Power Apps Administration PowerShell lets you manage Power Apps environments in your tenants.
Add-AdminAllowedThirdPartyApps |
Adds the application to the list of allowed third party applications for the tenant. |
Add-AdminFlowPowerAppContext |
Add Power App context to the specific flow. |
Add-AdminFlowsToSolution |
Add flows to a solution. |
Add-AdminPowerAppsSyncUser |
Adds a user to Microsoft Dataverse. |
Add-AllowedConsentPlans |
Allows consent plans of the specified types to be created within the tenant. |
Add-ConnectorsToPolicy |
Adds the given connectors to the given group of the DLP policy. |
Add-ConnectorToBusinessDataGroup |
Sets a connector to the business data group of a data loss policy. |
Add-CustomConnectorToPolicy |
Adds a custom connector to the given group. |
Add-PowerAppsAccount |
Signs the specified user into the Power Platform. |
Add-PowerAppsCustomBrandingAssets |
Uploads tenant level custom assets. Note the following:
Backup-PowerAppEnvironment |
Backup an environment. |
Cancel-EUDBMigration |
Cancel resource group migration operations for an environment as per European Union Data Boundary (EUDB) compliance. |
Clear-AdminPowerAppApisToBypassConsent |
Removes the consent bypass so users are required to authorize API connections for the specified app. |
Clear-AdminPowerAppAsFeatured |
Removes the specified app as a featured application for the tenant. The specified app must not be set as a hero app to remove it as a featured app. |
Clear-AdminPowerAppAsHero |
Removes the specified app as a hero application. |
Copy-PowerAppEnvironment |
Copy an environment from source to target. |
Disable-AdminFlow |
Stops the specified flow. |
Enable-AdminFlow |
Starts the specified flow. |
GenerateResourceStorage-PowerAppEnvironment |
Generate resource storage for an environment.
Can be used to upload |
Get-AdminAllowedThirdPartyApps |
Adds the application to the list of allowed non-Microsoft applications for the tenant. |
Get-AdminDeletedPowerAppsList |
Returns the list of deleted apps in the admin's specified environment. |
Get-AdminDlpPolicy |
Retrieves DLP policy objects and provides the option to print out the connectors in each data group. |
Get-AdminEnableZoneRedundancyPreflightCheck |
Checks if the target Power Automate flow can be migrated without causing disruption. |
Get-AdminEnableZoneRedundancyStatus |
Checks the status of the Power Automate flow Azure zone redundant region migration. |
Get-AdminFlow |
Returns information about one or more Power Automate flows. |
Get-AdminFlowAtRiskOfSuspension |
Returns flows that are at risk of suspension. |
Get-AdminFlowEncryptedByMicrosoftKey |
Lists Power Automate flows that are encrypted by a Microsoft key. |
Get-AdminFlowEnvironmentCmkStatus |
Get customer managed key (CMK) status for flow environments. |
Get-AdminFlowOwnerRole |
Retrieves owner permissions to the flow. |
Get-AdminFlowUserDetails |
Returns the flow user details for the specified user by user ID. |
Get-AdminFlowWithHttpAction |
Lists Power Automate flows with HTTP action. |
Get-AdminGenerateDataverseEnforceReport |
Generates a report for Microsoft Dataverse security group enforcement. |
Get-AdminNonZoneRedundantFlows |
Lists Power Automate flows that aren't in Azure zone redundant regions. |
Get-AdminPowerApp |
Returns information about one or more apps. |
Get-AdminPowerAppCdsAdditionalNotificationEmails |
Returns email addresses of users other than default admins of Power Platform that receive notifications. |
Get-AdminPowerAppCdsDatabaseCurrencies |
Returns all supported Microsoft Dataverse currencies. |
Get-AdminPowerAppCdsDatabaseLanguages |
Returns all supported Dataverse languages. |
Get-AdminPowerAppCdsDatabaseTemplates |
Returns all supported Microsoft Dataverse templates. |
Get-AdminPowerAppConditionalAccessAuthenticationContextIds |
Gets the authentication context IDs attached to the app. |
Get-AdminPowerAppConnection |
