Dela via

ApplicationGatewaysClient Interface


public interface ApplicationGatewaysClient
extends InnerSupportsGet<ApplicationGatewayInner>, InnerSupportsListing<ApplicationGatewayInner>, InnerSupportsDelete<Void>

An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in ApplicationGatewaysClient.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
abstract ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthInner backendHealth(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Gets the backend health of the specified application gateway in a resource group.

abstract ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthInner backendHealth(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, String expand, Context context)

Gets the backend health of the specified application gateway in a resource group.

abstract Mono<ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthInner> backendHealthAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Gets the backend health of the specified application gateway in a resource group.

abstract Mono<ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthInner> backendHealthAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, String expand)

Gets the backend health of the specified application gateway in a resource group.

abstract ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthOnDemandInner backendHealthOnDemand(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, ApplicationGatewayOnDemandProbe probeRequest)

Gets the backend health for given combination of backend pool and http setting of the specified application gateway in a resource group.

abstract ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthOnDemandInner backendHealthOnDemand(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, ApplicationGatewayOnDemandProbe probeRequest, String expand, Context context)

Gets the backend health for given combination of backend pool and http setting of the specified application gateway in a resource group.

abstract Mono<ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthOnDemandInner> backendHealthOnDemandAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, ApplicationGatewayOnDemandProbe probeRequest)

Gets the backend health for given combination of backend pool and http setting of the specified application gateway in a resource group.

abstract Mono<ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthOnDemandInner> backendHealthOnDemandAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, ApplicationGatewayOnDemandProbe probeRequest, String expand)

Gets the backend health for given combination of backend pool and http setting of the specified application gateway in a resource group.

abstract Mono<Response<Flux<ByteBuffer>>> backendHealthOnDemandWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, ApplicationGatewayOnDemandProbe probeRequest, String expand)

Gets the backend health for given combination of backend pool and http setting of the specified application gateway in a resource group.

abstract Mono<Response<Flux<ByteBuffer>>> backendHealthWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, String expand)

Gets the backend health of the specified application gateway in a resource group.

abstract SyncPoller<PollResult<ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthInner>,ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthInner> beginBackendHealth(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Gets the backend health of the specified application gateway in a resource group.

abstract SyncPoller<PollResult<ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthInner>,ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthInner> beginBackendHealth(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, String expand, Context context)

Gets the backend health of the specified application gateway in a resource group.

abstract PollerFlux<PollResult<ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthInner>,ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthInner> beginBackendHealthAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Gets the backend health of the specified application gateway in a resource group.

abstract PollerFlux<PollResult<ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthInner>,ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthInner> beginBackendHealthAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, String expand)

Gets the backend health of the specified application gateway in a resource group.

abstract SyncPoller<PollResult<ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthOnDemandInner>,ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthOnDemandInner> beginBackendHealthOnDemand(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, ApplicationGatewayOnDemandProbe probeRequest)

Gets the backend health for given combination of backend pool and http setting of the specified application gateway in a resource group.

abstract SyncPoller<PollResult<ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthOnDemandInner>,ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthOnDemandInner> beginBackendHealthOnDemand(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, ApplicationGatewayOnDemandProbe probeRequest, String expand, Context context)

Gets the backend health for given combination of backend pool and http setting of the specified application gateway in a resource group.

abstract PollerFlux<PollResult<ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthOnDemandInner>,ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthOnDemandInner> beginBackendHealthOnDemandAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, ApplicationGatewayOnDemandProbe probeRequest)

Gets the backend health for given combination of backend pool and http setting of the specified application gateway in a resource group.

abstract PollerFlux<PollResult<ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthOnDemandInner>,ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthOnDemandInner> beginBackendHealthOnDemandAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, ApplicationGatewayOnDemandProbe probeRequest, String expand)

Gets the backend health for given combination of backend pool and http setting of the specified application gateway in a resource group.

abstract SyncPoller<PollResult<ApplicationGatewayInner>,ApplicationGatewayInner> beginCreateOrUpdate(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, ApplicationGatewayInner parameters)

Creates or updates the specified application gateway.

abstract SyncPoller<PollResult<ApplicationGatewayInner>,ApplicationGatewayInner> beginCreateOrUpdate(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, ApplicationGatewayInner parameters, Context context)

Creates or updates the specified application gateway.

abstract PollerFlux<PollResult<ApplicationGatewayInner>,ApplicationGatewayInner> beginCreateOrUpdateAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, ApplicationGatewayInner parameters)

