Azure Service Fabric-modul som du kan använda för att automatisera åtgärderna i slutpunkt 2 som att skapa ett säkert kluster, rulla över klustercertifikat, lägga till eller ta bort noder från klustret osv. Den fullständiga listan över alla åtgärder visas nedan.
Service Fabric
Add-AzServiceFabricClientCertificate |
Add common name or thumbprint to the cluster for client authentication purposes. |
Add-AzServiceFabricManagedClusterClientCertificate |
Add certificate common name or thumbprint to the cluster. This will register the certificate agains the cluster for client authentication purposes. |
Add-AzServiceFabricManagedClusterNetworkSecurityRule |
Add network security rule to cluster resource. |
Add-AzServiceFabricManagedNodeTypeVMExtension |
Add vm extension to the node type. |
Add-AzServiceFabricManagedNodeTypeVMSecret |
Add certificate secret to the node type. |
Add-AzServiceFabricNode |
Add nodes to the specific node type in the cluster. |
Add-AzServiceFabricNodeType |
Add a new node type to the existing cluster. |
Get-AzServiceFabricApplication |
Get Service Fabric application details. Only supports ARM deployed applications. |
Get-AzServiceFabricApplicationType |
Get Service Fabric application type details. Only supports ARM deployed application types. |
Get-AzServiceFabricApplicationTypeVersion |
Get Service Fabric application type version details. Only supports ARM deployed application type versions. |
Get-AzServiceFabricCluster |
Get the cluster resource details. |
Get-AzServiceFabricManagedCluster |
Get the managed cluster resource details. |
Get-AzServiceFabricManagedClusterApplication |
Get Service Fabric managed application details. Only supports ARM deployed applications. |
Get-AzServiceFabricManagedClusterApplicationType |
Get Service Fabric managed application type details. Only supports ARM deployed application types. |
Get-AzServiceFabricManagedClusterApplicationTypeVersion |
Get Service Fabric managed application type version details. Only supports ARM deployed application type versions. |
Get-AzServiceFabricManagedClusterService |
Get Service Fabric managed service details under the specified application and cluster. Only supports ARM deployed services. |
Get-AzServiceFabricManagedNodeType |
Get the managed node type resource details. |
Get-AzServiceFabricService |
Get Service Fabric service details under the specified application and cluster. Only supports ARM deployed services. |
New-AzServiceFabricApplication |
Create new service fabric application under the specified resource group and cluster. |
New-AzServiceFabricApplicationType |
Create new service fabric application type under the specified resource group and cluster. |
New-AzServiceFabricApplicationTypeVersion |
Create new application type version under the specified resource group and cluster. |
New-AzServiceFabricCluster |
This command uses certificates that you provide or system generated self-signed certificates to set up a new service fabric cluster. It can use a default template or a custom template that you provide. You have the option of specifying a folder to export the self-signed certificates to or fetching them later from the key vault. |
New-AzServiceFabricManagedCluster |
Create new managed cluster. |
New-AzServiceFabricManagedClusterApplication |
Create new service fabric managed application under the specified resource group and cluster. |
New-AzServiceFabricManagedClusterApplicationType |
Create new service fabric managed application type under the specified resource group and cluster. |
New-AzServiceFabricManagedClusterApplicationTypeVersion |
Create new managed application type version under the specified resource group and cluster. |
New-AzServiceFabricManagedClusterService |
Create new service fabric managed service under the specified application and cluster. |
New-AzServiceFabricManagedNodeType |
Create new node type resource. |
New-AzServiceFabricService |
Create new service fabric service under the specified application and cluster. |
Remove-AzServiceFabricApplication |
Remove an application from the cluster. This will remove all the services under the application. Only supports ARM deployed applications. |
Remove-AzServiceFabricApplicationType |
Remove Service fabric an application type from the cluster. This will remove all type versions under this resource. Only supports ARM deployed application types. |
Remove-AzServiceFabricApplicationTypeVersion |
Remove Service fabric an application type version from the cluster. Only supports ARM deployed application type versions. |
Remove-AzServiceFabricClientCertificate |
Remove a client certificate(s) or certificate subject(s) name(s) from being used for client authentication to the cluster. |
Remove-AzServiceFabricManagedCluster |
Remove cluster resource. |
Remove-AzServiceFabricManagedClusterApplication |
Remove an managed application from the cluster. This will remove all the managed services under the application. Only supports ARM deployed applications. |
Remove-AzServiceFabricManagedClusterApplicationType |
Removes a managed application type from the cluster. This will remove all type versions under this resource. Only supports ARM deployed application types. |
Remove-AzServiceFabricManagedClusterApplicationTypeVersion |
Removes a managed application type version from the cluster. Only supports ARM deployed application type versions. |
Remove-AzServiceFabricManagedClusterClientCertificate |
Remvoe client certificate by thumbprint or common name. |
Remove-AzServiceFabricManagedClusterService |
Remove a managed service from the cluster. Only supports ARM deployed services. |
Remove-AzServiceFabricManagedNodeType |
Remove the node type or specific nodes within the node type. |
Remove-AzServiceFabricManagedNodeTypeVMExtension |
Remove vm extension from the node type. |
Remove-AzServiceFabricNode |
Remove nodes from the specific node type from a cluster. |
Remove-AzServiceFabricNodeType |
Remove a complete node type from a cluster. |
Remove-AzServiceFabricService |
Remove a service from the cluster. Only supports ARM deployed services. |
Remove-AzServiceFabricSetting |
Remove one or multiple Service Fabric setting from the cluster. |
Restart-AzServiceFabricManagedNodeType |
Restart specific nodes from the node type. |
Set-AzServiceFabricManagedCluster |
Set cluster resource properties. |
Set-AzServiceFabricManagedClusterApplication |
Update a service fabric managed application. This allows to update the application parameters and/or upgrade the application type version which will trigger an application upgrade or other configuration only updates. Only supports ARM deployed applications. |
Set-AzServiceFabricManagedClusterApplicationType |
Update a service fabric managed application type. This allows you to update the tags. Only supports ARM deployed application types. |
Set-AzServiceFabricManagedClusterApplicationTypeVersion |
Update a service fabric managed application type version. This allows you to update the tags and package Url. Only supports ARM deployed application type versions. |
Set-AzServiceFabricManagedClusterService |
Update a managed service from the cluster. Only supports ARM deployed services. |
Set-AzServiceFabricManagedNodeType |
Sets node type resource properties or run reimage actions on specific ndes of the node type with -Reimage parameter. |
Set-AzServiceFabricSetting |
Add or update one or multiple Service Fabric settings to the cluster. |
Set-AzServiceFabricUpgradeType |
Change the Service Fabric upgrade type of the cluster. |
Update-AzServiceFabricApplication |
Update a service fabric application. This allows to update the application parameters and/or upgrade the application type version which will trigger an application upgrade. Only supports ARM deployed applications. |
Update-AzServiceFabricDurability |
Update the durability tier or VmSku of a node type in the cluster. |
Update-AzServiceFabricNodeType |
Update a node type within the cluster. |
Update-AzServiceFabricReliability |
Update the reliability tier of the primary node type in a cluster. |
Update-AzServiceFabricVmImage |
Update the cluster resource vmImage setting which maps the appropriate runtime package to be delivered based on the target operating system. |