Dela via

Digital Media Asset Schema

Digital Media Asset URNs can be decorated by ~ , ~digitalmediaAsset:playableStreams or ~digitalmediaAsset:privatePlayableStreams depending on the originating API you are requesting from. Some APIs will allow you to decorate with one or the other depending on use case and privacy concerns. ~ will provide the asset's metadata . ~digitalmediaAsset:playableStreams and ~digitalmediaAsset:privatePlayableStreams will provide URLs to the media asset.

Asset Metadata Table

Field Name Sub-Field Name Format Description
created   Long Time represented in epoch milliseconds.
deleted   Long Optional. Time represented in epoch milliseconds.
id   String Unique identifier of the asset.
lastModified   Long Time represented in epoch milliseconds.
mediaTypeFamily   String The media type of the asset. Can be the following enums:
  • BINARYDATA - Unspecified binary data.
  • STILLIMAGE - A static visual representation.
  • VIDEO - Moving images plus audio.
  • SOUND - A resource primarily intended to be heard.
  • PAGINATEDDOCUMENT - A form of text document (with or without other media attached) intended to be presented in pages.
  • SLIDESHOWDOCUMENT - A form of text document (with or without other media attached) intended to be presented as a slideshow.
  • ARCHIVE - A file that is composed of one or more files along with metadata.
slug   String Optional. A title or short description of the asset that can be used to create SEO friendly URLs. Must be un-escaped.
status   String Status of the asset. Default is ALLOWED. Can be the following enums:
  • ALLOWED - The content is allowed to be served.
  • BLOCKED - The content must not be served.
  • ABANDONED - The asset was abandoned by its owner. Some possible reasons: Upload was cancelled; The application no longer needs it; The uploaded file is not of the intended type; etc.
serviceRelationships     Services the asset is related to. Represented as an array.
  identifier String Identifier of the related service. No syntax is enforced but URNs are preferred.
  relationshipType String Type of relationship. Default to GENERIC. Can be the following enums:
  • GENERIC - A generic relationship with no pre-defined semantic. Generic relationships might be used for functionality outside the scope of the Asset Manager.
  • CREATOR - The referenced downstream service is the one that created the Asset.
  • OWNER - The referenced downstream service is an owner of the Asset.

Asset Playable Streams Table

Field Name Sub-Field Name Format Description
artifact   URN The URN of the artifact this record is related to.
authorizationMethod   String The authorization method for this artifact. Can be the following enums:
  • NONE - The artifact can not be served to users.
  • PUBLIC - The artifact is public and no authorization is needed to serve.
  • INTERNAL - The artifact is only accessible internally to other systems in the hosting or processing infrastructure.
  • PRIVATE - The artifact is private and only an authorized user can access it.
data   optional Object Data about this artifact.
identifiers     List of file identifiers related to this artifact. Represented as an array.
  file URN Optional. The File that this FileIdentifier is generated from.
  filename String Optional. When present, the blob will be served using this as filename header. It might also be used by a storage backend as a name to store the file.
  identifier String Optional. File identifier used to retrieve it.
  identifierExpires InSeconds Long Optional. Seconds since the epoch when the identifier expires. If not present, it might never expire but there's no guarantee.
  index int Index of this File entry in the files array in the artifact. Must be unique for the list. The File array index is 0 based.
  mediaType String One of these media types. Defaults to application/octet-stream.
  size Long Optional. File size in bytes.
  slug String Optional. An optional string to identify a particular file inside the files list of the MediaArtifact. Must be unique for the list, un-escaped, and cannot start with a number. Used for SEO friendly URLs.