Dela via

Social Actions

The identity of the resourceName is comments and likes . Currently, this resource captures all personal comment and likes the member makes including comment edits. Refer here for more information on social actions.

Comment activity - comment on a share on an event page

The activity and processedActivity will be the same as other Social Action activities. The addition will be in the ugcPostUrn decoration on object field. Specifically, the containerEntity field relating to the eventUrn.

  "owner": "urn:li:person:Ylpq-RobP9",
  "resourceId": "123456789",
  "configVersion": 70,
  "method": "CREATE",
  "activity": {
    "actor": "urn:li:person:Ylpq-RobP9",
    "created": {
      "actor": "urn:li:person:Ylpq-RobP9",
      "time": 1558381270695
    "lastModified": {
      "actor": "urn:li:person:Ylpq-RobP9",
      "time": 1558381270695
    "id": "123456789",
    "message": {
      "attributes": [],
      "text": "What a lovely event!"
    "object": "urn:li:ugcPost:123456789"
  "resourceName": "socialActions/comments",
  "resourceUri": "/socialActions/urn:li:ugcPost:123456789/comments/123456789",
  "actor": "urn:li:person:Ylpq-RobP9",
  "activityId": "5e8a8f37-eff5-4100-97c5-c1cb67e025b4",
  "processedAt": 1558381290429,
  "capturedAt": 1558381270997,
  "processedActivity": {
    "actor": "urn:li:person:Ylpq-RobP9",
    "actor~": {...},
    "created": {
      "actor": "urn:li:person:Ylpq-RobP9",
      "actor~": {...},
      "time": 1558381270695
    "id": "123456789",
    "lastModified": {
      "actor": "urn:li:person:Ylpq-RobP9",
      "actor~": {...},
      "time": 1558381270695
    "message": {
      "attributes": [],
      "text": "What a lovely event!"
    "object~": {
      "containerEntity": "urn:li:event:123456789",
      "containerEntity~": {
        "created": {
          "actor": "urn:li:person:2qXA98-mVk",
          "actor~": {...},
          "time": 1569542293839
        "localizedName": "My Event",
        "address": {
          "geographicArea": "California",
          "country": "US",
          "city": "San Francisco"
        "organizer~": {...},
        "organizer": "urn:li:person:Ylpq-RobP9",
        "name": {
          "localized": {
            "en_US": "My Event"
          "preferredLocale": {
            "country": "US",
            "language": "en"
        "description": {
          "localized": {
            "en_US": {
              "rawText": "My Event Description"
          "preferredLocale": {
            "country": "US",
            "language": "en"
        "id": 123456789,
        "localizedDescription": {
          "rawText": "Hello!"
        "timeRange": {
          "start": 1570633200000,
          "end": 1570636800000
      "lifecycleState": "PUBLISHED",
      "author~": {...},
      "specificContent": {
        "com.linkedin.ugc.ShareContent": {
          "shareMediaCategory": "NONE",
          "shareCommentary": {
            "inferredLocale": "en_US",
            "text": "Excited to organize Test Event!"
          "media": []
      "visibility": {
        "com.linkedin.ugc.MemberNetworkVisibility": "CONTAINER"
      "author": "urn:li:person:Ylpq-RobP9",
      "created": {...},
      "ugcOrigin": "DESKTOP",
      "firstPublishedAt": 1558380086653,
      "id": "urn:li:ugcPost:123456789",
      "lastModified": {
        "actor": "urn:li:csUser:7",
        "time": 1558380087570
      "distribution": {
        "feedDistribution": "MAIN_FEED",
        "externalDistributionChannels": [],
        "distributedViaFollowFeed": true
    "object": "urn:li:ugcPost:123456789"
  "id": 841308

Comment activity - comment on a share event

The activity and processedActivity will be the same format as other Social Action activities. The addition will be in the ugcPostUrn decoration on object field. Specifically, the media field relating to the eventUrn.