Creates or updates the specified application gateway.

abstract SyncPoller<PollResult<Void>,Void> beginDelete(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Deletes the specified application gateway.

abstract SyncPoller<PollResult<Void>,Void> beginDelete(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, Context context)

Deletes the specified application gateway.

abstract PollerFlux<PollResult<Void>,Void> beginDeleteAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Deletes the specified application gateway.

abstract SyncPoller<PollResult<Void>,Void> beginStart(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Starts the specified application gateway.

abstract SyncPoller<PollResult<Void>,Void> beginStart(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, Context context)

Starts the specified application gateway.

abstract PollerFlux<PollResult<Void>,Void> beginStartAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Starts the specified application gateway.

abstract SyncPoller<PollResult<Void>,Void> beginStop(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Stops the specified application gateway in a resource group.

abstract SyncPoller<PollResult<Void>,Void> beginStop(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, Context context)

Stops the specified application gateway in a resource group.

abstract PollerFlux<PollResult<Void>,Void> beginStopAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Stops the specified application gateway in a resource group.

abstract ApplicationGatewayInner createOrUpdate(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, ApplicationGatewayInner parameters)

Creates or updates the specified application gateway.

abstract ApplicationGatewayInner createOrUpdate(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, ApplicationGatewayInner parameters, Context context)

Creates or updates the specified application gateway.

abstract Mono<ApplicationGatewayInner> createOrUpdateAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, ApplicationGatewayInner parameters)

Creates or updates the specified application gateway.

abstract Mono<Response<Flux<ByteBuffer>>> createOrUpdateWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, ApplicationGatewayInner parameters)

Creates or updates the specified application gateway.

abstract void delete(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Deletes the specified application gateway.

abstract void delete(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, Context context)

Deletes the specified application gateway.

abstract Mono<Void> deleteAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Deletes the specified application gateway.

abstract Mono<Response<Flux<ByteBuffer>>> deleteWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Deletes the specified application gateway.

abstract ApplicationGatewayInner getByResourceGroup(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Gets the specified application gateway.

abstract Mono<ApplicationGatewayInner> getByResourceGroupAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Gets the specified application gateway.

abstract Response<ApplicationGatewayInner> getByResourceGroupWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, Context context)

Gets the specified application gateway.

abstract Mono<Response<ApplicationGatewayInner>> getByResourceGroupWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Gets the specified application gateway.

abstract ApplicationGatewaySslPredefinedPolicyInner getSslPredefinedPolicy(String predefinedPolicyName)

Gets Ssl predefined policy with the specified policy name.

abstract Mono<ApplicationGatewaySslPredefinedPolicyInner> getSslPredefinedPolicyAsync(String predefinedPolicyName)

Gets Ssl predefined policy with the specified policy name.

abstract Response<ApplicationGatewaySslPredefinedPolicyInner> getSslPredefinedPolicyWithResponse(String predefinedPolicyName, Context context)

Gets Ssl predefined policy with the specified policy name.

abstract Mono<Response<ApplicationGatewaySslPredefinedPolicyInner>> getSslPredefinedPolicyWithResponseAsync(String predefinedPolicyName)

Gets Ssl predefined policy with the specified policy name.

abstract PagedIterable<ApplicationGatewayInner> list()

Gets all the application gateways in a subscription.

abstract PagedIterable<ApplicationGatewayInner> list(Context context)

Gets all the application gateways in a subscription.

abstract PagedFlux<ApplicationGatewayInner> listAsync()

Gets all the application gateways in a subscription.

abstract List<String> listAvailableRequestHeaders()

Lists all available request headers.

abstract Mono<List<String>> listAvailableRequestHeadersAsync()

Lists all available request headers.

abstract Response<List<String>> listAvailableRequestHeadersWithResponse(Context context)

Lists all available request headers.

abstract Mono<Response<List<String>>> listAvailableRequestHeadersWithResponseAsync()

Lists all available request headers.

abstract List<String> listAvailableResponseHeaders()

Lists all available response headers.

abstract Mono<List<String>> listAvailableResponseHeadersAsync()

Lists all available response headers.

abstract Response<List<String>> listAvailableResponseHeadersWithResponse(Context context)

Lists all available response headers.

abstract Mono<Response<List<String>>> listAvailableResponseHeadersWithResponseAsync()

Lists all available response headers.

