Dela via

ResourceProvidersClient Interface

public interface ResourceProvidersClient

An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in ResourceProvidersClient.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
abstract ResourceNameAvailabilityInner checkNameAvailability(ResourceNameAvailabilityRequest request)

Check if a resource name is available.

abstract Mono<ResourceNameAvailabilityInner> checkNameAvailabilityAsync(ResourceNameAvailabilityRequest request)

Check if a resource name is available.

abstract Response<ResourceNameAvailabilityInner> checkNameAvailabilityWithResponse(ResourceNameAvailabilityRequest request, Context context)

Check if a resource name is available.

abstract Mono<Response<ResourceNameAvailabilityInner>> checkNameAvailabilityWithResponseAsync(ResourceNameAvailabilityRequest request)

Check if a resource name is available.

abstract UserInner getPublishingUser()

Gets publishing user Description for Gets publishing user.

abstract Mono<UserInner> getPublishingUserAsync()

Gets publishing user Description for Gets publishing user.

abstract Response<UserInner> getPublishingUserWithResponse(Context context)

Gets publishing user Description for Gets publishing user.

abstract Mono<Response<UserInner>> getPublishingUserWithResponseAsync()

Gets publishing user Description for Gets publishing user.

abstract SourceControlInner getSourceControl(String sourceControlType)

Gets source control token Description for Gets source control token.

abstract Mono<SourceControlInner> getSourceControlAsync(String sourceControlType)

Gets source control token Description for Gets source control token.

abstract Response<SourceControlInner> getSourceControlWithResponse(String sourceControlType, Context context)

Gets source control token Description for Gets source control token.

abstract Mono<Response<SourceControlInner>> getSourceControlWithResponseAsync(String sourceControlType)

Gets source control token Description for Gets source control token.

abstract DeploymentLocationsInner getSubscriptionDeploymentLocations()

Gets list of available geo regions plus ministamps Description for Gets list of available geo regions plus ministamps.

abstract Mono<DeploymentLocationsInner> getSubscriptionDeploymentLocationsAsync()

Gets list of available geo regions plus ministamps Description for Gets list of available geo regions plus ministamps.

abstract Response<DeploymentLocationsInner> getSubscriptionDeploymentLocationsWithResponse(Context context)

Gets list of available geo regions plus ministamps Description for Gets list of available geo regions plus ministamps.

abstract Mono<Response<DeploymentLocationsInner>> getSubscriptionDeploymentLocationsWithResponseAsync()

Gets list of available geo regions plus ministamps Description for Gets list of available geo regions plus ministamps.

abstract PagedIterable<BillingMeterInner> list()

Gets a list of meters for a given location.

abstract PagedIterable<BillingMeterInner> list(String billingLocation, String osType, Context context)

Gets a list of meters for a given location.

abstract PagedIterable<AseRegionInner> listAseRegions()

Get a list of available ASE regions and its supported Skus.

abstract PagedIterable<AseRegionInner> listAseRegions(Context context)

Get a list of available ASE regions and its supported Skus.

abstract PagedFlux<AseRegionInner> listAseRegionsAsync()

Get a list of available ASE regions and its supported Skus.

abstract PagedFlux<BillingMeterInner> listAsync()

Gets a list of meters for a given location.

abstract PagedFlux<BillingMeterInner> listAsync(String billingLocation, String osType)

Gets a list of meters for a given location.

abstract PagedIterable<CustomHostnameSitesInner> listCustomHostnameSites()

Get custom hostnames under this subscription.

abstract PagedIterable<CustomHostnameSitesInner> listCustomHostnameSites(String hostname, Context context)

Get custom hostnames under this subscription.

abstract PagedFlux<CustomHostnameSitesInner> listCustomHostnameSitesAsync()

Get custom hostnames under this subscription.

abstract PagedFlux<CustomHostnameSitesInner> listCustomHostnameSitesAsync(String hostname)

Get custom hostnames under this subscription.

abstract PagedIterable<GeoRegionInner> listGeoRegions()

Get a list of available geographical regions.

abstract PagedIterable<GeoRegionInner> listGeoRegions(SkuName sku, Boolean linuxWorkersEnabled, Boolean xenonWorkersEnabled, Boolean linuxDynamicWorkersEnabled, Context context)

Get a list of available geographical regions.

abstract PagedFlux<GeoRegionInner> listGeoRegionsAsync()

Get a list of available geographical regions.