  "owner": "urn:li:person:Ylpq-RobP9",
  "resourceId": "123456789",
  "configVersion": 70,
  "method": "CREATE",
  "activity": {
    "actor": "urn:li:person:Ylpq-RobP9",
    "created": {
      "actor": "urn:li:person:Ylpq-RobP9",
      "time": 1558381270695
    "lastModified": {
      "actor": "urn:li:person:Ylpq-RobP9",
      "time": 1558381270695
    "id": "123456789",
    "message": {
      "attributes": [],
      "text": "What a lovely event!"
    "object": "urn:li:ugcPost:123456789"
  "resourceName": "socialActions/comments",
  "resourceUri": "/socialActions/urn:li:ugcPost:123456789/comments/123456789",
  "actor": "urn:li:person:Ylpq-RobP9",
  "activityId": "5e8a8f37-eff5-4100-97c5-c1cb67e025b4",
  "processedAt": 1558381290429,
  "capturedAt": 1558381270997,
  "processedActivity": {
    "actor": "urn:li:person:Ylpq-RobP9",
    "actor~": {...},
    "created": {
      "actor": "urn:li:person:Ylpq-RobP9",
      "actor~": {...},
      "time": 1558381270695
    "id": "123456789",
    "lastModified": {
      "actor": "urn:li:person:Ylpq-RobP9",
      "actor~": {...},
      "time": 1558381270695
    "message": {
      "attributes": [],
      "text": "What a lovely event!"
    "object~": {
      "lifecycleState": "PUBLISHED",
      "author~": {...},
      "specificContent": {
        "com.linkedin.ugc.ShareContent": {
          "shareMediaCategory": "URN_REFERENCE",
          "shareCommentary": {
            "inferredLocale": "en_US",
            "attributes": [
                "start": 97,
                "length": 16,
                "value": {
                  "com.linkedin.common.HashtagAttributedEntity": {
                    "hashtag": "urn:li:hashtag:testevent"
            "text": "Excited to organize Test Event!\n#testevent\n"
          "media": [
              "media": "urn:li:event:123456789",
              "media~": {
                "created": {
                  "actor": "urn:li:person:2qXA98-mVk",
                  "actor~": {...},
                  "time": 1569542293839
                "localizedName": "Test Event",
                "address": {
                  "geographicArea": "California",
                  "country": "US",
                  "city": "San Francisco"
                "organizer": "urn:li:person:Ylpq-RobP9",
                "organizer~": {...},
                "logo~": {...},
                "name": {
                  "localized": {
                    "en_US": "Test Event"
                  "preferredLocale": {
                    "country": "US",
                    "language": "en"
                "venueDetails": {
                  "localized": {
                    "en_US": {
                      "rawText": "1st Floor"
                  "preferredLocale": {
                    "country": "US",
                    "language": "en"
                "logo": "urn:li:digitalmediaAsset:123456789",
                "description": {
                  "localized": {
                    "en_US": {
                      "rawText": "Come by to join!"
                  "preferredLocale": {
                    "country": "US",
                    "language": "en"
                "id": 6536319596771758080,
                "localizedDescription": {
                  "rawText": "Come by to join!"
                "timeRange": {
                  "start": 1559577600000,
                  "end": 1559581200000
              "thumbnails": []
      "visibility": {
        "com.linkedin.ugc.MemberNetworkVisibility": "PUBLIC"
      "author": "urn:li:person:Ylpq-RobP9",
      "created": {...},
      "ugcOrigin": "DESKTOP",
      "firstPublishedAt": 1558380086653,
      "id": "urn:li:ugcPost:123456789",
      "lastModified": {
        "actor": "urn:li:csUser:7",
        "time": 1558380087570
      "distribution": {
        "feedDistribution": "MAIN_FEED",
        "externalDistributionChannels": [],
        "distributedViaFollowFeed": true
    "object": "urn:li:ugcPost:123456789"
  "id": 841308

Comment activity - comment on a Marketplace Platform Opportunity ugcPost

The activity and processedActivity will be the same as other Social Action activities. The addition will be in the ugcPostUrn decoration on object field. Specifically, the media field relating to the marketplacePlatformOpportunityUrn.

