Det här avsnittet visar hjälpavsnitten för Azure Compute-cmdletar.
Virtuella datorer
Add-AzVMAdditionalUnattendContent |
Adds information to the unattended Windows Setup answer file. |
Add-AzVmGalleryApplication |
Add a GalleryApplication object to the PSVirtualMachine object. |
Add-AzVMNetworkInterface |
Adds a network interface to a virtual machine. |
Add-AzVMSecret |
Adds a secret to a virtual machine. |
Add-AzVMSshPublicKey |
Adds the public keys for SSH for a virtual machine, when only creating the VM. |
Export-AzLogAnalyticRequestRateByInterval |
Export logs that show Api requests made by this subscription in the given time window to show throttling activities. |
Export-AzLogAnalyticThrottledRequest |
Export logs that show total throttled Api requests for this subscription in the given time window. |
Get-AzAvailabilitySet |
Gets Azure availability sets in a resource group. |
Get-AzCapacityReservation |
Gets the properties of Capacity Reservation resources from a Capacity Reservation Group |
Get-AzCapacityReservationGroup |
Gets the properties of Capacity Reservation Groups |
Get-AzComputeResourceSku |
List all compute resource Skus |
Get-AzGallery |
Get or list galleries. |
Get-AzGalleryApplication |
Retrieves information about a gallery Application Definition. |
Get-AzGalleryApplicationVersion |
Retrieves information about a gallery Application Version. |
Get-AzHost |
Get or list hosts. |
Get-AzHostGroup |
Get or list hosts. |
Get-AzHostSize |
Get List of possible Host Sizes. |
Get-AzProximityPlacementGroup |
Get or list Proximity Placement Group resource(s). |
Get-AzRemoteDesktopFile |
Gets an .rdp file. |
Get-AzRestorePoint |
Command to get the Restore Point |
Get-AzRestorePointCollection |
Get a Restore Point Collection |
Get-AzSshKey |
Gets the properties of SSH Public Key resources. |
Get-AzVM |
Gets the properties of a virtual machine. |
Get-AzVMBootDiagnosticsData |
Gets boot diagnostics data for a virtual machine. |
Get-AzVMRunCommand |
Gets a specific Run Command or a list of Run Commands for a Virtual Machine |
Get-AzVMRunCommandDocument |
Get a run command document. |
Get-AzVMSize |
Gets available virtual machine sizes. |
Get-AzVMUsage |
Gets the virtual machine core count usage for a location. |
Invoke-AzSpotPlacementScore |
Generates placement scores for Spot VM skus. |
Invoke-AzVMInstallPatch |
Installs patches on the VM |
Invoke-AzVMPatchAssessment |
Assess patch state of a virtual machine. |
Invoke-AzVMReimage |
Reimage an Azure virtual machine. |
Invoke-AzVMRunCommand |
Run a command on the VM. |
New-AzAvailabilitySet |
Creates an Azure availability set. |
New-AzCapacityReservation |
Creates a Capacity Reservation resource in a Capacity Reservation Group |
New-AzCapacityReservationGroup |
Creates a Capacity Reservation Group |
New-AzGallery |
Create a gallery. |
New-AzGalleryApplication |
Create or update a gallery Application Definition. |
New-AzGalleryApplicationVersion |
Create or update a gallery Application Version. |
New-AzHost |
Creates a host. |
New-AzHostGroup |
Creates a host group. |
New-AzProximityPlacementGroup |
Create Proximity Placement Group resource. |
New-AzRestorePoint |
This cmdlet can create a New Restore Point |
New-AzRestorePointCollection |
Creates a New Restore Point Collection |
New-AzSshKey |
Create a SSH Public Key resource. |
New-AzVM |
Creates a virtual machine. |
New-AzVMConfig |
Creates a configurable virtual machine object. |
New-AzVmGalleryApplication |
Create a local PSVMGalleryApplication object. |
New-AzVMSqlServerAutoBackupConfig |
Creates a configuration object for SQL Server automatic backup. |
New-AzVMSqlServerAutoPatchingConfig |
Creates a configuration object for automatic patching on a virtual machine. |
New-AzVMSqlServerKeyVaultCredentialConfig |