abstract PagedFlux<GeoRegionInner> listGeoRegionsAsync(SkuName sku, Boolean linuxWorkersEnabled, Boolean xenonWorkersEnabled, Boolean linuxDynamicWorkersEnabled)

Get a list of available geographical regions.

abstract PagedIterable<PremierAddOnOfferInner> listPremierAddOnOffers()

List all premier add-on offers.

abstract PagedIterable<PremierAddOnOfferInner> listPremierAddOnOffers(Context context)

List all premier add-on offers.

abstract PagedFlux<PremierAddOnOfferInner> listPremierAddOnOffersAsync()

List all premier add-on offers.

abstract PagedIterable<IdentifierInner> listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostname(NameIdentifierInner nameIdentifier)

List all apps that are assigned to a hostname.

abstract PagedIterable<IdentifierInner> listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostname(NameIdentifierInner nameIdentifier, Context context)

List all apps that are assigned to a hostname.

abstract PagedFlux<IdentifierInner> listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostnameAsync(NameIdentifierInner nameIdentifier)

List all apps that are assigned to a hostname.

abstract SkuInfosInner listSkus()

List all SKUs.

abstract Mono<SkuInfosInner> listSkusAsync()

List all SKUs.

abstract Response<SkuInfosInner> listSkusWithResponse(Context context)

List all SKUs.

abstract Mono<Response<SkuInfosInner>> listSkusWithResponseAsync()

List all SKUs.

abstract PagedIterable<SourceControlInner> listSourceControls()

Gets the source controls available for Azure websites.

abstract PagedIterable<SourceControlInner> listSourceControls(Context context)

Gets the source controls available for Azure websites.

abstract PagedFlux<SourceControlInner> listSourceControlsAsync()

Gets the source controls available for Azure websites.

abstract void move(String resourceGroupName, CsmMoveResourceEnvelope moveResourceEnvelope)

Move resources between resource groups.

abstract Mono<Void> moveAsync(String resourceGroupName, CsmMoveResourceEnvelope moveResourceEnvelope)

Move resources between resource groups.

abstract Response<Void> moveWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, CsmMoveResourceEnvelope moveResourceEnvelope, Context context)

Move resources between resource groups.

abstract Mono<Response<Void>> moveWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, CsmMoveResourceEnvelope moveResourceEnvelope)

Move resources between resource groups.

abstract UserInner updatePublishingUser(UserInner userDetails)

Updates publishing user Description for Updates publishing user.

abstract Mono<UserInner> updatePublishingUserAsync(UserInner userDetails)

Updates publishing user Description for Updates publishing user.

abstract Response<UserInner> updatePublishingUserWithResponse(UserInner userDetails, Context context)

Updates publishing user Description for Updates publishing user.

abstract Mono<Response<UserInner>> updatePublishingUserWithResponseAsync(UserInner userDetails)

Updates publishing user Description for Updates publishing user.

abstract SourceControlInner updateSourceControl(String sourceControlType, SourceControlInner requestMessage)

Updates source control token Description for Updates source control token.

abstract Mono<SourceControlInner> updateSourceControlAsync(String sourceControlType, SourceControlInner requestMessage)

Updates source control token Description for Updates source control token.

abstract Response<SourceControlInner> updateSourceControlWithResponse(String sourceControlType, SourceControlInner requestMessage, Context context)

Updates source control token Description for Updates source control token.

abstract Mono<Response<SourceControlInner>> updateSourceControlWithResponseAsync(String sourceControlType, SourceControlInner requestMessage)

Updates source control token Description for Updates source control token.

abstract ValidateResponseInner validate(String resourceGroupName, ValidateRequestInner validateRequest)

Validate if a resource can be created.

abstract Mono<ValidateResponseInner> validateAsync(String resourceGroupName, ValidateRequestInner validateRequest)

Validate if a resource can be created.

abstract void validateMove(String resourceGroupName, CsmMoveResourceEnvelope moveResourceEnvelope)

Validate whether a resource can be moved.

abstract Mono<Void> validateMoveAsync(String resourceGroupName, CsmMoveResourceEnvelope moveResourceEnvelope)

Validate whether a resource can be moved.

abstract Response<Void> validateMoveWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, CsmMoveResourceEnvelope moveResourceEnvelope, Context context)

Validate whether a resource can be moved.

abstract Mono<Response<Void>> validateMoveWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, CsmMoveResourceEnvelope moveResourceEnvelope)

