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What's new in Excel JavaScript API 1.17

The ExcelApi 1.17 expanded conditional formatting controls and added worksheet events.

The following table provides a concise summary of the APIs, while the subsequent API list table gives a detailed list.

Feature area Description Relevant objects
Conditional formatting Change conditional formatting rules. ConditionalFormat, ConditionalRangeFormat
Worksheet events Monitor changes to name, visibility, and position. Worksheet, WorksheetCollection, WorksheetMovedEventArgs, WorksheetNameChangedEventArgs, WorksheetVisibilityChangedEventArgs

API list

The following table lists the APIs in Excel JavaScript API requirement set 1.17. To view API reference documentation for all APIs supported by Excel JavaScript API requirement set 1.17 or earlier, see Excel APIs in requirement set 1.17 or earlier.

Class Fields Description
ConditionalFormat changeRuleToCellValue(properties: Excel.ConditionalCellValueRule) Change the conditional format rule type to cell value.
changeRuleToColorScale() Change the conditional format rule type to color scale.
changeRuleToContainsText(properties: Excel.ConditionalTextComparisonRule) Change the conditional format rule type to text comparison.
changeRuleToCustom(formula: string) Change the conditional format rule type to custom.
changeRuleToDataBar() Change the conditional format rule type to data bar.
changeRuleToIconSet() Change the conditional format rule type to icon set.
changeRuleToPresetCriteria(properties: Excel.ConditionalPresetCriteriaRule) Change the conditional format rule type to preset criteria.
changeRuleToTopBottom(properties: Excel.ConditionalTopBottomRule) Change the conditional format rule type to top/bottom.
setRanges(ranges: Range | RangeAreas | string) Set the ranges that the conditional format rule is applied to.
ConditionalRangeFormat clearFormat() Remove the format properties from a conditional format rule.
NumberFormatInfo currencySymbol Gets the currency symbol for currency values.
Worksheet onNameChanged Occurs when the worksheet name is changed.
onVisibilityChanged Occurs when the worksheet visibility is changed.
WorksheetCollection onMoved Occurs when a worksheet is moved within a workbook.
onNameChanged Occurs when the worksheet name is changed in the worksheet collection.
onVisibilityChanged Occurs when the worksheet visibility is changed in the worksheet collection.
WorksheetMovedEventArgs positionAfter Gets the new position of the worksheet, after the move.
positionBefore Gets the previous position of the worksheet, prior to the move.
source The source of the event.
type Gets the type of the event.
worksheetId Gets the ID of the worksheet that was moved.
WorksheetNameChangedEventArgs nameAfter Gets the new name of the worksheet, after the name change.
nameBefore Gets the previous name of the worksheet, before the name changed.
source The source of the event.
type Gets the type of the event.
worksheetId Gets the ID of the worksheet with the new name.
WorksheetVisibilityChangedEventArgs source The source of the event.
type Gets the type of the event.
visibilityAfter Gets the new visibility setting of the worksheet, after the visibility change.
visibilityBefore Gets the previous visibility setting of the worksheet, before the visibility change.
worksheetId Gets the ID of the worksheet whose visibility has changed.

See also