Creates a configuration object for SQL server key vault credential on a virtual machine. |
Publish-AzVMDscConfiguration |
Uploads a DSC script to Azure blob storage. |
Remove-AzAvailabilitySet |
Removes an availability set from Azure. |
Remove-AzCapacityReservation |
Removes a Capacity Reservation resource |
Remove-AzCapacityReservationGroup |
Removes a Capacity Reservation Group |
Remove-AzGallery |
Delete a gallery. |
Remove-AzGalleryApplication |
Delete a gallery Application. |
Remove-AzGalleryApplicationVersion |
Delete a gallery Application Version. |
Remove-AzHost |
Removes a host. |
Remove-AzHostGroup |
Removes a host group. |
Remove-AzProximityPlacementGroup |
Delete Proximity Placement Group resource. |
Remove-AzRestorePoint |
This cmdlet can remove a Restore Point |
Remove-AzRestorePointCollection |
This Cmdlet can remove Restore Point Collection |
Remove-AzSshKey |
Delete a SSH Public Key resource. |
Remove-AzVM |
Removes a virtual machine from Azure. |
Remove-AzVMBackup |
Removes the backup from a virtual machine. |
Remove-AzVmGalleryApplication |
Remove a VMGalleryApplication object from the PSVirtualMachine object. |
Remove-AzVMNetworkInterface |
Removes a network interface from a virtual machine. |
Remove-AzVMRunCommand |
The operation to delete the run command. |
Remove-AzVMSecret |
Removes (a) secret(s) from a virtual machine object |
Restart-AzHost |
Restart the dedicated host. |
Restart-AzVM |
Restarts an Azure virtual machine. |
Set-AzVM |
This cmdlet can be used to do the followings: reapply or redeploy a virtual machine, mark a virtual machine as generalized, simulate eviction to a spot virtual machine. |
Set-AzVMBootDiagnostic |
Modifies boot diagnostics properties of a virtual machine. |
Set-AzVMOperatingSystem |
Sets operating system properties during the creation of a new virtual machine or updating a virtual machine. |
Set-AzVMPlan |
Sets the Marketplace plan information on a virtual machine. |
Set-AzVMRunCommand |
The operation to create or update the run command. |
Set-AzVMSecurityProfile |
Sets the SecurityType enum for Virtual Machines. |
Set-AzVMUefi |
Modifies UEFI properties of a gen 2 virtual machine |
Start-AzVM |
Starts an Azure virtual machine. |
Stop-AzVM |
Stops an Azure virtual machine. |
Update-AzAvailabilitySet |
Updates an availability set. |
Update-AzCapacityReservation |
Update the Capacity Reservation. |
Update-AzCapacityReservationGroup |
Update the Capacity Reservation Group. |
Update-AzGallery |
Update a gallery. |
Update-AzGalleryApplication |
Update a gallery Application Definition. |
Update-AzGalleryApplicationVersion |
Update a gallery Application Version. |
Update-AzHost |
Updates the Dedicated Host. |
Update-AzRestorePointCollection |
Update Restore Point Collection. |
Update-AzSshKey |
Update a SSH Public Key resource. |
Update-AzVM |
Updates the state of an Azure virtual machine. |
Add-AzVMDataDisk |
Adds a data disk to a virtual machine. |
ConvertTo-AzVMManagedDisk |
Converts a virtual machine with blob-based disks to a virtual machine with managed disks. |
Disable-AzVMDiskEncryption |
Disables encryption on an IaaS virtual machine. |
Get-AzDisk |
Gets the properties of a Managed disk. |
Get-AzDiskAccess |
Gets the properties of Disk Accesses |
Get-AzDiskEncryptionSet |
Get or list disk encryption sets. |
Get-AzDiskEncryptionSetAssociatedResource |
Gets the list of resources associated with the specified disk encryption set. |
Get-AzVMDiskEncryptionStatus |
Gets the encryption status of the virtual machine. |
Grant-AzDiskAccess |
Grants an access to a disk. |
New-AzDisk |
Creates a managed disk. |
New-AzDiskAccess |
Creates a Disk Access resource |
New-AzDiskConfig |
Creates a configurable disk object. |
New-AzDiskEncryptionSet |
