
Dela via

Query/management HTTP request

Applies to: ✅ Microsoft FabricAzure Data Explorer

Request verb and resource

Action HTTP verb HTTP resource
Query GET /v1/rest/query
Query POST /v1/rest/query
Query v2 GET /v2/rest/query
Query v2 POST /v2/rest/query
Management POST /v1/rest/mgmt

For example, to send a management command ("management") to a service endpoint, use the following request line:


See Request headers and Body to learn what to include.

Request headers

The following table contains the common headers used for query and management operations.

Standard header Description Required/Optional
Accept The media types the client receives. Set to application/json. Required
Accept-Encoding The supported content encodings. Supported encodings are gzip and deflate. Optional
Authorization The authentication credentials. For more information, see authentication. Required
Connection Whether the connection stays open after the operation. The recommendation is to set Connection to Keep-Alive. Optional
Content-Length The size of the request body. Specify the request body length when known. Optional
Content-Type The media type of the request body. Set to application/json with charset=utf-8. Required
Expect The expected response from the server. It can be set to 100-Continue. Optional
Host The qualified domain name that the request was sent to. For example, Required

The following table contains the common custom headers used for query and management operations. Unless noted, these headers are used only for telemetry purposes and don’t affect functionality.

All headers are optional. However, We recommend specifying the x-ms-client-request-id custom header. In some scenarios, such as canceling a running query, x-ms-client-request-id is required since it's used to identify the request.

Custom header Description
x-ms-app The friendly name of the application making the request.
x-ms-user The friendly name of the user making the request.
x-ms-user-id The same friendly name as x-ms-user.
x-ms-client-request-id A unique identifier for the request.
x-ms-client-version The friendly version identifier for the client making the request.
x-ms-readonly If specified, it forces the request to run in read-only mode which prevents the request from changing data.

Request parameters

The following parameters can be passed in the request. They're encoded in the request as query parameters or as part of the body, depending on whether GET or POST is used.

Parameter Description Required/Optional
csl The text of the query or management command to execute. Required
db The name of the database that is the target of the query or management command. Optional for some management commands.
Required for all queries and all other commands.
properties Request properties that modify how the request is processed and its results. For more information, see Request properties. Optional

GET query parameters

When a GET request is used, the query parameters specify the request parameters.


When a POST request is used, the body of the request contains a single UTF-8 encoded JSON document, which includes the values of the request parameters.


The following example shows the HTTP POST request for a query.


Request headers

Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer ...AzureActiveDirectoryAccessToken...
Accept-Encoding: deflate
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
x-ms-client-request-id: MyApp.Query;e9f884e4-90f0-404a-8e8b-01d883023bf1
x-ms-user-id: EARTH\davidbg
x-ms-app: MyApp

Request body

  "csl":"print Test=\"Hello, World!\"",

The following example shows how to create a request that sends the previous query, using curl.

  1. Obtain a token for authentication.

    Replace AAD_TENANT_NAME_OR_ID, AAD_APPLICATION_ID, and AAD_APPLICATION_KEY with the relevant values, after setting up Microsoft Entra application authentication.

    curl "" \
      -F "grant_type=client_credentials" \
      -F "resource=" \
      -F "client_id=AAD_APPLICATION_ID" \
      -F "client_secret=AAD_APPLICATION_KEY"

    This code snippet provides you with the bearer token.

      "token_type": "Bearer",
      "expires_in": "3599",
  2. Use the bearer token in your request to the query endpoint.

    curl -d '{"db":"Samples","csl":"print Test=\"Hello, World!\"","properties":"{\"Options\":{\"queryconsistency\":\"strongconsistency\"}}"}"' \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJ0...uXOQ" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
    -H "Host:" \
    -H "x-ms-client-request-id: MyApp.Query;e9f884e4-90f0-404a-8e8b-01d883023bf1" \
    -H "x-ms-user-id: EARTH\davidbg" \
    -H "x-ms-app: MyApp" \
    -X POST
  3. Read the response according to the response status codes.

Set client request properties and query parameters

In the following request body example, the query in the csl field declares two parameters named n and d. The values for those query parameters are specified within the Parameters field under the properties field in the request body. The Options field defines client request properties.


Non-string and non-long parameters must be expressed as KQL literals in string format.

    "db": "Samples",
    "csl": "declare query_parameters (n:long, d:dynamic); StormEvents | where State in (d) | top n by StartTime asc",
    "properties": {
        "Options": {
            "maxmemoryconsumptionperiterator": 68719476736,
            "max_memory_consumption_per_query_per_node": 68719476736,
            "servertimeout": "50m"
        "Parameters": {
            "n": 10, "d": "dynamic([\"ATLANTIC SOUTH\"])"

For more information, see Supported request properties.

Send show database caching policy command

The following example sends a request to show the Samples database caching policy.

    "db": "Samples",
    "csl": ".show database Samples policy caching",
    "properties": {
        "Options": {
            "maxmemoryconsumptionperiterator": 68719476736,
            "max_memory_consumption_per_query_per_node": 68719476736,
            "servertimeout": "50m"