  "processedActivity": {
    "object": "urn:li:ugcPost:123456789",
    "object~": {
      "specificContent": {
        "media": [
            "media~": {
              "requester": "urn:li:person:yrZCpj2ZYQ",
              "opportunityType": {
              "skill": "urn:li:skill:123",
              "skill~": {
                  "standardizedName": "Plumbing",
                  "id": 123,
                  "locale": {
                    "country": "US",
                    "language": "en"
              "requester~": {
                "localizedLastName": "Mario",
                "localizedFirstName": "Mario"
              "region~": {
                "country": "urn:li:country:us",
                "name": {
                  "locale": {
                    "country": "US",
                    "language": "en"
                  "value": "San Francisco Bay Area"
                "id": 84,
                "$URN": "urn:li:region:84",
                "states": [
              "region": "urn:li:region:84"
            "media": "urn:li:marketplacePlatformOpportunity:(123456789,SERVICE_MARKETPLACE)",

Comment activity - comment on a Kudos ugcPost

The activity and processedActivity will be the same as other Social Action activities. The addition will be in the ugcPostUrn decoration on object field. Specifically, the media field relating to the appreciationUrn. For more information on how the ugcPostUrn is decorated, see publishing an appreciation share activity.

  "processedActivity": {
    "object": "urn:li:ugcPost:123456789",
    "object~": {
      "specificContent": {
        "media": [
            "media~": {...},
            "media": "urn:li:appreciation:123456789",
            "thumbnails": [
                "url": ""

Note: The thumbnails.url field is populated until April 30, 2019 for these activities since they are post-processed, unlike the creation UGCPost activity.

Comment on an article

    "activity": {
        "actor": "urn:li:person:KPA1hpZ1yM", 
        "created": {
            "actor": "urn:li:person:KPA1hpZ1yM", 
            "time": 1492112821044
        "id": "6258374773714362368", 
        "lastModified": {
            "actor": "urn:li:person:KPA1hpZ1yM", 
            "time": 1492112821044
        "likesSummary": {
            "aggregatedTotalLikes": 0, 
            "likedByCurrentUser": false, 
            "selectedLikes": [], 
            "totalLikes": 0
        "message": {
            "attributes": [], 
            "text": "This is a comment on a publishing post."
        "object": "urn:li:article:7152306652638920611"
    "activityId": "12356788990000", 
    "actor": "urn:li:person:KPA1hpZ1yM", 
    "capturedAt": 1492112821184, 
    "configVersion": 8, 
    "id": 1179932, 
    "method": "CREATE", 
    "owner": "urn:li:person:KPA1hpZ1yM", 
    "processedActivity": {
        "actor": "urn:li:person:KPA1hpZ1yM", 
        "actor~": {
            "firstName": {
                "localized": {
                    "en_US": "Bob"
                "preferredLocale": {
                    "country": "US", 
                    "language": "en"
            "headline": {
                "localized": {
                    "en_US": "Software Engineer"
                "preferredLocale": {
                    "country": "US", 
                    "language": "en"
            "lastName": {
                "localized": {
                    "en_US": "Smith"
                "preferredLocale": {
                    "country": "US", 
                    "language": "en"
        "created": {
            "actor": "urn:li:person:KPA1hpZ1yM", 
            "actor~": {
                "firstName": {
                    "localized": {
                        "en_US": "Bob"
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                        "country": "US", 
                        "language": "en"
                "headline": {
                    "localized": {
                        "en_US": "Software Engineer"
                    "preferredLocale": {
                        "country": "US", 
                        "language": "en"
                "lastName": {
                    "localized": {
                        "en_US": "Smith"
                    "preferredLocale": {
                        "country": "US", 
                        "language": "en"
            "time": 1492112821044
        "id": "6258374773714362368", 
        "lastModified": {
            "actor": "urn:li:person:KPA1hpZ1yM", 
            "actor~": {
                "firstName": {
                    "localized": {
                        "en_US": "Bob"
                    "preferredLocale": {
                        "country": "US", 
                        "language": "en"
                "headline": {
                    "localized": {
                        "en_US": "Software Engineer"
                    "preferredLocale": {
                        "country": "US", 
                        "language": "en"
                "lastName": {
                    "localized": {
                        "en_US": "Smith"
                    "preferredLocale": {
                        "country": "US", 
                        "language": "en"
            "time": 1492112821044
        "message": {
            "attributes": [], 
            "text": "This is a comment on a publishing post."
        "object": "urn:li:article:7152306652638920611", 
        "object~": {
            "id": 7152306652638920611, 
            "title": "Sample Publishing Post"
    "processedAt": 1492112834618, 
    "resourceId": "6258374773714362368", 
    "resourceName": "socialActions/comments", 
    "resourceUri": "/socialActions/urn:li:article:7152306652638920611/comments/6258374773714362368"