Returns information about one or more connections. |
Get-AdminPowerAppConnectionReferences |
Returns app connection references. |
Get-AdminPowerAppConnectionRoleAssignment |
Returns the connection role assignments for a user or a connection. Owner role assignments can't be deleted without deleting the connection resource. |
Get-AdminPowerAppConnector |
Returns information about one or more custom connectors. |
Get-AdminPowerAppConnectorAction |
Returns connector operations. |
Get-AdminPowerAppConnectorRoleAssignment |
Returns the connection role assignments for a user or a custom connection. Owner role assignments can't be deleted without deleting the connection resource. |
Get-AdminPowerAppEnvironment |
Returns information about one or more PowerApps environments where the calling uses is an Environment Admin. If the calling user is a tenant admin, all environments within the tenant will be returned. |
Get-AdminPowerAppEnvironmentCopilotSettings |
Gets the Microsoft Copilot settings in the specified environment. |
Get-AdminPowerAppEnvironmentLocations |
Returns all supported environment locations. |
Get-AdminPowerAppEnvironmentRoleAssignment |
Returns the environment role assignments for environments without a Common Data Service For Apps database environment. |
Get-AdminPowerAppLicenses |
Downloads the user licenses into a specified file. |
Get-AdminPowerAppOperationStatus |
Return admin operation status by operation URL. |
Get-AdminPowerAppRoleAssignment |
Returns permission information about one or more apps. |
Get-AdminPowerAppSharepointFormEnvironment |
Retrieves the environment that Power Apps uses to save Sharepoint form apps. |
Get-AdminPowerAppSoftDeletedEnvironment |
Returns information about one or more Power Platform environments that are soft-deleted. If the calling user is a tenant admin, all soft-deleted environments within the tenant are returned. |
Get-AdminPowerAppsUserDetails |
Downloads the user details into the specified file path. |
Get-AdminPowerAppTenantConsumedQuota |
Retrieves the admin Power Platform tenant consumed quota. |
Get-AdminRecoverDeletedPowerApp |
Recovers the deleted app with the specified app ID in the specified environment. |
Get-AdminVirtualConnectors |
Retrieves virtual connectors available to the tenant. |
Get-AllowedConsentPlans |
Retrieves the types of consent plans that are allowed within the tenant. |
Get-AppQuarantineState |
Retrieves the app quarantine state. |
Get-DesktopFlowModules |
Returns information about the Power Automate desktop flow modules that can be managed by DLP policies. |
Get-DlpPolicy |
Retrieves a list of DLP policy objects. |
Get-EUDBMigrationStatus |
Checks the status of migration of flows for the European Union Data Boundary (EUDB) compliance. |
Get-GovernanceErrorSettings |
Fetches the error settings for the tenant if present otherwise returns null. |
Get-JwtToken |
Retrieves the user login token. |
Get-PowerAppDlpConnectorBlockingPolicies |
Fetches the connector blocking policies for the tenant if present otherwise returns null. |
Get-PowerAppDlpConnectorBlockingPolicy |
Fetches the connector blocking policy for the tenant by ID. |
Get-PowerAppDlpErrorSettings |
Fetches the error settings for the tenant if present otherwise returns null. |
Get-PowerAppDlpPolicyConnectorConfigurations |
Retrieves connector configurations for a DLP policy. |
Get-PowerAppDlpPolicyExemptResources |
Retrieves exempt resources for a DLP policy. |
Get-PowerAppEnvironmentBackups |
Returns environment backup information for the specified environment. |
Get-PowerAppGenerateProtectionKey |
Creates a protection key. |
Get-PowerAppManagementApp |
Returns management application by ID. |
Get-PowerAppManagementApps |
Lists management applications. |
Get-PowerAppPolicyUrlPatterns |
Retrieves a list of URL patterns for a DLP policy. |
Get-PowerAppRetrieveAvailableTenantProtectionKeys |
Get Power Platform available protection keys. |
Get-PowerAppRetrieveTenantProtectionKey |
