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Marketplace Provider Reference

Marketplace Provider Schema

Field Name Sub-Field Name Format Description
created   AuditStamp An AuditStamp corresponding to the creation of this entity.
deleted   optional AuditStamp An AuditStamp corresponding to the deletion of this entity.
lastModified  AuditStamp An AuditStamp corresponding to the last modification of this entity.
locale   optional Locale Locale associated with the provider.
marketplaceType Enum The type of marketplace the provider is providing supply for. Can only be the following value:
  • SERVICE_MARKETPLACE - Represents the service marketplace which contains requesters and service providers.
preferences Object Preferences selected by the provider upon onboarding onto the marketplace.
com.linkedin.marketplaceplatform.servicemarketplace.ServiceProviderPreferences ServiceProviderPreferences Preferences for service providers who are part of the service marketplace.
provider Urn The provider who can provide the supply. E.g. urn:li:person:ABC123
vanityName optional String The vanity name associated with a particular Provider.

Service Provider Preferences Schema

Field Name Sub-Field Name Format Description
availableToWorkRemotely   optional boolean True if the provider has selected that he/she is available to work remotely, false if otherwise.
optedIntoOpenToExperience boolean Defaults to false. True if the provider is opted into to the Open To experience, false if not.
optedIntoOpenToExperienceAt optional long Time the provider initially opted into the OpenTo experience.
profileLocationSelected optional boolean
True if the provider would like to use their profile location to specify where he/she offers services, false if otherwise. This field will only be populated if optedIntoOpenToExperience is true.
serviceProviderSkills optional Object The service skills that the provider has selected through the Open To experience, contains both serviceSkillFamily and serviceSkills. This field is only populated if optedIntoOpenToExperience is true.
serviceSkillFamily optional SkillUrn The parent service skill that the provider has selected through the Open To experience. This field is only populated if a provider has opted into the Open To experience.
serviceSkills optional SkillUrn[] The list of service skills that the provider has selected through the Open To experience. This field is only populated if a provider has opted into the Open To experience.
servicesDescription optional MultiLocaleString Description shown in the Services Page services description section. This is an optional field for the Services Page.
servicesPageStatus Enum The status of the Service Page. Can only be the following value:
  • ACTIVE - The Services Page is active on the platform.
  • UNPUBLISHED - The Services Page is unpublished on the platform.
servicesPageVanityName optional String The vanity name for a Services Page.
willingToReceiveFreeInquiries optional boolean True if the provider has selected that he/she is willing to receive free inquires false if otherwise. This field will only be populated if optedIntoOpenToExperience is true.