Dela via

OpenAIClient Class

  • java.lang.Object

public final class OpenAIClient

Initializes a new instance of the synchronous OpenAIClient type.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
UploadPart addUploadPart(String uploadId, AddUploadPartRequest requestBody)

Adds a Part to an Upload object.

Batch cancelBatch(String batchId)

Gets details for a single batch specified by the given batchID.

Response<Batch> cancelBatchWithResponse(String batchId, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets details for a single batch specified by the given batchID.

Upload cancelUpload(String uploadId)

Cancels the Upload.

Response<Upload> cancelUploadWithResponse(String uploadId, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Cancels the Upload.

Upload completeUpload(String uploadId, CompleteUploadRequest requestBody)

Completes the Upload.

Response<Upload> completeUploadWithResponse(String uploadId, BinaryData requestBody, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Completes the Upload.

Batch createBatch(BatchCreateRequest createBatchRequest)

Creates and executes a batch from an uploaded file of requests.

Response<Batch> createBatchWithResponse(BinaryData createBatchRequest, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Creates and executes a batch from an uploaded file of requests.

Upload createUpload(CreateUploadRequest requestBody)

Creates an intermediate Upload object that you can add Parts to.

Response<Upload> createUploadWithResponse(BinaryData requestBody, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Creates an intermediate Upload object that you can add Parts to.

FileDeletionStatus deleteFile(String fileId)

Delete a previously uploaded file.

Response<FileDeletionStatus> deleteFileWithResponse(String fileId, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Delete a previously uploaded file.

BinaryData generateSpeechFromText(String deploymentOrModelName, SpeechGenerationOptions speechGenerationOptions)

Generates text-to-speech audio from the input text.

Response<BinaryData> generateSpeechFromTextWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, BinaryData speechGenerationOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Generates text-to-speech audio from the input text.

AudioTranscription getAudioTranscription(String deploymentOrModelName, String fileName, AudioTranscriptionOptions audioTranscriptionOptions)

Gets transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio file data.

String getAudioTranscriptionAsPlainText(String deploymentOrModelName, AudioTranscriptionOptions audioTranscriptionOptions)

Gets transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio data.

String getAudioTranscriptionText(String deploymentOrModelName, String fileName, AudioTranscriptionOptions audioTranscriptionOptions)

Gets transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio file data.

Response<String> getAudioTranscriptionTextWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, String fileName, AudioTranscriptionOptions audioTranscriptionOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio file data.

Response<AudioTranscription> getAudioTranscriptionWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, String fileName, AudioTranscriptionOptions audioTranscriptionOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio file data.

AudioTranslation getAudioTranslation(String deploymentOrModelName, String fileName, AudioTranslationOptions audioTranslationOptions)

Gets English language transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio file data.

String getAudioTranslationAsPlainText(String deploymentOrModelName, AudioTranslationOptions audioTranslationOptions)

Gets English language transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio data.

String getAudioTranslationText(String deploymentOrModelName, String fileName, AudioTranslationOptions audioTranslationOptions)

Gets English language transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio file data.

Response<String> getAudioTranslationTextWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, String fileName, AudioTranslationOptions audioTranslationOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets English language transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio file data.

Response<AudioTranslation> getAudioTranslationWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, String fileName, AudioTranslationOptions audioTranslationOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets English language transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio file data.

Batch getBatch(String batchId)

Gets details for a single batch specified by the given batchID.

Response<Batch> getBatchWithResponse(String batchId, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets details for a single batch specified by the given batchID.

ChatCompletions getChatCompletions(String deploymentOrModelName, ChatCompletionsOptions chatCompletionsOptions)

Gets chat completions for the provided chat messages.

IterableStream<ChatCompletions> getChatCompletionsStream(String deploymentOrModelName, ChatCompletionsOptions chatCompletionsOptions)

Gets chat completions for the provided chat messages in streaming mode.