abstract List<String> listAvailableServerVariables()

Lists all available server variables.

abstract Mono<List<String>> listAvailableServerVariablesAsync()

Lists all available server variables.

abstract Response<List<String>> listAvailableServerVariablesWithResponse(Context context)

Lists all available server variables.

abstract Mono<Response<List<String>>> listAvailableServerVariablesWithResponseAsync()

Lists all available server variables.

abstract ApplicationGatewayAvailableSslOptionsInner listAvailableSslOptions()

Lists available Ssl options for configuring Ssl policy.

abstract Mono<ApplicationGatewayAvailableSslOptionsInner> listAvailableSslOptionsAsync()

Lists available Ssl options for configuring Ssl policy.

abstract Response<ApplicationGatewayAvailableSslOptionsInner> listAvailableSslOptionsWithResponse(Context context)

Lists available Ssl options for configuring Ssl policy.

abstract Mono<Response<ApplicationGatewayAvailableSslOptionsInner>> listAvailableSslOptionsWithResponseAsync()

Lists available Ssl options for configuring Ssl policy.

abstract PagedIterable<ApplicationGatewaySslPredefinedPolicyInner> listAvailableSslPredefinedPolicies()

Lists all SSL predefined policies for configuring Ssl policy.

abstract PagedIterable<ApplicationGatewaySslPredefinedPolicyInner> listAvailableSslPredefinedPolicies(Context context)

Lists all SSL predefined policies for configuring Ssl policy.

abstract PagedFlux<ApplicationGatewaySslPredefinedPolicyInner> listAvailableSslPredefinedPoliciesAsync()

Lists all SSL predefined policies for configuring Ssl policy.

abstract ApplicationGatewayAvailableWafRuleSetsResultInner listAvailableWafRuleSets()

Lists all available web application firewall rule sets.

abstract Mono<ApplicationGatewayAvailableWafRuleSetsResultInner> listAvailableWafRuleSetsAsync()

Lists all available web application firewall rule sets.

abstract Response<ApplicationGatewayAvailableWafRuleSetsResultInner> listAvailableWafRuleSetsWithResponse(Context context)

Lists all available web application firewall rule sets.

abstract Mono<Response<ApplicationGatewayAvailableWafRuleSetsResultInner>> listAvailableWafRuleSetsWithResponseAsync()

Lists all available web application firewall rule sets.

abstract PagedIterable<ApplicationGatewayInner> listByResourceGroup(String resourceGroupName)

Lists all application gateways in a resource group.

abstract PagedIterable<ApplicationGatewayInner> listByResourceGroup(String resourceGroupName, Context context)

Lists all application gateways in a resource group.

abstract PagedFlux<ApplicationGatewayInner> listByResourceGroupAsync(String resourceGroupName)

Lists all application gateways in a resource group.

abstract void start(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Starts the specified application gateway.

abstract void start(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, Context context)

Starts the specified application gateway.

abstract Mono<Void> startAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Starts the specified application gateway.

abstract Mono<Response<Flux<ByteBuffer>>> startWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Starts the specified application gateway.

abstract void stop(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Stops the specified application gateway in a resource group.

abstract void stop(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, Context context)

Stops the specified application gateway in a resource group.

abstract Mono<Void> stopAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Stops the specified application gateway in a resource group.

abstract Mono<Response<Flux<ByteBuffer>>> stopWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Stops the specified application gateway in a resource group.

abstract ApplicationGatewayInner updateTags(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, TagsObject parameters)

Updates the specified application gateway tags.

abstract Mono<ApplicationGatewayInner> updateTagsAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, TagsObject parameters)

Updates the specified application gateway tags.

abstract Response<ApplicationGatewayInner> updateTagsWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, TagsObject parameters, Context context)

Updates the specified application gateway tags.

abstract Mono<Response<ApplicationGatewayInner>> updateTagsWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, TagsObject parameters)

Updates the specified application gateway tags.