Creates a disk encryption set. |
New-AzDiskEncryptionSetConfig |
Creates a configurable disk encryption set object. |
New-AzDiskPurchasePlanConfig |
Creates a PurchasePlan Object |
New-AzDiskUpdateConfig |
Creates a configurable disk update object. |
New-AzVMDataDisk |
Creates a local data disk object for a virtual machine or a Vmss VM. |
Remove-AzDisk |
Removes a disk. |
Remove-AzDiskAccess |
Removes a disk access resource. |
Remove-AzDiskEncryptionSet |
Removes a disk encryption set. |
Remove-AzVMDataDisk |
Removes a data disk from a virtual machine. |
Remove-AzVMDiskEncryptionExtension |
Removes the disk encryption extension from a virtual machine. |
Revoke-AzDiskAccess |
Revokes an access to a disk. |
Set-AzDiskDiskEncryptionKey |
Sets the disk encryption key properties on a disk object. |
Set-AzDiskKeyEncryptionKey |
Sets the key encryption key properties on a disk object. |
Set-AzDiskSecurityProfile |
Set SecurityProfile on managed disk |
Set-AzDiskUpdateDiskEncryptionKey |
Sets the disk encryption key properties on a disk update object. |
Set-AzDiskUpdateKeyEncryptionKey |
Sets the key encryption key properties on a disk update object. |
Set-AzVMDataDisk |
Modifies properties of a virtual machine data disk. |
Set-AzVMDiskEncryptionExtension |
Enables encryption on a running IaaS virtual machine in Azure. |
Set-AzVMOSDisk |
Sets the operating system disk properties on a virtual machine. |
Update-AzDisk |
Updates a disk. |
Update-AzDiskEncryptionSet |
Updates a disk encryption set. |
Get-AzVMAccessExtension |
Gets information about the VMAccess extension. |
Get-AzVMADDomainExtension |
Gets information about an AD domain extension. |
Get-AzVMAEMExtension |
Gets information about the AEM extension. |
Get-AzVMChefExtension |
Gets information about a Chef extension. |
Get-AzVMCustomScriptExtension |
Gets information about a custom script extension. |
Get-AzVMDiagnosticsExtension |
Gets the settings of the Diagnostics extension on a virtual machine. |
Get-AzVMDscExtension |
Gets the settings of the DSC extension on a particular virtual machine. |
Get-AzVMDscExtensionStatus |
Gets the status of the DSC extension handler for a virtual machine. |
Get-AzVMExtension |
Gets properties of Virtual Machine Extensions installed on a virtual machine. |
Get-AzVMSqlServerExtension |
Gets the settings for a SQL Server extension on a virtual machine. |
Remove-AzVMAccessExtension |
Removes the VMAccess extension from a virtual machine. |
Remove-AzVMAEMExtension |
Removes the AEM extension from a virtual machine. |
Remove-AzVMChefExtension |
Removes the Chef extension from a virtual machine. |
Remove-AzVMCustomScriptExtension |
Removes a custom script extension from a virtual machine. |
Remove-AzVMDiagnosticsExtension |
Removes the Diagnostics extension from a virtual machine. |
Remove-AzVMDscExtension |
Removes a DSC extension handler from a virtual machine in a resource group. |
Remove-AzVMExtension |
Removes an extension from a virtual machine. |
Remove-AzVMSqlServerExtension |
Removes a SQL Server extension from a virtual machine. |
Set-AzVMAccessExtension |
Adds the VMAccess extension to a virtual machine. |
Set-AzVMADDomainExtension |
Adds an AD domain extension to a virtual machine. |
Set-AzVMAEMExtension |
Enables support for monitoring for SAP systems. |
Set-AzVMBackupExtension |
Sets the backup extension properties on a virtual machine. |
Set-AzVMBginfoExtension |
Adds the BGInfo extension to a virtual machine. |
Set-AzVMChefExtension |
Adds a Chef extension to a virtual machine. |
Set-AzVMCustomScriptExtension |
Adds a custom script extension to a virtual machine. |
Set-AzVMDiagnosticsExtension |
Configures the Azure diagnostics extension on a virtual machine. |
Set-AzVMDscExtension |