Get Power Platform current protection key. |
Get-PowerAppTenantIsolationOperationStatus |
Returns tenant isolation operation status. |
Get-PowerAppTenantIsolationPolicy |
Retrieves the tenant isolation policy. |
Get-PowerAppTenantUrlPatterns |
Retrieves a list of URL patterns at the tenant level. |
Get-TenantDetailsFromGraph |
Get my organization tenant details from graph. |
Get-TenantSettings |
Retrieves Power Platform tenant settings. |
Get-UsersOrGroupsFromGraph |
Returns users or groups from Graph. |
InvokeApi |
Invoke an API. |
InvokeApiNoParseContent |
Invoke an API without parsing return content. |
New-AdminDlpPolicy |
Creates and inserts a new api policy into the tenant. By default the environment filter is off, and all API connections are in the no business data group (lbi). |
New-AdminPowerAppCdsDatabase |
Creates a Microsoft Dataverse with Dynamics 365 apps enabled database for the specified environment. |
New-AdminPowerAppEnvironment |
Creates a Power Platform environment. |
New-DlpPolicy |
Creates a new DLP policy in the tenant by using the |
New-GovernanceErrorSettings |
Creates the error settings for the tenant if it's not already created. |
New-PowerAppDlpConnectorBlockingPolicy |
Creates the connector blocking policy for the tenant if it's not already created. |
New-PowerAppDlpErrorSettings |
Creates the error settings for the tenant if it's not already created. |
New-PowerAppDlpPolicyConnectorConfigurations |
Creates new connector configurations for a DLP policy by using the |
New-PowerAppDlpPolicyExemptResources |
Creates new exempt resources for a DLP policy by using the |
New-PowerAppImportProtectionKey |
Imports a Power Platform environment protection key. |
New-PowerAppManagementApp |
Register management application by ID. |
New-PowerAppPolicyUrlPatterns |
Creates new URL patterns for a DLP policy by using the |
New-PowerAppTenantUrlPatterns |
Creates new URL patterns at the tenant-level by using the |
Recover-AdminPowerAppEnvironment |
Recovers the specific environment. This operation can take some time depending on how many resources are stored in the environment. |
Remove-AdminAllowedThirdPartyApps |
Removes the application from the list of allowed non-Microsoft applications for the tenant. |
Remove-AdminDlpPolicy |
Deletes the specific Api policy. Delete is successful when the cmdlet returns a 202 response. A 204 response means it didn't delete. |
Remove-AdminFlow |
Deletes the specified flow. |
Remove-AdminFlowApprovals |
Removes all active and inactive flow approvals. |
Remove-AdminFlowOwnerRole |
Removes owner permissions to the flow. |
Remove-AdminFlowPowerAppContext |
Removes Power Apps context to the specified flow. |
Remove-AdminFlowUserDetails |
Removes the flow user details for the input user ID. This cmdlet throws an error if the input user is an owner of any flows in the tenant. |
Remove-AdminPowerApp |
Deletes an app. |
Remove-AdminPowerAppConditionalAccessAuthenticationContextIds |
Removes the authentication context IDs associated with the input app. |
Remove-AdminPowerAppConnection |
Deletes the connection. |
Remove-AdminPowerAppConnectionRoleAssignment |
Deletes a connection role assignment record. |
Remove-AdminPowerAppConnector |
Deletes the custom connector. |
Remove-AdminPowerAppConnectorRoleAssignment |
Deletes a connector role assignment record. |
Remove-AdminPowerAppEnvironment |
Deletes the specified environment. This operation can take some time depending on how many resources are stored in the environment. When the operation returns with a 404 NotFound, then the environment is successfully deleted. |
Remove-AdminPowerAppEnvironmentRoleAssignment |
Deletes the specified role assignment of an environment. |
Remove-AdminPowerAppRoleAssignment |
Deletes the specified role of an app. |
Remove-AllowedConsentPlans |
Removes all consent plans of the specified types from the tenant and blocks consent plans of those type from being created within the tenant. |