Method Details


public abstract ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthInner backendHealth(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Gets the backend health of the specified application gateway in a resource group.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.


the backend health of the specified application gateway in a resource group.


public abstract ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthInner backendHealth(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, String expand, Context context)

Gets the backend health of the specified application gateway in a resource group.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.
expand - Expands BackendAddressPool and BackendHttpSettings referenced in backend health.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


the backend health of the specified application gateway in a resource group.


public abstract Mono backendHealthAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Gets the backend health of the specified application gateway in a resource group.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.


the backend health of the specified application gateway in a resource group on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract Mono backendHealthAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, String expand)

Gets the backend health of the specified application gateway in a resource group.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.
expand - Expands BackendAddressPool and BackendHttpSettings referenced in backend health.


the backend health of the specified application gateway in a resource group on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthOnDemandInner backendHealthOnDemand(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, ApplicationGatewayOnDemandProbe probeRequest)

Gets the backend health for given combination of backend pool and http setting of the specified application gateway in a resource group.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.
probeRequest - Request body for on-demand test probe operation.


the backend health for given combination of backend pool and http setting of the specified application gateway in a resource group.


public abstract ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthOnDemandInner backendHealthOnDemand(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, ApplicationGatewayOnDemandProbe probeRequest, String expand, Context context)

Gets the backend health for given combination of backend pool and http setting of the specified application gateway in a resource group.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.
probeRequest - Request body for on-demand test probe operation.
expand - Expands BackendAddressPool and BackendHttpSettings referenced in backend health.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


the backend health for given combination of backend pool and http setting of the specified application gateway in a resource group.


public abstract Mono backendHealthOnDemandAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, ApplicationGatewayOnDemandProbe probeRequest)

Gets the backend health for given combination of backend pool and http setting of the specified application gateway in a resource group.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.
probeRequest - Request body for on-demand test probe operation.


the backend health for given combination of backend pool and http setting of the specified application gateway in a resource group on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract Mono backendHealthOnDemandAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, ApplicationGatewayOnDemandProbe probeRequest, String expand)

Gets the backend health for given combination of backend pool and http setting of the specified application gateway in a resource group.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.
probeRequest - Request body for on-demand test probe operation.
expand - Expands BackendAddressPool and BackendHttpSettings referenced in backend health.


the backend health for given combination of backend pool and http setting of the specified application gateway in a resource group on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract Mono>> backendHealthOnDemandWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, ApplicationGatewayOnDemandProbe probeRequest, String expand)

Gets the backend health for given combination of backend pool and http setting of the specified application gateway in a resource group.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.
probeRequest - Request body for on-demand test probe operation.
expand - Expands BackendAddressPool and BackendHttpSettings referenced in backend health.


the backend health for given combination of backend pool and http setting of the specified application gateway in a resource group along with Response<T> on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract Mono>> backendHealthWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, String expand)

Gets the backend health of the specified application gateway in a resource group.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.
expand - Expands BackendAddressPool and BackendHttpSettings referenced in backend health.


the backend health of the specified application gateway in a resource group along with Response<T> on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract SyncPoller,ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthInner> beginBackendHealth(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Gets the backend health of the specified application gateway in a resource group.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.


the SyncPoller<T,U> for polling of the backend health of the specified application gateway in a resource group.


public abstract SyncPoller,ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthInner> beginBackendHealth(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, String expand, Context context)

Gets the backend health of the specified application gateway in a resource group.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.
expand - Expands BackendAddressPool and BackendHttpSettings referenced in backend health.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


the SyncPoller<T,U> for polling of the backend health of the specified application gateway in a resource group.


public abstract PollerFlux,ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthInner> beginBackendHealthAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Gets the backend health of the specified application gateway in a resource group.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.


the PollerFlux<T,U> for polling of the backend health of the specified application gateway in a resource group.


public abstract PollerFlux,ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthInner> beginBackendHealthAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, String expand)

Gets the backend health of the specified application gateway in a resource group.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.
expand - Expands BackendAddressPool and BackendHttpSettings referenced in backend health.


the PollerFlux<T,U> for polling of the backend health of the specified application gateway in a resource group.


public abstract SyncPoller,ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthOnDemandInner> beginBackendHealthOnDemand(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, ApplicationGatewayOnDemandProbe probeRequest)

Gets the backend health for given combination of backend pool and http setting of the specified application gateway in a resource group.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.
probeRequest - Request body for on-demand test probe operation.


the SyncPoller<T,U> for polling of the backend health for given combination of backend pool and http setting of the specified application gateway in a resource group.


public abstract SyncPoller,ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthOnDemandInner> beginBackendHealthOnDemand(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, ApplicationGatewayOnDemandProbe probeRequest, String expand, Context context)

