Dela via

SubscriptionPolicies interface

Subscription policies.



The subscription location placement ID. The ID indicates which regions are visible for a subscription. For example, a subscription with a location placement Id of Public_2014-09-01 has access to Azure public regions. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.


The subscription quota ID. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.


The subscription spending limit. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

Property Details


The subscription location placement ID. The ID indicates which regions are visible for a subscription. For example, a subscription with a location placement Id of Public_2014-09-01 has access to Azure public regions. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

locationPlacementId?: string

Property Value



The subscription quota ID. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

quotaId?: string

Property Value



The subscription spending limit. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

spendingLimit?: SpendingLimit

Property Value