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Webhooks allow you to receive real-time HTTP notifications for subscribed events. This functionality is only available for applications with an approved use case for webhooks.

Webhook Registration and Validation

Notifications will only be sent to webhooks that are registered and validated.

To begin, register your webhook in the "Webhooks" tab of your application in the developer portal.


The Webhooks tab is only enabled for applications with a use case for webhooks. For Lead Syncing use cases, webhook subscriptions must be created via the Lead Notification Subscriptions API and cannot be created via the UI.


Field Name Description Required
applicationId ID of the Developer Application being validated. Only sent for integrations with parent-child applications such as Apply Connect. Indicates which application's clientSecret to use for generating the challenge response. False
challengeCode Randomly generated type-4 UUID string created by LinkedIn. True
challengeResponse Hex-encoded HMACSHA256 signature for the challengeCode using its clientSecret as the secret key. challengeResponse = Hex-encoded(HMACSHA256(challengeCode, clientSecret)) True

Validating the Webhook Endpoint

LinkedIn validates the ownership of a webhook URL before it can be registered by an application. The validation flow leverages the application's clientSecret as the secret key along with the universally-known HMACSHA256 algorithm to generate and validate the application's response to a challenge code.

  1. Before initiating the validation flow, LinkedIn will generate a string that will act as the challengeCode.
  2. LinkedIn will use the challengeCode as a query parameter to make an HTTP GET to your webhook endpoint. Integrations using parent-child applications will also receive an applicationId query parameter.
  1. Your application must compute the challengeResponse (Hex-encoded HMACSHA256 signature for the challengeCode) using its clientSecret as the secret key. If you received an applicationId query parameter in the previous step, use the clientSecret associated with the challenged application. Return both the challengeCode and challengeResponse in a JSON payload with a 200 OK status within 3 seconds. See the example below. The response should have header "content-type" value set to "application/json".
challengeResponse = Hex-encoded(HMACSHA256(challengeCode, clientSecret))
 "challengeCode" : "890e4665-4dfe-4ab1-b689-ed553bceeed0",
 "challengeResponse" : "27b1d19678542072a7f1d0ce845d0c78cec22567f413697e25648f44fa3d1514"
  1. On receiving the validation response, LinkedIn will verify by computing the challenge response and comparing it with the challengeResponse returned by the app.
  2. If the challengeResponse is successfully verified, then the webhook is ready to be used in subscriptions. If the verification fails, an error will be thrown with the message: This URL did not pass the security challenge check.

Re-validation and Blocked Endpoints

Webhook endpoints will be periodically re-validated after the initial validation every 2 hours. If the re-validation check fails 3 times in a row, the endpoint will move to a blocked state where events will no longer be sent.

Developers associated with that developer application will receive warning emails for any failed validation attempts. After re-validation checks fail 3 times in a row, an email will be sent notifying developers that the webhook has been blocked. The endpoint will also show as "Blocked" in the developer portal.

After resolving the issue, developers can manually kick off another validation check from the developer portal.

Requirements for Processing Notifications

Upon receiving notifications from LinkedIn, your webhook must fulfill the following requirements:

Verify the integrity of the push event and prevent malicious entities from impersonating LinkedIn as the sender

The POST request sent by LinkedIn will include a header called X-LI-Signature. The value of this header is the HMACSHA256 hash of the JSON-encoded string representation of the POST body prefixed by hmacsha256= and it is computed using your app’s clientSecret. On receiving the push event, you must compute the signature on the POST body prefixed by hmacsha256= using the HMACSHA256 hashing algorithm and your clientSecret. Discard the event if your computed value does not match the value sent in the X-LI-Signature header.

Deduplicate notifications

A notification can occasionally be delivered multiple times to your webhook. Your webhook must be able to deduplicate notifications using the Notification ID included in the payload.

Respond with an HTTP response

For each notification delivered to your webhook, it must return a 2xx HTTP status code to indicate successful delivery of the notification to your webhook. Any other response code returned will be treated by LinkedIn as a failure.

Test with lambda/serverless functions on a cloud provider

We recommend testing webhooks processing using lambda/serverless functions on a cloud provider.


ngrok URIs are not supported.