Configures the DSC extension on a virtual machine. |
Set-AzVMExtension |
Updates extension properties or adds an extension to a virtual machine. |
Set-AzVMSqlServerExtension |
Sets the Azure SQL Server extension on a virtual machine. |
Test-AzVMAEMExtension |
Checks the configuration of the AEM extension. |
Add-AzImageDataDisk |
Adds a data disk to an image object. |
Get-AzGalleryImageDefinition |
Get or list gallery image definitions. |
Get-AzGalleryImageVersion |
Get or list gallery image versions. |
Get-AzImage |
Gets the properties of an image. |
Get-AzVMExtensionImage |
Gets all versions for an Azure extension. |
Get-AzVMExtensionImageType |
Gets the type of an Azure extension. |
Get-AzVMImage |
Gets all the versions of a VMImage. |
Get-AzVMImageOffer |
Gets VMImage offer types. |
Get-AzVMImagePublisher |
Gets the VMImage publishers. |
Get-AzVMImageSku |
Gets VMImage SKUs. |
New-AzGalleryImageDefinition |
Create a gallery image definition. |
New-AzGalleryImageVersion |
Create a gallery image version. |
New-AzImage |
Creates an image. |
New-AzImageConfig |
Creates a configurable image object. |
Remove-AzGalleryImageDefinition |
Delete a gallery image definition. |
Remove-AzGalleryImageVersion |
Delete a gallery image version. |
Remove-AzImage |
Removes an image. |
Remove-AzImageDataDisk |
Removes a data disk from an image object. |
Save-AzVMImage |
Saves a virtual machine as a VMImage. |
Set-AzDiskImageReference |
Sets the image reference properties on a disk object. |
Set-AzImageOsDisk |
Sets the operating system disk properties on an image object. |
Set-AzVMSourceImage |
Specifies the image for a virtual machine. |
Update-AzGalleryImageDefinition |
Update a gallery image definition. |
Update-AzGalleryImageVersion |
Update a gallery image version. |
Update-AzImage |
Updates an image. |
Add-AzVmssAdditionalUnattendContent |
Adds information to the unattended Windows Setup answer file. |
Add-AzVmssDataDisk |
Adds a data disk to the VMSS. |
Add-AzVmssDiagnosticsExtension |
Adds a diagnostics extension to the VMSS. |
Add-AzVmssExtension |
Adds an extension to the VMSS. |
Add-AzVmssGalleryApplication |
Add a GalleryApplication object to the PSVirtualMachineProfile object. |
Add-AzVmssNetworkInterfaceConfiguration |
Adds a network interface configuration to the VMSS. |
Add-AzVmssRunCommand |
Adding Run Command to VMSS instances |
Add-AzVmssSecret |
Adds a secret to a VMSS. |
Add-AzVmssSshPublicKey |
Adds SSH public keys to the VMSS. |
Add-AzVmssVMDataDisk |
Adds a data disk to a Vmss VM. |
Add-AzVmssWinRMListener |
Adds a WinRM listener to the VMSS. |
Disable-AzVmssDiskEncryption |
Disables disk encryption on a VM scale set. |
Get-AzVmss |
Gets the properties of a VMSS. |
Get-AzVmssDiskEncryption |
Shows the disk encryption status of a VM scale set. |
Get-AzVmssRollingUpgrade |
Shows the status of the latest virtual machine scale set rolling upgrade. |
Get-AzVmssSku |
Gets the available SKUs for the VMSS. |
Get-AzVmssVM |
Gets the properties of a VMSS virtual machine. |
Get-AzVmssVMDiskEncryption |
Shows the disk encryption status of VMs in a VM scale set. |
Get-AzVmssVMRunCommand |
The operation to get the VMSS VM run command. |
Invoke-AzVmssVMRunCommand |
Run command on the Virtual Machine Scale Set VM. |
New-AzVmss |
Creates a virtual machine scale set. |
New-AzVmssConfig |
Creates a VMSS configuration object. |
New-AzVmssGalleryApplication |
Create a local PSVMGalleryApplication object. |
New-AzVmssIpConfig |
Creates an IP configuration for a network interface of a VMSS. |
New-AzVmssIpTagConfig |
Creates an IP Tag object for a network interface of a VMSS. |
New-AzVmssVaultCertificateConfig |
Creates a Key Vault certificate configuration. |
Remove-AzVmss |
Removes the VMSS or a virtual machine that is within the VMSS. |
