtual machine configuration during virtual machine deployment. |
Set-SCVirtualFloppyDisk |
Changes the properties of a virtual floppy disk used in VMM. |
Set-SCVirtualFloppyDrive |
Changes properties of a virtual floppy drive associated with a virtual machine, virtual machine template, or hardware profile used in VMM. |
Set-SCVirtualHardDisk |
Changes the properties of a virtual hard disk object used in VMM. |
Set-SCVirtualHardDiskConfiguration |
Modifies the virtual hard disk configuration information contained within a virtual machine configuration. |
Set-SCVirtualizationManager |
Changes the properties of a VMware vCenter Server that is managed by VMM. |
Set-SCVirtualMachine |
Changes properties of a virtual machine managed by VMM. |
Set-SCVirtualNetwork |
Changes the properties of a virtual network configured on a host managed by VMM. |
Set-SCVirtualNetworkAdapter |
Changes properties of a virtual network adapter associated with a virtual machine, a virtual machine template, or a hardware profile used to create virtual machines in VMM. |
Set-SCVirtualNetworkAdapterConfiguration |
Modifies the virtual network adapter configuration contained within a virtual machine configuration. |
Set-SCVirtualNetworkAdapterNativePortProfile |
Sets the properties of a virtual network adapter native port profile. |
Set-SCVirtualNetworkAdapterPortProfileSet |
Sets the properties of a virtual network adapter port profile set. |
Set-SCVirtualScsiAdapter |
Changes properties of a virtual SCSI adapter used in VMM. |
Set-SCVirtualSwitchExtension |
Modifies a virtual switch extension. |
Set-SCVirtualSwitchExtensionManager |
Sets the properties of a virtual switch extension manager. |
Set-SCVMCheckpoint |
Modifies the properties of a virtual machine checkpoint object in VMM. |
Set-SCVMConfiguration |
Modifies the virtual machine configuration for a computer tier. |
Set-SCVMHost |
Modifies properties of a virtual machine host. |
Set-SCVMHostCluster |
Modifies the properties of a virtual machine host cluster managed by VMM. |
Set-SCVMHostFibreChannelVirtualSAN |
Modifies a virtual Fibre Channel SAN on a Hyper-V host. |
Set-SCVMHostGroup |
Changes the properties of a host group in VMM. |
Set-SCVMHostNetworkAdapter |
Changes network-related properties for a physical network adapter on a host managed by VMM. |
Set-SCVMHostProfile |
Modifies the properties of a host profile. |
Set-SCVMMManagedComputer |
Updates a computer managed by VMM. |
Set-SCVMMServer |
Modifies properties of the VMM management server. |
Set-SCVMNetwork |
Modifies a virtual machine network. |
Set-SCVMNetworkGateway |
Sets the properties of a virtual machine network gateway. |
Set-SCVMShieldingData |
Modifies a VMShieldingData object. |
Set-SCVMSubnet |
Modifies a virtual machine subnet. |
Set-SCVMTemplate |
Changes properties of a virtual machine template used in VMM. |
Set-SCVPNConnection |
Sets the properties of a VPN connection. |
Start-SCClusterUpgrade |
Starts a cluster upgrade. |
Start-SCComplianceScan |
Starts a compliance scan of a managed computer or host cluster. |
Start-SCDynamicOptimization |
Starts dynamic optimization on a host cluster or host group. |
Start-SCService |
Starts a VMM service and all virtual machines within the service. |
Start-SCUpdateRemediation |
Initiates the action of installing one or more updates on a managed server that are required from an assigned baseline. |
Start-SCUpdateServerSynchronization |
Starts syncrhronization between a VMM update server and WSUS. |
Start-SCVirtualMachine |
Starts a virtual machine managed by VMM. |
Start-SCVMHost |
Starts a stopped host managed by VMM by using out-of-band management. |
Stop-SCJob |
Stops running VMM jobs. |
Stop-SCService |
Stops a VMM service and all virtual machines within the service. |
Stop-SCVirtualMachine |
Stops virtual machines managed by VMM. |
Stop-SCVMHost |
Stops a host managed by VMM. |
Suspend-SCService |
Pauses a VMM service and all virtual machines within the service. |
Suspend-SCVirtualMachine |
Suspends a virtual machine managed by VMM. |
Test-SCCapabilityProfile |
Validates the settings of a capability profile against a virtual machine, hardware profile, or virtual machine template. |
Test-SCDomainCredential |
Tests a credential or user name to verify that it authenticates in the domain. |
Test-SCLoadBalancer |
Tests a load balancer. |
Test-SCNetworkGateway |
Tests a network gateway. |
Test-SCNetworkService |
Tests a network service. |
Test-SCPROTip |
Tests PRO integration between VMM and Operations Manager. |
Test-SCServiceTemplate |
Validates a service template and stores any errors in the ValidationErrors property of the service template. |
Test-SCVirtualDiskDrive |
Tests an existing virtual hard disk. |
Test-SCVirtualSwitchExtensionManager |
Tests a virtual switch extension manager. |
Test-SCVMHostCluster |
Validates whether hosts that are managed by VMM are suitable as nodes of a failover cluster. |
Uninstall-SCStorageFileServer |
Destroys a file server cluster. |
Uninstall-SCVMHostCluster |
Uninstalls (destroys) a failover cluster managed by VMM. |
Unregister-SCStorageFileShare |
Unregisters a storage file share from a VM host, cluster, or library server. |
Unregister-SCStorageLogicalUnit |
Disassociates a logical unit from a host. |
Update-CloudResource |
Updates a cloud resource in VMM. |
Update-SCClusterFunctionalLevel |
Updates cluster functional level of a virtual machine host cluster or file server cluster. |
Update-SCService |
Updates a VMM service instance. |
Update-SCServiceConfiguration |
Performs placement on a service configuration. |
Update-SCVMConfiguration |
Updates the properties of a VMM virtual machine configuration object. |
Update-SCVMMCertificate |
Note: This cmdlet is applicable from VMM 2019 UR2 and later. Updates the SCVMM certificate on the VMM server. |
Update-SCVMMManagedComputer |
Updates VMM agent software installed on a Windows-based managed computer. |
Update-SCVMVersion |
Updates the version of configuration and save state files for a virtual machine. |
Use-SCDiscardSavedStateVM |
Changes a virtual machine from the Saved state to the Stopped state. |
Use-SCSaveStateVM |
Changes a virtual machine from the Running state to the Saved state. |
Use-SCShutdownVM |
Changes a virtual machine that is in the Running or Paused state to the Stopped state. |
Use-SCStopVM |
Changes a virtual machine from its current state to the Stopped state. |
Write-SCOpsMgrConnection |
Updates Operations Manager with the most current information from VMM. |