Gets the backend health for given combination of backend pool and http setting of the specified application gateway in a resource group.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.
probeRequest - Request body for on-demand test probe operation.
expand - Expands BackendAddressPool and BackendHttpSettings referenced in backend health.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


the SyncPoller<T,U> for polling of the backend health for given combination of backend pool and http setting of the specified application gateway in a resource group.


public abstract PollerFlux,ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthOnDemandInner> beginBackendHealthOnDemandAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, ApplicationGatewayOnDemandProbe probeRequest)

Gets the backend health for given combination of backend pool and http setting of the specified application gateway in a resource group.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.
probeRequest - Request body for on-demand test probe operation.


the PollerFlux<T,U> for polling of the backend health for given combination of backend pool and http setting of the specified application gateway in a resource group.


public abstract PollerFlux,ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthOnDemandInner> beginBackendHealthOnDemandAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, ApplicationGatewayOnDemandProbe probeRequest, String expand)

Gets the backend health for given combination of backend pool and http setting of the specified application gateway in a resource group.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.
probeRequest - Request body for on-demand test probe operation.
expand - Expands BackendAddressPool and BackendHttpSettings referenced in backend health.


the PollerFlux<T,U> for polling of the backend health for given combination of backend pool and http setting of the specified application gateway in a resource group.


public abstract SyncPoller,ApplicationGatewayInner> beginCreateOrUpdate(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, ApplicationGatewayInner parameters)

Creates or updates the specified application gateway.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.
parameters - Parameters supplied to the create or update application gateway operation.


the SyncPoller<T,U> for polling of application gateway resource.


public abstract SyncPoller,ApplicationGatewayInner> beginCreateOrUpdate(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, ApplicationGatewayInner parameters, Context context)

Creates or updates the specified application gateway.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.
parameters - Parameters supplied to the create or update application gateway operation.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


the SyncPoller<T,U> for polling of application gateway resource.


public abstract PollerFlux,ApplicationGatewayInner> beginCreateOrUpdateAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, ApplicationGatewayInner parameters)

Creates or updates the specified application gateway.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.
parameters - Parameters supplied to the create or update application gateway operation.


the PollerFlux<T,U> for polling of application gateway resource.


public abstract SyncPoller,Void> beginDelete(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Deletes the specified application gateway.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.


the SyncPoller<T,U> for polling of long-running operation.


public abstract SyncPoller,Void> beginDelete(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, Context context)

Deletes the specified application gateway.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


the SyncPoller<T,U> for polling of long-running operation.


public abstract PollerFlux,Void> beginDeleteAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Deletes the specified application gateway.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.


the PollerFlux<T,U> for polling of long-running operation.


public abstract SyncPoller,Void> beginStart(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Starts the specified application gateway.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.


the SyncPoller<T,U> for polling of long-running operation.


public abstract SyncPoller,Void> beginStart(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, Context context)

Starts the specified application gateway.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


the SyncPoller<T,U> for polling of long-running operation.


public abstract PollerFlux,Void> beginStartAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Starts the specified application gateway.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.


the PollerFlux<T,U> for polling of long-running operation.


public abstract SyncPoller,Void> beginStop(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Stops the specified application gateway in a resource group.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.


the SyncPoller<T,U> for polling of long-running operation.


public abstract SyncPoller,Void> beginStop(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, Context context)

Stops the specified application gateway in a resource group.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


the SyncPoller<T,U> for polling of long-running operation.


public abstract PollerFlux,Void> beginStopAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Stops the specified application gateway in a resource group.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.


the PollerFlux<T,U> for polling of long-running operation.


public abstract ApplicationGatewayInner createOrUpdate(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, ApplicationGatewayInner parameters)

Creates or updates the specified application gateway.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.
parameters - Parameters supplied to the create or update application gateway operation.


application gateway resource.


public abstract ApplicationGatewayInner createOrUpdate(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, ApplicationGatewayInner parameters, Context context)

Creates or updates the specified application gateway.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.
parameters - Parameters supplied to the create or update application gateway operation.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


application gateway resource.


public abstract Mono createOrUpdateAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, ApplicationGatewayInner parameters)

Creates or updates the specified application gateway.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.
parameters - Parameters supplied to the create or update application gateway operation.


application gateway resource on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract Mono>> createOrUpdateWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, ApplicationGatewayInner parameters)

Creates or updates the specified application gateway.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.
parameters - Parameters supplied to the create or update application gateway operation.


application gateway resource along with Response<T> on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract void delete(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Deletes the specified application gateway.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.


public abstract void delete(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, Context context)

Deletes the specified application gateway.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


public abstract Mono deleteAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Deletes the specified application gateway.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.