Validate whether a resource can be moved.

abstract Response<ValidateResponseInner> validateWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, ValidateRequestInner validateRequest, Context context)

Validate if a resource can be created.

abstract Mono<Response<ValidateResponseInner>> validateWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, ValidateRequestInner validateRequest)

Validate if a resource can be created.

abstract VnetValidationFailureDetailsInner verifyHostingEnvironmentVnet(VnetParameters parameters)

Verifies if this VNET is compatible with an App Service Environment by analyzing the Network Security Group rules.

abstract Mono<VnetValidationFailureDetailsInner> verifyHostingEnvironmentVnetAsync(VnetParameters parameters)

Verifies if this VNET is compatible with an App Service Environment by analyzing the Network Security Group rules.

abstract Response<VnetValidationFailureDetailsInner> verifyHostingEnvironmentVnetWithResponse(VnetParameters parameters, Context context)

Verifies if this VNET is compatible with an App Service Environment by analyzing the Network Security Group rules.

abstract Mono<Response<VnetValidationFailureDetailsInner>> verifyHostingEnvironmentVnetWithResponseAsync(VnetParameters parameters)

Verifies if this VNET is compatible with an App Service Environment by analyzing the Network Security Group rules.

Method Details


public abstract ResourceNameAvailabilityInner checkNameAvailability(ResourceNameAvailabilityRequest request)

Check if a resource name is available. Description for Check if a resource name is available.


request - Name availability request.


information regarding availability of a resource name.


public abstract Mono checkNameAvailabilityAsync(ResourceNameAvailabilityRequest request)

Check if a resource name is available. Description for Check if a resource name is available.


request - Name availability request.


information regarding availability of a resource name on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract Response checkNameAvailabilityWithResponse(ResourceNameAvailabilityRequest request, Context context)

Check if a resource name is available. Description for Check if a resource name is available.


request - Name availability request.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


information regarding availability of a resource name along with Response<T>.


public abstract Mono> checkNameAvailabilityWithResponseAsync(ResourceNameAvailabilityRequest request)

Check if a resource name is available. Description for Check if a resource name is available.


request - Name availability request.


information regarding availability of a resource name along with Response<T> on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract UserInner getPublishingUser()

Gets publishing user Description for Gets publishing user.


user credentials used for publishing activity.


public abstract Mono getPublishingUserAsync()

Gets publishing user Description for Gets publishing user.


user credentials used for publishing activity on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract Response getPublishingUserWithResponse(Context context)

Gets publishing user Description for Gets publishing user.


context - The context to associate with this operation.


user credentials used for publishing activity along with Response<T>.


public abstract Mono> getPublishingUserWithResponseAsync()

Gets publishing user Description for Gets publishing user.


user credentials used for publishing activity along with Response<T> on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract SourceControlInner getSourceControl(String sourceControlType)

Gets source control token Description for Gets source control token.


sourceControlType - Type of source control.


the source control OAuth token.


public abstract Mono getSourceControlAsync(String sourceControlType)

Gets source control token Description for Gets source control token.


sourceControlType - Type of source control.


the source control OAuth token on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract Response getSourceControlWithResponse(String sourceControlType, Context context)

Gets source control token Description for Gets source control token.


sourceControlType - Type of source control.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


the source control OAuth token along with Response<T>.


public abstract Mono> getSourceControlWithResponseAsync(String sourceControlType)

Gets source control token Description for Gets source control token.


sourceControlType - Type of source control.


the source control OAuth token along with Response<T> on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract DeploymentLocationsInner getSubscriptionDeploymentLocations()

Gets list of available geo regions plus ministamps Description for Gets list of available geo regions plus ministamps.


list of available locations (regions or App Service Environments) for deployment of App Service resources.


public abstract Mono getSubscriptionDeploymentLocationsAsync()

Gets list of available geo regions plus ministamps Description for Gets list of available geo regions plus ministamps.


list of available locations (regions or App Service Environments) for deployment of App Service resources on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract Response getSubscriptionDeploymentLocationsWithResponse(Context context)

Gets list of available geo regions plus ministamps Description for Gets list of available geo regions plus ministamps.


context - The context to associate with this operation.


list of available locations (regions or App Service Environments) for deployment of App Service resources along with Response<T>.


public abstract Mono> getSubscriptionDeploymentLocationsWithResponseAsync()