Comment edit activity


    "activity": {
        "message": {
            "text": "Edited previous comment"
    "activityId": "23995cd8-4441-4e33-a724-090dfcde8b2e", 
    "actor": "urn:li:person:Ylpq-RobP9", 
    "capturedAt": 1520274822960, 
    "configVersion": 1, 
    "id": 647971, 
    "method": "PARTIAL_UPDATE", 
    "owner": "urn:li:person:Ylpq-RobP9", 
    "parentSiblingActivities": [], 
    "processedActivity": {
        "message": {
            "text": "Edited previous comment"
    "processedAt": 1520274853352, 
    "resourceId": "6376493321048596480", 
    "resourceName": "socialActions/comments", 
    "resourceUri": "/socialActions/urn:li:activity:6369097974672306176/comments/6376493321048596480", 
    "siblingActivities": []

Like activity - like a share

  "owner": "urn:li:person:KPA1hpZ1yM",
  "actor": "urn:li:person:KPA1hpZ1yM",
  "resourceId": "urn:li:activity:6257657041524006912",
  "configVersion": 6,
  "method": "CREATE",
  "activity": {
    "actor": "urn:li:person:KPA1hpZ1yM",
    "created": {
      "actor": "urn:li:person:KPA1hpZ1yM",
      "time": 1492112791993
    "lastModified": {
      "actor": "urn:li:person:KPA1hpZ1yM",
      "time": 1492112791993
    "object": "urn:li:activity:6257657041524006912"
  "processedAt": 1492112812255,
  "capturedAt": 1492112792032,
  "processedActivity": {
    "actor": "urn:li:person:KPA1hpZ1yM",
    "actor~": {...},
    "created": {
      "actor": "urn:li:person:KPA1hpZ1yM",
      "actor~": {...},
      "time": 1492112791993
    "lastModified": {
      "actor": "urn:li:person:KPA1hpZ1yM",
      "actor~": {...},
      "time": 1492112791993
    "object~": {
      "actor": "urn:li:person:yrZCpj2ZYQ",
      "domainEntity~": {
        "owner": "urn:li:person:yrZCpj2ZYQ",
        "owner~": {...},
        "created": {
          "actor": "urn:li:person:yrZCpj2ZYQ",
          "actor~": {...},
          "time": 1531329595651
        "text": {
          "text": "this is a share"
        "lastModified": {
          "actor": "urn:li:person:yrZCpj2ZYQ",
          "time": 1531329806139
        "distribution": {
          "linkedInDistributionTarget": {
            "visibleToGuest": true
      "actor~": {...},
      "verb": "linkedin:share",
      "domainEntity": "urn:li:share:6422861848344821123",
      "object": "urn:li:share:6422861848344821123"
    "object": "urn:li:activity:6257657041524006912"
  "resourceName": "socialActions/likes",
  "resourceUri": "/socialActions/urn:li:activity:6257657041524006912/likes/urn:li:person:KPA1hpZ1yM",
  "id": 1179916,
  "activityId": "12356788990000"

