Skapa eller uppdatera enhetssäkerhetsgrupp
-Name <String>
-HubResourceId <String>
[-ThresholdRule <PSThresholdCustomAlertRule[]>]
[-TimeWindowRule <PSTimeWindowCustomAlertRule[]>]
[-AllowlistRule <PSAllowlistCustomAlertRule[]>]
[-DenylistRule <PSDenylistCustomAlertRule[]>]
[-DefaultProfile <IAzureContextContainer>]
[-ThresholdRule <PSThresholdCustomAlertRule[]>]
[-TimeWindowRule <PSTimeWindowCustomAlertRule[]>]
[-AllowlistRule <PSAllowlistCustomAlertRule[]>]
[-DenylistRule <PSDenylistCustomAlertRule[]>]
-InputObject <PSDeviceSecurityGroup>
[-DefaultProfile <IAzureContextContainer>]
[-ThresholdRule <PSThresholdCustomAlertRule[]>]
[-TimeWindowRule <PSTimeWindowCustomAlertRule[]>]
[-AllowlistRule <PSAllowlistCustomAlertRule[]>]
[-DenylistRule <PSDenylistCustomAlertRule[]>]
-ResourceId <String>
[-DefaultProfile <IAzureContextContainer>]
Cmdleten Set-AzDeviceSecurityGroup skapar eller uppdaterar en enhetssäkerhetsgrupp som definierats i iot-säkerhetslösningen.
Exempel 1
$TimeWindowSize = New-TimeSpan -Minutes 5
$TimeWindowRule = New-AzDeviceSecurityGroupTimeWindowRuleObject -Type "ActiveConnectionsNotInAllowedRange" -Enabled $true `
-MaxThreshold 30 -MinThreshold 0 -TimeWindowSize $TimeWindowSize
Set-AzDeviceSecurityGroup -Name "MySecurityGroup" `
-HubResourceId "/subscriptions/XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX/resourceGroups/MyResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/MyHub" `
-TimeWindowRule $TimeWindowRules
Id: "/subscriptions/XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX/resourceGroups/MyResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/MyHub/providers/Microsoft.Security/deviceSecurityGroups/MySecurityGroup"
Name: "MySecurityGroup"
Type: "Microsoft.Security/deviceSecurityGroups"
ThresholdRules: []
TimeWindowRules: [
RuleType: "ActiveConnectionsNotInAllowedRange"
DisplayName: "Number of active connections is not in allowed range"
Description: "Get an alert when the number of active connections of a device in the time window is not in the allowed range"
IsEnabled: true
MinThreshold: 0
MaxThreshold: 0
TimeWindowSize: "PT5M"
AllowlistRules: [
RuleType": "ConnectionToIpNotAllowed",
DisplayName: "Outbound connection to an ip that isn't allowed"
Description: "Get an alert when an outbound connection is created between your device and an ip that isn't allowed"
IsEnabled: false
ValueType: "IpCidr"
AllowlistValues: []
RuleType: "LocalUserNotAllowed"
DisplayName: "Login by a local user that isn't allowed"
Description: "Get an alert when a local user that isn't allowed logins to the device"
IsEnabled: false
ValueType: "String"
AllowlistValues: []
DenylistRules: []
Uppdatera en befintlig enhetssäkerhetsgrupp från IoT Hub "/subscriptions/XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXX/resourceGroups/MyResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/MyHub" med regeltypen "ActiveConnectionsNotInAllowedRange"
Tillåt listregler.
Typ: | PSAllowlistCustomAlertRule[] |
Position: | Named |
Standardvärde: | None |
Obligatorisk: | False |
Godkänn pipeline-indata: | False |
Godkänn jokertecken: | False |
Uppmanar dig att bekräfta innan du kör cmdleten.
Typ: | SwitchParameter |
Alias: | cf |
Position: | Named |
Standardvärde: | None |
Obligatorisk: | False |
Godkänn pipeline-indata: | False |
Godkänn jokertecken: | False |
Autentiseringsuppgifter, konto, klientorganisation och prenumeration som används för kommunikation med Azure.
Typ: | IAzureContextContainer |
Alias: | AzContext, AzureRmContext, AzureCredential |
Position: | Named |
Standardvärde: | None |
Obligatorisk: | False |
Godkänn pipeline-indata: | False |
Godkänn jokertecken: | False |
Neka listregler.
Typ: | PSDenylistCustomAlertRule[] |
Position: | Named |
Standardvärde: | None |
Obligatorisk: | False |
Godkänn pipeline-indata: | False |
Godkänn jokertecken: | False |
Resurs-ID för IoT Hub.
Typ: | String |
Position: | Named |
Standardvärde: | None |
Obligatorisk: | True |
Godkänn pipeline-indata: | False |
Godkänn jokertecken: | False |
Typ: | PSDeviceSecurityGroup |
Position: | Named |
Standardvärde: | None |
Obligatorisk: | True |
Godkänn pipeline-indata: | True |
Godkänn jokertecken: | False |
Typ: | String |
Position: | Named |
Standardvärde: | None |
Obligatorisk: | True |
Godkänn pipeline-indata: | False |
Godkänn jokertecken: | False |
ID för säkerhetsresursen som du vill anropa kommandot på.
Typ: | String |
Position: | Named |
Standardvärde: | None |
Obligatorisk: | True |
Godkänn pipeline-indata: | True |
Godkänn jokertecken: | False |
Typ: | PSThresholdCustomAlertRule[] |
Position: | Named |
Standardvärde: | None |
Obligatorisk: | False |
Godkänn pipeline-indata: | False |
Godkänn jokertecken: | False |
Regler för tidsfönster.
Typ: | PSTimeWindowCustomAlertRule[] |
Position: | Named |
Standardvärde: | None |
Obligatorisk: | False |
Godkänn pipeline-indata: | False |
Godkänn jokertecken: | False |
Visar vad som skulle hända om cmdleten körs. Cmdleten körs inte.
Typ: | SwitchParameter |
Alias: | wi |
Position: | Named |
Standardvärde: | None |
Obligatorisk: | False |
Godkänn pipeline-indata: | False |
Godkänn jokertecken: | False |
Azure PowerShell