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Full Profile Fields

To access any of the following full profile fields, your app must request the r_fullprofile member permission.


Access to r_fullprofile is now closed. Consider requesting access to the r_liteprofile instead.

Field Name Description
address Localizable address that a member wants to display on the profile. Represented as a MultiLocaleString object type.
backgroundPicture Metadata about the member's background image in the profile. This replaces existing backgroundImage. See Background Picture Fields for a description of the fields available within this object.
birthDate Birth date of the member. Represented as a date object.
certifications An object representing the certifications that the member holds. See Certification Fields for a description of the fields available within this object.
courses An object representing courses the member has taken. See Course Fields for a description of the fields available within this object.
educations An object representing the member's educational background. See Education Fields for a description of the fields available within this object.
firstName Localizable first name of the member. Represented as a MultiLocaleString object
geoLocation Member's location listed in their profile; may be null if no location is selected. GeoUrn defined by standardization is used to specify the location.
headline Localizable headline of member's choosing. Represented as a MultiLocaleString object type.
honors An object representing the various honors and awards the member has received. See Honor Fields for a description of the fields available within this object.
id A unique identifying value for the member. Referenced as personId in other API documentation pages. Can also be referenced as an URN such as urn:li:person:{personId}. This value is linked to your specific application. Any attempts to use it with a different application will result in a 404 error.
industryId A unique identifying value for the industry.
industryName Deprecated. Refer to industryId. Localizable name of industry as entered by the member.
lastModified A timestamp corresponding to the last modification of this resource.
lastName Localizable last name of the member. Represented as a MultiLocaleString object
localizedFirstName Localized version of the firstName field.
localizedHeadline Localized version of the headline field.
localizedLastName Localized version of the lastName field.
localizedMaidenName Localized version of the maidenName field.
localizedPhoneticFirstName Localized version fo the firstName field.
localizedPhoneticLastName Localized version of the lastName field.
maidenName Localizable maiden name of the member. Represented as a MultiLocaleString object type.
organizations An object representing the organizations that the member is in. See Organization Fields for a description of the fields available within this object.
patents An object representing the various patents associated with the member. See Patent Fields for a description of the fields available within this object.
phoneNumbers The phone numbers of the member. See Phone Number Fields for a description of the fields available within this object. These phone numbers are listed under the "Contact Info" of the profile section.
phoneticFirstName Phonetic representation of the firstName.
phoneticLastName Phonetic representation of the lastName.
positions Employment history. See Positions for a description of the fields available within this object.
profilePicture Metadata about the member's picture in the profile. This will replace pictureInfo. See Profile Picture Fields for more information.
projects An object representing the various projects associated with the member. See Project Fields for a description of the fields available within this object.
publications An object representing the various publications associated with the member. See Publication Fields for a description of the fields available within this object.
skills An object representing the skills that the member holds. See Skill Fields for a description of the fields available within this object.
summary Profile summary.
supportedLocales The supported locales of the member. Represented in an array of Locale.
testScores An object representing the test scores that the member have. See Test Score Fields for a description of the fields available within this object.
vanityName The vanity name of the member. Vanity name is represented as a string is used for the public profile URL:{vanityName}.
volunteeringExperiences An object representing the member's volunteering experience. See Volunteering Experience Fields for a description of the fields available within this object.
volunteeringInterests he volunteering interests of the member has or supports. See Volunteering Interest Fields for a description of the fields available within this object.
websites Localized websites the member wants displayed on the profile. See Website Fields for a description of the fields available within this object.