Gets list of available geo regions plus ministamps Description for Gets list of available geo regions plus ministamps.


list of available locations (regions or App Service Environments) for deployment of App Service resources along with Response<T> on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract PagedIterable list()

Gets a list of meters for a given location. Description for Gets a list of meters for a given location.


collection of Billing Meters as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.


public abstract PagedIterable list(String billingLocation, String osType, Context context)

Gets a list of meters for a given location. Description for Gets a list of meters for a given location.


billingLocation - Azure Location of billable resource.
osType - App Service OS type meters used for.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


collection of Billing Meters as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.


public abstract PagedIterable listAseRegions()

Get a list of available ASE regions and its supported Skus. Description for get a list of available ASE regions and its supported Skus.


collection of ASE regions as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.


public abstract PagedIterable listAseRegions(Context context)

Get a list of available ASE regions and its supported Skus. Description for get a list of available ASE regions and its supported Skus.


context - The context to associate with this operation.


collection of ASE regions as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.


public abstract PagedFlux listAseRegionsAsync()

Get a list of available ASE regions and its supported Skus. Description for get a list of available ASE regions and its supported Skus.


collection of ASE regions as paginated response with PagedFlux<T>.


public abstract PagedFlux listAsync()

Gets a list of meters for a given location. Description for Gets a list of meters for a given location.


collection of Billing Meters as paginated response with PagedFlux<T>.


public abstract PagedFlux listAsync(String billingLocation, String osType)

Gets a list of meters for a given location. Description for Gets a list of meters for a given location.


billingLocation - Azure Location of billable resource.
osType - App Service OS type meters used for.


collection of Billing Meters as paginated response with PagedFlux<T>.


public abstract PagedIterable listCustomHostnameSites()

Get custom hostnames under this subscription.


custom hostnames under this subscription as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.


public abstract PagedIterable listCustomHostnameSites(String hostname, Context context)

Get custom hostnames under this subscription.


hostname - Specific hostname.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


custom hostnames under this subscription as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.


public abstract PagedFlux listCustomHostnameSitesAsync()

Get custom hostnames under this subscription.


custom hostnames under this subscription as paginated response with PagedFlux<T>.


public abstract PagedFlux listCustomHostnameSitesAsync(String hostname)

Get custom hostnames under this subscription.


hostname - Specific hostname.


custom hostnames under this subscription as paginated response with PagedFlux<T>.


public abstract PagedIterable listGeoRegions()

Get a list of available geographical regions. Description for Get a list of available geographical regions.


collection of geographical regions as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.


public abstract PagedIterable listGeoRegions(SkuName sku, Boolean linuxWorkersEnabled, Boolean xenonWorkersEnabled, Boolean linuxDynamicWorkersEnabled, Context context)

Get a list of available geographical regions. Description for Get a list of available geographical regions.


sku - Name of SKU used to filter the regions.
linuxWorkersEnabled - Specify <code>true</code> if you want to filter to only regions that support Linux workers.
xenonWorkersEnabled - Specify <code>true</code> if you want to filter to only regions that support Xenon workers.
linuxDynamicWorkersEnabled - Specify <code>true</code> if you want to filter to only regions that support Linux Consumption Workers.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


collection of geographical regions as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.


public abstract PagedFlux listGeoRegionsAsync()

Get a list of available geographical regions. Description for Get a list of available geographical regions.


collection of geographical regions as paginated response with PagedFlux<T>.


public abstract PagedFlux listGeoRegionsAsync(SkuName sku, Boolean linuxWorkersEnabled, Boolean xenonWorkersEnabled, Boolean linuxDynamicWorkersEnabled)

Get a list of available geographical regions. Description for Get a list of available geographical regions.


sku - Name of SKU used to filter the regions.
linuxWorkersEnabled - Specify <code>true</code> if you want to filter to only regions that support Linux workers.
xenonWorkersEnabled - Specify <code>true</code> if you want to filter to only regions that support Xenon workers.
linuxDynamicWorkersEnabled - Specify <code>true</code> if you want to filter to only regions that support Linux Consumption Workers.


collection of geographical regions as paginated response with PagedFlux<T>.


public abstract PagedIterable listPremierAddOnOffers()

List all premier add-on offers. Description for List all premier add-on offers.


collection of premier add-on offers as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.


public abstract PagedIterable listPremierAddOnOffers(Context context)

List all premier add-on offers. Description for List all premier add-on offers.