Reaction update activity

  "resourceId": "urn:li:ugcPost:123456789",
  "method": "PARTIAL_UPDATE",
  "activity": {},
  "resourceName": "socialActions/likes",
  "resourceUri": "/socialActions/urn:li:ugcPost:123456789/likes/urn:li:person:yrZCpj2ZYQ",
  "processedActivity": {},


The source of the update will be represented by the object field. In the processedActivity section, we will attempt to decorate as much information as possible to provide the information needed to capture the original share/post.

If the object is an originalArticle (long-form post), it will return an articleUrn , which is different from the id of the originalArticleUrn . However, you can get more information by taking the url of the object and taking the permlink portion ( {PERMLINK} ) and using the Finder "permlinks" - Article API .

Contextual Decoration with Social Actions

We added this feature to provide more context for a given activity. This currently applies to only Comment activities. When a comment is made, we populate the siblingActivities with the previous timestamped sibling comments and parentSiblingActivities with the previous timestamped parent sibling comments fields if applicable. Both fields will contain up to 10 comments to provide more context on a given comment reply activity.

Below is an example of an activity with both fields:

sample response of a comment activity with parent Sibling Activities and sibling Activities

    "activity": {
        "actor": "urn:li:person:5Lvu9VVW1m", 
        "created": {
            "actor": "urn:li:person:5Lvu9VVW1m", 
            "time": 1502840333104
        "id": "6303369220436566016", 
        "lastModified": {
            "actor": "urn:li:person:5Lvu9VVW1m", 
            "time": 1502840333104
        "message": {
            "attributes": [], 
            "text": "hi to you too"
        "object": "urn:li:article:7687833945697580194", 
        "parentComment": "urn:li:comment:(urn:li:article:7687833945697580194,6303369168699867136)"
    "actor": "urn:li:person:5Lvu9VVW1m", 
    "capturedAt": 1502840333228, 
    "configVersion": 13, 
    "id": 557083, 
    "method": "CREATE", 
    "owner": "urn:li:person:Ylpq-RobP9", 
    "parentSiblingActivities": [
            "actor": "urn:li:person:2oLEN-8i64", 
            "actor~": {
                "firstName": {
                    "localized": {
                        "en_US": "Morgan"
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                        "country": "US", 
                        "language": "en"
                "headline": {
                    "localized": {
                        "en_US": "Engineer at LinkedIn"
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                        "country": "US", 
                        "language": "en"
                "lastName": {
                    "localized": {
                        "en_US": "Smaller"
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                        "country": "US", 
                        "language": "en"
            "created": {
                "actor": "urn:li:person:2oLEN-8i64", 
                "actor~": {
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                        "localized": {
                            "en_US": "Engineer at LinkedIn"
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                            "country": "US", 
                            "language": "en"
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                            "language": "en"
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            "lastModified": {
                "actor": "urn:li:person:2oLEN-8i64", 
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                            "language": "en"
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                            "language": "en"
                "time": 1495470343526
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                "text": "test 1"
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                        "th_TH": "Software Engineer"
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                        "country": "TH", 
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                    "localized": {
                        "th_TH": "Marion"
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                "attributes": [], 
                "text": "test 2"
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            "actor~": {
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                "actor": "urn:li:person:2oLEN-8i64", 
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            "lastModified": {
                "actor": "urn:li:person:2oLEN-8i64", 
                "actor~": {
                    "firstName": {
                        "localized": {
                            "en_US": "Morgan"
                        "preferredLocale": {
                            "country": "US", 
                            "language": "en"
                    "headline": {
                        "localized": {
                            "en_US": "Engineer at LinkedIn"
                        "preferredLocale": {
                            "country": "US", 
                            "language": "en"
                    "lastName": {
                        "localized": {
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                        "preferredLocale": {
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