Remove-ConnectorFromBusinessDataGroup |
Removes connector from the business data group of data loss policy. |
Remove-CustomConnectorFromPolicy |
Deletes a custom connector from the given DLP policy. |
Remove-DlpPolicy |
Deletes the specific DLP policy by policy name. |
Remove-GovernanceErrorSettings |
Deletes the error settings for the tenant if it exists. |
Remove-LegacyCDSDatabase |
This command is used for removing the legacy Dataverse (version 1.0) database. |
Remove-PowerAppDlpConnectorBlockingPolicy |
Deletes the connector blocking policy for the tenant if it exists. |
Remove-PowerAppDlpErrorSettings |
Deletes the error settings for the tenant if it exists. |
Remove-PowerAppDlpPolicyConnectorConfigurations |
Deletes the specified DLP policy connector configurations by |
Remove-PowerAppDlpPolicyExemptResources |
Deletes the specific DLP policy exempt resources by |
Remove-PowerAppEnvironmentBackup |
Removes environment backup by the backup ID. |
Remove-PowerAppManagementApp |
Remove management application by ID. |
Remove-PowerAppPolicyUrlPatterns |
Deletes the specific URL patterns by |
Remove-PowerAppsAccount |
Removes Power Platform user sign in information from the cache. |
Remove-PowerAppTenantUrlPatterns |
Deletes URL patterns at the tenant level. |
ReplaceMacro |
Replace macro to the specified value. |
Reset-AdminPowerAppSharepointFormEnvironment |
Resets the environment that Power Platform uses to save Sharepoint form apps back to the default environment. |
Reset-PowerAppEnvironment |
Resets the specified environment. |
Restore-AdminFlow |
Restore the specified soft-deleted flow. |
Restore-PowerAppEnvironment |
Restores an environment. |
Select-CurrentEnvironment |
Sets the current environment for listing apps, flows, and other Power Platform environment resources. |
Set-AdminDlpPolicy |
Updates a policy's environment and default API group settings. Upserts the environment list input (doesn't append). |
Set-AdminFlowOwnerRole |
Sets owner permissions to the flow. |
Set-AdminPowerAppApisToBypassConsent |
Sets the consent bypass flag so users aren't required to authorize API connections for the input app in Power Apps. |
Set-AdminPowerAppAsFeatured |
Updates the input app to be a featured application for the tenant. Featured applications are grouped and pushed to the top of the list in the Power Apps mobile player and appear in the list of business apps in Note Depending on the number of users with access to the app, it might take up to 48 hours for a recently featured app to start appearing in the mobile player and app list. |
Set-AdminPowerAppAsHero |
Identifies the specified app as a hero application. Hero apps appear at the top of the app list in the Power Apps mobile player. |
Set-AdminPowerAppCdsAdditionalNotificationEmails |
Sets email addresses of users other than default admins of Power Platform that should receive notifications. Important Starting January 17, 2025, only users assigned to the Dynamics 365 administrator or Power Platform administrator role in the Microsoft 365 admin center or Microsoft Entra admin center receive email service notifications. To assign a service admin role to a user, follow the instructions in Assign a service admin role to a user. This change doesn't impact Message Center email notifications. |
Set-AdminPowerAppConditionalAccessAuthenticationContextIds |
Sets the authentication context ID for the specified app. |
Set-AdminPowerAppConnectionRoleAssignment |
Sets permissions to the connection. |
Set-AdminPowerAppConnectorRoleAssignment |
Sets permissions to the custom connectors. |
Set-AdminPowerAppDesiredLogicalName |
Sets the desired logical name of the app in Power Apps. |
Set-AdminPowerAppEnvironmentBackupRetentionPeriod |
Updates the environment backup retention period. |
Set-AdminPowerAppEnvironmentCopilotSettings |
Enables or disables Copilot assistance for drafting input text with canvas apps in the environment. |