context - The context to associate with this operation.


collection of premier add-on offers as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.


public abstract PagedFlux listPremierAddOnOffersAsync()

List all premier add-on offers. Description for List all premier add-on offers.


collection of premier add-on offers as paginated response with PagedFlux<T>.


public abstract PagedIterable listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostname(NameIdentifierInner nameIdentifier)

List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. Description for List all apps that are assigned to a hostname.


nameIdentifier - Hostname information.


collection of identifiers as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.


public abstract PagedIterable listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostname(NameIdentifierInner nameIdentifier, Context context)

List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. Description for List all apps that are assigned to a hostname.


nameIdentifier - Hostname information.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


collection of identifiers as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.


public abstract PagedFlux listSiteIdentifiersAssignedToHostnameAsync(NameIdentifierInner nameIdentifier)

List all apps that are assigned to a hostname. Description for List all apps that are assigned to a hostname.


nameIdentifier - Hostname information.


collection of identifiers as paginated response with PagedFlux<T>.


public abstract SkuInfosInner listSkus()

List all SKUs. Description for List all SKUs.


collection of SKU information.


public abstract Mono listSkusAsync()

List all SKUs. Description for List all SKUs.


collection of SKU information on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract Response listSkusWithResponse(Context context)

List all SKUs. Description for List all SKUs.


context - The context to associate with this operation.


collection of SKU information along with Response<T>.


public abstract Mono> listSkusWithResponseAsync()

List all SKUs. Description for List all SKUs.


collection of SKU information along with Response<T> on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract PagedIterable listSourceControls()

Gets the source controls available for Azure websites. Description for Gets the source controls available for Azure websites.


collection of source controls as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.


public abstract PagedIterable listSourceControls(Context context)

Gets the source controls available for Azure websites. Description for Gets the source controls available for Azure websites.


context - The context to associate with this operation.


collection of source controls as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.


public abstract PagedFlux listSourceControlsAsync()

Gets the source controls available for Azure websites. Description for Gets the source controls available for Azure websites.


collection of source controls as paginated response with PagedFlux<T>.


public abstract void move(String resourceGroupName, CsmMoveResourceEnvelope moveResourceEnvelope)

Move resources between resource groups. Description for Move resources between resource groups.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group to which the resource belongs.
moveResourceEnvelope - Object that represents the resource to move.


public abstract Mono moveAsync(String resourceGroupName, CsmMoveResourceEnvelope moveResourceEnvelope)

Move resources between resource groups. Description for Move resources between resource groups.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group to which the resource belongs.
moveResourceEnvelope - Object that represents the resource to move.


A Mono that completes when a successful response is received.


public abstract Response moveWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, CsmMoveResourceEnvelope moveResourceEnvelope, Context context)

Move resources between resource groups. Description for Move resources between resource groups.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group to which the resource belongs.
moveResourceEnvelope - Object that represents the resource to move.
context - The context to associate with this operation.



public abstract Mono> moveWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, CsmMoveResourceEnvelope moveResourceEnvelope)

Move resources between resource groups. Description for Move resources between resource groups.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group to which the resource belongs.
moveResourceEnvelope - Object that represents the resource to move.


the Response<T> on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract UserInner updatePublishingUser(UserInner userDetails)

Updates publishing user Description for Updates publishing user.


userDetails - Details of publishing user.


user credentials used for publishing activity.


public abstract Mono updatePublishingUserAsync(UserInner userDetails)

Updates publishing user Description for Updates publishing user.


userDetails - Details of publishing user.


user credentials used for publishing activity on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract Response updatePublishingUserWithResponse(UserInner userDetails, Context context)

Updates publishing user Description for Updates publishing user.


userDetails - Details of publishing user.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


user credentials used for publishing activity along with Response<T>.


public abstract Mono> updatePublishingUserWithResponseAsync(UserInner userDetails)

Updates publishing user Description for Updates publishing user.


userDetails - Details of publishing user.


user credentials used for publishing activity along with Response<T> on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract SourceControlInner updateSourceControl(String sourceControlType, SourceControlInner requestMessage)

Updates source control token Description for Updates source control token.


sourceControlType - Type of source control.
requestMessage - Source control token information.


the source control OAuth token.


public abstract Mono updateSourceControlAsync(String sourceControlType, SourceControlInner requestMessage)

Updates source control token Description for Updates source control token.