IterableStream<ChatCompletions> getChatCompletionsStream(String deploymentOrModelName, ChatCompletionsOptions chatCompletionsOptions, ChatCompletionStreamOptions streamOptions)

Gets chat completions for the provided chat messages in streaming mode.

Response<IterableStream<ChatCompletions>> getChatCompletionsStreamWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, ChatCompletionsOptions chatCompletionsOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets chat completions for the provided chat messages in streaming mode.

Response<ChatCompletions> getChatCompletionsWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, ChatCompletionsOptions chatCompletionsOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets chat completions for the provided chat messages.

Response<BinaryData> getChatCompletionsWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, BinaryData chatCompletionsOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets chat completions for the provided chat messages.

Completions getCompletions(String deploymentOrModelName, CompletionsOptions completionsOptions)

Gets completions for the provided input prompts.

Completions getCompletions(String deploymentOrModelName, String prompt)

Gets completions for the provided input prompt.

IterableStream<Completions> getCompletionsStream(String deploymentOrModelName, CompletionsOptions completionsOptions)

Gets completions as a stream for the provided input prompts.

IterableStream<Completions> getCompletionsStream(String deploymentOrModelName, CompletionsOptions completionsOptions, ChatCompletionStreamOptions streamOptions)

Gets completions as a stream for the provided input prompts.

Response<Completions> getCompletionsWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, CompletionsOptions completionsOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets completions for the provided input prompts.

Response<BinaryData> getCompletionsWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, BinaryData completionsOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets completions for the provided input prompts.

Embeddings getEmbeddings(String deploymentOrModelName, EmbeddingsOptions embeddingsOptions)

Return the embeddings for a given prompt.

Response<Embeddings> getEmbeddingsWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, EmbeddingsOptions embeddingsOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Return the embeddings for a given prompt.

Response<BinaryData> getEmbeddingsWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, BinaryData embeddingsOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Return the embeddings for a given prompt.

OpenAIFile getFile(String fileId)

Returns information about a specific file.

byte[] getFileContent(String fileId)

Returns information about a specific file.

Response<byte[]> getFileContentWithResponse(String fileId, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Returns information about a specific file.

Response<OpenAIFile> getFileWithResponse(String fileId, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Returns information about a specific file.

ImageGenerations getImageGenerations(String deploymentOrModelName, ImageGenerationOptions imageGenerationOptions)

Creates an image given a prompt.

Response<ImageGenerations> getImageGenerationsWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, ImageGenerationOptions imageGenerationOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Creates an image given a prompt.

PageableList<Batch> listBatches()

Gets a list of all batches owned by the Azure OpenAI resource.

PageableList<Batch> listBatches(String after, Integer limit)

Gets a list of all batches owned by the Azure OpenAI resource.

Response<PageableList<Batch>> listBatchesWithResponse(RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets a list of all batches owned by the Azure OpenAI resource.

List<OpenAIFile> listFiles()

Gets a list of previously uploaded files.

List<OpenAIFile> listFiles(FilePurpose purpose)

Gets a list of previously uploaded files.

Response<List<OpenAIFile>> listFilesWithResponse(RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets a list of previously uploaded files.

OpenAIFile uploadFile(FileDetails file, FilePurpose purpose)

Uploads a file for use by other operations.

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object

Method Details


public UploadPart addUploadPart(String uploadId, AddUploadPartRequest requestBody)

Adds a Part to an Upload object. A Part represents a chunk of bytes from the file you are trying to upload. Each Part can be at most 64 MB, and you can add Parts until you hit the Upload maximum of 8 GB. It is possible to add multiple Parts in parallel. You can decide the intended order of the Parts when you complete the Upload.


uploadId - The ID of the upload associated with this operation.
requestBody - The request body data payload for the operation.


the upload Part represents a chunk of bytes we can add to an Upload object.


public Batch cancelBatch(String batchId)

Gets details for a single batch specified by the given batchID.


batchId - The identifier of the batch.


details for a single batch specified by the given batchID.


public Response cancelBatchWithResponse(String batchId, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets details for a single batch specified by the given batchID.