A Mono that completes when a successful response is received.


public abstract Mono>> deleteWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Deletes the specified application gateway.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.


the Response<T> on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract ApplicationGatewayInner getByResourceGroup(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Gets the specified application gateway.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.


the specified application gateway.


public abstract Mono getByResourceGroupAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Gets the specified application gateway.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.


the specified application gateway on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract Response getByResourceGroupWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, Context context)

Gets the specified application gateway.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


the specified application gateway along with Response<T>.


public abstract Mono> getByResourceGroupWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Gets the specified application gateway.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.


the specified application gateway along with Response<T> on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract ApplicationGatewaySslPredefinedPolicyInner getSslPredefinedPolicy(String predefinedPolicyName)

Gets Ssl predefined policy with the specified policy name.


predefinedPolicyName - Name of Ssl predefined policy.


ssl predefined policy with the specified policy name.


public abstract Mono getSslPredefinedPolicyAsync(String predefinedPolicyName)

Gets Ssl predefined policy with the specified policy name.


predefinedPolicyName - Name of Ssl predefined policy.


ssl predefined policy with the specified policy name on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract Response getSslPredefinedPolicyWithResponse(String predefinedPolicyName, Context context)

Gets Ssl predefined policy with the specified policy name.


predefinedPolicyName - Name of Ssl predefined policy.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


ssl predefined policy with the specified policy name along with Response<T>.


public abstract Mono> getSslPredefinedPolicyWithResponseAsync(String predefinedPolicyName)

Gets Ssl predefined policy with the specified policy name.


predefinedPolicyName - Name of Ssl predefined policy.


ssl predefined policy with the specified policy name along with Response<T> on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract PagedIterable list()

Gets all the application gateways in a subscription.


all the application gateways in a subscription as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.


public abstract PagedIterable list(Context context)

Gets all the application gateways in a subscription.


context - The context to associate with this operation.


all the application gateways in a subscription as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.


public abstract PagedFlux listAsync()

Gets all the application gateways in a subscription.


all the application gateways in a subscription as paginated response with PagedFlux<T>.


public abstract List listAvailableRequestHeaders()

Lists all available request headers.


response for ApplicationGatewayAvailableRequestHeaders API service call.


public abstract Mono> listAvailableRequestHeadersAsync()

Lists all available request headers.


response for ApplicationGatewayAvailableRequestHeaders API service call on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract Response> listAvailableRequestHeadersWithResponse(Context context)

Lists all available request headers.


context - The context to associate with this operation.


response for ApplicationGatewayAvailableRequestHeaders API service call along with Response<T>.


public abstract Mono>> listAvailableRequestHeadersWithResponseAsync()

Lists all available request headers.


response for ApplicationGatewayAvailableRequestHeaders API service call along with Response<T> on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract List listAvailableResponseHeaders()

Lists all available response headers.


response for ApplicationGatewayAvailableResponseHeaders API service call.


public abstract Mono> listAvailableResponseHeadersAsync()

Lists all available response headers.


response for ApplicationGatewayAvailableResponseHeaders API service call on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract Response> listAvailableResponseHeadersWithResponse(Context context)

Lists all available response headers.


context - The context to associate with this operation.


response for ApplicationGatewayAvailableResponseHeaders API service call along with Response<T>.


public abstract Mono>> listAvailableResponseHeadersWithResponseAsync()

Lists all available response headers.


response for ApplicationGatewayAvailableResponseHeaders API service call along with Response<T> on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract List listAvailableServerVariables()

Lists all available server variables.


response for ApplicationGatewayAvailableServerVariables API service call.


public abstract Mono> listAvailableServerVariablesAsync()

Lists all available server variables.


response for ApplicationGatewayAvailableServerVariables API service call on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract Response> listAvailableServerVariablesWithResponse(Context context)

Lists all available server variables.


context - The context to associate with this operation.


response for ApplicationGatewayAvailableServerVariables API service call along with Response<T>.


public abstract Mono>> listAvailableServerVariablesWithResponseAsync()

Lists all available server variables.


response for ApplicationGatewayAvailableServerVariables API service call along with Response<T> on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract ApplicationGatewayAvailableSslOptionsInner listAvailableSslOptions()

