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URNs and IDs


URNs are used to represent foreign associations to an entity (persons, organizations, and so on) in an API. A URN is a string-based identifier with the format:


For example:

  • urn:li:person:123
  • urn:li:organization:456
  • urn:li:sponsoredAccount:789

URNs encode more information, including the entity type. Using the entity type, it's possible to dereference a URN and access the underlying data of the entity using a process called decoration.

URN values returned from LinkedIn's APIs are a maximum of 255 characters in length.


Simple integer IDs are returned to represent an object's primary key. Your application should support transforming URNs into IDs and vice versa.

IDs versus URNs

IDs are self-referencing identifiers similar to a primary key. URNs are Globally Unique Identifiers (GUID) used to represent an entity's foreign associations.

In the example below, we fetch details about a share and use a projection to limit the results to the id and owner fields. The shares API returns an id that is the primary key and an owner that is a foreign reference to the person who created the share in the form of a URN.

Resource Type URN ID
Share urn:li:share:1234 1234
Person urn:li:person:-f_Ut43FoQ -f_Ut43FoQ

Sample Request

    "id": "1234",
    "owner": "urn:li:person:-f_Ut43FoQ"

URN Deconstruction

To get more information about the owner of the share, we can deconstruct the URN by removing the urn:li:person prefix and making an additional call to the people API. We need to deconstruct the URN and parse the ID because the people API expects an ID.

Sample Request

    "id": "-f_Ut43FoQ",
    "localizedFirstName": "Dwight",
    "localizedLastName": "Schrute"

URN Decoration

To make this query more efficient, we can use decoration to expand the share owner URN and return the owner's first and last name in a single call. This saves an API call by not having to make a separate call to the people API.

Sample Request

    "id": "1234",
    "owner": "urn:li:person:-f_Ut43FoQ",
    "owner~": {
        "localizedFirstName": "Schrute",
        "localizedLastName": "Dwight"

URNs and Namespaces

For common URNs and their namespace conversions, see URN Namespaces.