Remove-AzVmssDataDisk |
Removes a data disk from the VMSS. |
Remove-AzVmssDiagnosticsExtension |
Removes a diagnostics extension from the VMSS. |
Remove-AzVmssExtension |
Removes an extension from the VMSS. |
Remove-AzVmssGalleryApplication |
Remove a VMGalleryApplication object from the PSVirtualMachineScaleSetVMProfile object. |
Remove-AzVmssNetworkInterfaceConfiguration |
Removes a network interface configuration from a VMSS. |
Remove-AzVmssRunCommand |
Remove VMSS RunCommand |
Remove-AzVmssVMDataDisk |
Removes a data disk from a virtual machine scale set VM |
Remove-AzVmssVMRunCommand |
The operation to delete the VMSS VM run command. |
Repair-AzVmssServiceFabricUpdateDomain |
Manual platform update domain walk to update virtual machines in a service fabric virtual machine scale set. |
Restart-AzVmss |
Restarts the VMSS or a virtual machine within the VMSS. |
Set-AzVmss |
Sets specific actions on a specified VMSS. |
Set-AzVmssBootDiagnostic |
Sets the virtual machine scale set boot diagnostics profile. |
Set-AzVmssDiskEncryptionExtension |
Enables disk encryption on a VM scale set. |
Set-AzVmssOrchestrationServiceState |
Sets the orchestration service state for the VMSS. |
Set-AzVmssOsProfile |
Sets the VMSS operating system profile properties. |
Set-AzVmssRollingUpgradePolicy |
Sets the VMSS rolling upgrade policy properties. |
Set-AzVmssSecurityProfile |
This cmdlet allows users to set the SecurityType enum for Virtual Machines scale sets. |
Set-AzVmssStorageProfile |
Sets the storage profile properties for the VMSS. |
Set-AzVmssUefi |
Modifies UEFI properties of gen 2 virtual machines that are part of virtual machine scale sets |
Set-AzVmssVM |
Modifies the state of a VMSS instance. |
Set-AzVmssVMRunCommand |
The operation to create or update the VMSS VM run command. |
Start-AzVmss |
Starts the VMSS or a set of virtual machines within the VMSS. |
Start-AzVmssRollingExtensionUpgrade |
This cmdlet starts a rolling upgrade for all extensions on the given Virtual Machine Scale Set to the latest available version. |
Start-AzVmssRollingOSUpgrade |
Starts a rolling upgrade to move all virtual machine scale set instances to the latest available Platform Image OS version. |
Stop-AzVmss |
Stops the VMSS or a set of virtual machines within the VMSS. |
Stop-AzVmssRollingUpgrade |
Cancels the current virtual machine scale set rolling upgrade. |
Update-AzVmss |
Updates the state of a VMSS. |
Update-AzVmssInstance |
Starts a manual upgrade of the VMSS instance. |
Update-AzVmssVM |
Updates the state of a Vmss VM. |
Ögonblicksbilder av virtuella datorer
Get-AzSnapshot |
Gets the properties of a snapshot |
Grant-AzSnapshotAccess |
Grants an access to a snapshot. |
New-AzSnapshot |
Creates a snapshot. |
New-AzSnapshotConfig |
Creates a configurable snapshot object. |
New-AzSnapshotUpdateConfig |
Creates a configurable snapshot update object. |
Remove-AzSnapshot |
Removes a snapshot. |
Revoke-AzSnapshotAccess |
Revokes an access to a snapshot. |
Set-AzSnapshotDiskEncryptionKey |
Sets the disk encryption key properties on a snapshot object. |
Set-AzSnapshotImageReference |
Sets the image reference properties on a snapshot object. |
Set-AzSnapshotKeyEncryptionKey |
Sets the key encryption key properties on a snapshot object. |
Set-AzSnapshotUpdateDiskEncryptionKey |
Sets the disk encryption key properties on a snapshot update object. |
Set-AzSnapshotUpdateKeyEncryptionKey |
Sets the key encryption key properties on a snapshot update object. |
Update-AzSnapshot |
Updates a snapshot. |
Virtuella virtuella hårddiskar för virtuella datorer
Add-AzVhd |
Uploads a virtual hard disk from an on-premises machine to Azure (managed disk or blob). |
Save-AzVhd |
Saves downloaded .vhd images locally. |