sourceControlType - Type of source control.
requestMessage - Source control token information.


the source control OAuth token on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract Response updateSourceControlWithResponse(String sourceControlType, SourceControlInner requestMessage, Context context)

Updates source control token Description for Updates source control token.


sourceControlType - Type of source control.
requestMessage - Source control token information.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


the source control OAuth token along with Response<T>.


public abstract Mono> updateSourceControlWithResponseAsync(String sourceControlType, SourceControlInner requestMessage)

Updates source control token Description for Updates source control token.


sourceControlType - Type of source control.
requestMessage - Source control token information.


the source control OAuth token along with Response<T> on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract ValidateResponseInner validate(String resourceGroupName, ValidateRequestInner validateRequest)

Validate if a resource can be created. Description for Validate if a resource can be created.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group to which the resource belongs.
validateRequest - Request with the resources to validate.


describes the result of resource validation.


public abstract Mono validateAsync(String resourceGroupName, ValidateRequestInner validateRequest)

Validate if a resource can be created. Description for Validate if a resource can be created.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group to which the resource belongs.
validateRequest - Request with the resources to validate.


describes the result of resource validation on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract void validateMove(String resourceGroupName, CsmMoveResourceEnvelope moveResourceEnvelope)

Validate whether a resource can be moved. Description for Validate whether a resource can be moved.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group to which the resource belongs.
moveResourceEnvelope - Object that represents the resource to move.


public abstract Mono validateMoveAsync(String resourceGroupName, CsmMoveResourceEnvelope moveResourceEnvelope)

Validate whether a resource can be moved. Description for Validate whether a resource can be moved.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group to which the resource belongs.
moveResourceEnvelope - Object that represents the resource to move.


A Mono that completes when a successful response is received.


public abstract Response validateMoveWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, CsmMoveResourceEnvelope moveResourceEnvelope, Context context)

Validate whether a resource can be moved. Description for Validate whether a resource can be moved.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group to which the resource belongs.
moveResourceEnvelope - Object that represents the resource to move.
context - The context to associate with this operation.



public abstract Mono> validateMoveWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, CsmMoveResourceEnvelope moveResourceEnvelope)

Validate whether a resource can be moved. Description for Validate whether a resource can be moved.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group to which the resource belongs.
moveResourceEnvelope - Object that represents the resource to move.


the Response<T> on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract Response validateWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, ValidateRequestInner validateRequest, Context context)

Validate if a resource can be created. Description for Validate if a resource can be created.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group to which the resource belongs.
validateRequest - Request with the resources to validate.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


describes the result of resource validation along with Response<T>.


public abstract Mono> validateWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, ValidateRequestInner validateRequest)

Validate if a resource can be created. Description for Validate if a resource can be created.


resourceGroupName - Name of the resource group to which the resource belongs.
validateRequest - Request with the resources to validate.


describes the result of resource validation along with Response<T> on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract VnetValidationFailureDetailsInner verifyHostingEnvironmentVnet(VnetParameters parameters)

Verifies if this VNET is compatible with an App Service Environment by analyzing the Network Security Group rules. Description for Verifies if this VNET is compatible with an App Service Environment by analyzing the Network Security Group rules.


parameters - VNET information.


a class that describes the reason for a validation failure.


public abstract Mono verifyHostingEnvironmentVnetAsync(VnetParameters parameters)

Verifies if this VNET is compatible with an App Service Environment by analyzing the Network Security Group rules. Description for Verifies if this VNET is compatible with an App Service Environment by analyzing the Network Security Group rules.


parameters - VNET information.


a class that describes the reason for a validation failure on successful completion of Mono.


public abstract Response verifyHostingEnvironmentVnetWithResponse(VnetParameters parameters, Context context)

Verifies if this VNET is compatible with an App Service Environment by analyzing the Network Security Group rules. Description for Verifies if this VNET is compatible with an App Service Environment by analyzing the Network Security Group rules.


parameters - VNET information.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


a class that describes the reason for a validation failure along with Response<T>.


public abstract Mono> verifyHostingEnvironmentVnetWithResponseAsync(VnetParameters parameters)

Verifies if this VNET is compatible with an App Service Environment by analyzing the Network Security Group rules. Description for Verifies if this VNET is compatible with an App Service Environment by analyzing the Network Security Group rules.


parameters - VNET information.


a class that describes the reason for a validation failure along with Response<T> on successful completion of Mono.

Applies to