Lists available Ssl options for configuring Ssl policy.


response for ApplicationGatewayAvailableSslOptions API service call.


public abstract Mono listAvailableSslOptionsAsync()

Lists available Ssl options for configuring Ssl policy.


response for ApplicationGatewayAvailableSslOptions API service call on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract Response listAvailableSslOptionsWithResponse(Context context)

Lists available Ssl options for configuring Ssl policy.


context - The context to associate with this operation.


response for ApplicationGatewayAvailableSslOptions API service call along with Response<T>.


public abstract Mono> listAvailableSslOptionsWithResponseAsync()

Lists available Ssl options for configuring Ssl policy.


response for ApplicationGatewayAvailableSslOptions API service call along with Response<T> on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract PagedIterable listAvailableSslPredefinedPolicies()

Lists all SSL predefined policies for configuring Ssl policy.


response for ApplicationGatewayAvailableSslOptions API service call as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.


public abstract PagedIterable listAvailableSslPredefinedPolicies(Context context)

Lists all SSL predefined policies for configuring Ssl policy.


context - The context to associate with this operation.


response for ApplicationGatewayAvailableSslOptions API service call as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.


public abstract PagedFlux listAvailableSslPredefinedPoliciesAsync()

Lists all SSL predefined policies for configuring Ssl policy.


response for ApplicationGatewayAvailableSslOptions API service call as paginated response with PagedFlux<T>.


public abstract ApplicationGatewayAvailableWafRuleSetsResultInner listAvailableWafRuleSets()

Lists all available web application firewall rule sets.


response for ApplicationGatewayAvailableWafRuleSets API service call.


public abstract Mono listAvailableWafRuleSetsAsync()

Lists all available web application firewall rule sets.


response for ApplicationGatewayAvailableWafRuleSets API service call on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract Response listAvailableWafRuleSetsWithResponse(Context context)

Lists all available web application firewall rule sets.


context - The context to associate with this operation.


response for ApplicationGatewayAvailableWafRuleSets API service call along with Response<T>.


public abstract Mono> listAvailableWafRuleSetsWithResponseAsync()

Lists all available web application firewall rule sets.


response for ApplicationGatewayAvailableWafRuleSets API service call along with Response<T> on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract PagedIterable listByResourceGroup(String resourceGroupName)

Lists all application gateways in a resource group.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.


response for ListApplicationGateways API service call as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.


public abstract PagedIterable listByResourceGroup(String resourceGroupName, Context context)

Lists all application gateways in a resource group.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


response for ListApplicationGateways API service call as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.


public abstract PagedFlux listByResourceGroupAsync(String resourceGroupName)

Lists all application gateways in a resource group.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.


response for ListApplicationGateways API service call as paginated response with PagedFlux<T>.


public abstract void start(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Starts the specified application gateway.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.


public abstract void start(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, Context context)

Starts the specified application gateway.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


public abstract Mono startAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Starts the specified application gateway.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.


A Mono that completes when a successful response is received.


public abstract Mono>> startWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Starts the specified application gateway.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.


the Response<T> on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract void stop(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Stops the specified application gateway in a resource group.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.


public abstract void stop(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, Context context)

Stops the specified application gateway in a resource group.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


public abstract Mono stopAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Stops the specified application gateway in a resource group.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.


A Mono that completes when a successful response is received.


public abstract Mono>> stopWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName)

Stops the specified application gateway in a resource group.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.


the Response<T> on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract ApplicationGatewayInner updateTags(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, TagsObject parameters)

Updates the specified application gateway tags.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.
parameters - Parameters supplied to update application gateway tags.


application gateway resource.


public abstract Mono updateTagsAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, TagsObject parameters)

Updates the specified application gateway tags.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.
parameters - Parameters supplied to update application gateway tags.


application gateway resource on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract Response updateTagsWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, TagsObject parameters, Context context)

Updates the specified application gateway tags.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.
parameters - Parameters supplied to update application gateway tags.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


application gateway resource along with Response<T>.


public abstract Mono> updateTagsWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String applicationGatewayName, TagsObject parameters)

Updates the specified application gateway tags.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
applicationGatewayName - The name of the application gateway.
parameters - Parameters supplied to update application gateway tags.


application gateway resource along with Response<T> on successful completion of Mono.

Applies to