The NL_IN_CHAIN_SET_CLIENT_ATTRIBUTES_V1 structure specifies the values to update on the client's computer account object in Active Directory on a normal (writable) domain controller.<41>

   [unique, string] wchar_t* ClientDnsHostName;
   [unique] NL_OSVERSIONINFO_V1* OsVersionInfo_V1;
   [unique, string] wchar_t* OsName;

ClientDnsHostName: A NULL or null-terminated Unicode string that is used to update the attribute dNSHostName on the client's computer account object in Active Directory.

OsVersionInfo_V1: If not NULL, the attribute operatingSystemVersion on the client's computer account in Active Directory (using the ABNF Syntax as specified in [RFC2234]) is set to:

  • If OsVersionInfo_V1.dwBuildNumber is 0:

              operatingSystemVersion = MajorVersion "." MinorVersion
              MajorVersion = "OsVersionInfo_V1.dwMajorVersion"
              MinorVersion = "OsVersionInfo_V1.dwMinorVersion"
  • Otherwise:

              operatingSystemVersion = MajorVersion "." MinorVersion "."
              MajorVersion = "OsVersionInfo_V1.dwMajorVersion"
              MinorVersion = "OsVersionInfo_V1.dwMinorVersion"
              BuildNumber = "OsVersionInfo_V1.dwBuildNumber"

OsName: A NULL or a null-terminated Unicode string that SHOULD<42> be used to update the attribute operatingSystem on the client's computer account object in Active Directory.