Set-AdminPowerAppEnvironmentDisplayName |
Updates the environment display name. |
Set-AdminPowerAppEnvironmentGovernanceConfiguration |
Updates the governance configuration on an existing environment. |
Set-AdminPowerAppEnvironmentMakerAnalyticsSettings |
Determines whether to enable or disable the analytics setting for makers in an environment. |
Set-AdminPowerAppEnvironmentRoleAssignment |
Sets permissions to an environment without a Dataverse database. If you make this call to an environment with a Dataverse database instance, you receive a 403 Forbidden error. |
Set-AdminPowerAppEnvironmentRuntimeState |
Updates the environment run time state. |
Set-AdminPowerAppOwner |
Sets the app owner and changes the current owner to "Can View" role type. |
Set-AdminPowerAppRoleAssignment |
Sets permissions to the app. |
Set-AdminPowerAppSharepointFormEnvironment |
Remaps the environment that Power Platform uses to save Sharepoint form apps. |
Set-AppAsQuarantined |
Sets the app quarantine state to quarantined. While an app is in a quarantined state, it's unavailable to users. |
Set-AppAsUnquarantined |
Sets the app quarantine state to unquarantined. |
Set-DlpPolicy |
Updates a policy by using the |
Set-GovernanceErrorSettings |
Updates the error settings for the tenant if error settings are created for the tenant. |
Set-PowerAppDlpConnectorBlockingPolicy |
Updates the connector blocking policy for the tenant. |
Set-PowerAppDlpErrorSettings |
Updates the error settings for the tenant if error settings are created for the tenant. |
Set-PowerAppDlpPolicyConnectorConfigurations |
Updates connector configurations for a DLP policy by using the |
Set-PowerAppDlpPolicyExemptResources |
Updates exempt resources for a DLP policy by using the |
Set-PowerAppLockAllEnvironments |
Lock all environments for the tenant that have customer managed encryption key enabled. |
Set-PowerAppProtectionStatus |
Set environment protection status. |
Set-PowerAppTenantIsolationPolicy |
Updates the tenant isolation policy. |
Set-PowerAppTenantProtectionKey |
Sets the Power Platform protection key. |
Set-PowerAppUnlockEnvironment |
Unlocks an environment. |
Set-PowerPlatformGenerativeAiSettings |
Sets the generative AI settings in an environment. |
Set-TenantSettings |
Configures settings for a Power Platform tenant. |
Start-AdminFlowEnableZoneRedundancy |
Triggers the Azure zone redundancy migration for the target flow. |
Start-DLPEnforcementOnConnectionsInEnvironment |
Enforces DLP policies on connections in an environment. This disables connections that are violating DLP policies. |
Start-DLPEnforcementOnConnectionsInTenant |
Enforces DLP policies on connections in the tenant. This will disable connections that are violating DLP policies. |
Start-EUDBMigration |
Initiate migration of flows for the European Union Data Boundary (EUDB) compliance. |
TenantToTenant-DeleteMigrationRequest |
Deletes a migration request by specifying the migration ID. |
TenantToTenant-GetMigrationStatus |
Get the status of a tenant-to-tenant migration of an environment. |
TenantToTenant-ManageMigrationRequest |
Returns the approve or reject status of a tenant-to-tenant migration using the approval request sent by the source tenant admin. |
TenantToTenant-MigratePowerAppEnvironment |
Performs a tenant to tenant migration of an environment from source to target.
Requires running the |
TenantToTenant-PrepareMigration |
Validates a tenant to tenant migration of an environment from source to target. |
TenantToTenant-SubmitMigrationRequest |
Submits a tenant-to-tenant migration request from the source tenant to a destination tenant. |
TenantToTenant-ViewApprovalRequest |
View tenant-to-tenant migration approval requests for the tenant. |
TenantToTenant-ViewMigrationRequest |
View tenant-to-tenant migration requests for the tenant. |
Test-PowerAppsAccount |
Checks whether the Power Platform account is cached. |