Response Body Schema

     id: String (Required)
     object: String (Required)
     endpoint: String (Optional)
     errors (Optional): {
         object: String (Required)
         data (Optional): [
                 code: String (Optional)
                 message: String (Optional)
                 param: String (Optional)
                 line: Integer (Optional)
     input_file_id: String (Required)
     completion_window: String (Optional)
     status: String(validating/failed/in_progress/finalizing/completed/expired/cancelling/cancelled) (Optional)
     output_file_id: String (Optional)
     error_file_id: String (Optional)
     created_at: Long (Optional)
     in_progress_at: Long (Optional)
     expires_at: Long (Optional)
     finalizing_at: Long (Optional)
     completed_at: Long (Optional)
     failed_at: Long (Optional)
     expired_at: Long (Optional)
     cancelling_at: Long (Optional)
     cancelled_at: Long (Optional)
     request_counts (Optional): {
         total: Integer (Optional)
         completed: Integer (Optional)
         failed: Integer (Optional)
     metadata (Optional): {
         String: String (Required)


batchId - The identifier of the batch.
requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


details for a single batch specified by the given batchID along with Response<T>.


public Upload cancelUpload(String uploadId)

Cancels the Upload. No Parts may be added after an Upload is cancelled.


uploadId - The ID of the upload associated with this operation.


the Upload object can accept byte chunks in the form of Parts.


public Response cancelUploadWithResponse(String uploadId, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Cancels the Upload. No Parts may be added after an Upload is cancelled.

Response Body Schema

     id: String (Required)
     created_at: long (Required)
     filename: String (Required)
     bytes: long (Required)
     purpose: String (Required)
     status: String(pending/completed/cancelled/expired) (Required)
     expires_at: long (Required)
     object: String(upload) (Optional)
     file (Optional): {
         object: String (Required)
         id: String (Required)
         bytes: int (Required)
         filename: String (Required)
         created_at: long (Required)
         purpose: String(fine-tune/fine-tune-results/assistants/assistants_output/batch/batch_output/vision) (Required)
         status: String(uploaded/pending/running/processed/error/deleting/deleted) (Optional)
         status_details: String (Optional)


uploadId - The ID of the upload associated with this operation.
requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


the Upload object can accept byte chunks in the form of Parts along with Response<T>.


public Upload completeUpload(String uploadId, CompleteUploadRequest requestBody)

Completes the Upload. Within the returned Upload object, there is a nested File object that is ready to use in the rest of the platform. You can specify the order of the Parts by passing in an ordered list of the Part IDs. The number of bytes uploaded upon completion must match the number of bytes initially specified when creating the Upload object. No Parts may be added after an Upload is completed.


uploadId - The ID of the upload associated with this operation.
requestBody - The request body for the completion operation.


the Upload object can accept byte chunks in the form of Parts.


public Response completeUploadWithResponse(String uploadId, BinaryData requestBody, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Completes the Upload. Within the returned Upload object, there is a nested File object that is ready to use in the rest of the platform. You can specify the order of the Parts by passing in an ordered list of the Part IDs. The number of bytes uploaded upon completion must match the number of bytes initially specified when creating the Upload object. No Parts may be added after an Upload is completed.

Request Body Schema

     part_ids (Required): [
         String (Required)
     md5: String (Optional)

Response Body Schema

     id: String (Required)
     created_at: long (Required)
     filename: String (Required)
     bytes: long (Required)
     purpose: String (Required)
     status: String(pending/completed/cancelled/expired) (Required)
     expires_at: long (Required)
     object: String(upload) (Optional)
     file (Optional): {
         object: String (Required)
         id: String (Required)
         bytes: int (Required)
         filename: String (Required)
         created_at: long (Required)
         purpose: String(fine-tune/fine-tune-results/assistants/assistants_output/batch/batch_output/vision) (Required)
         status: String(uploaded/pending/running/processed/error/deleting/deleted) (Optional)
         status_details: String (Optional)


uploadId - The ID of the upload associated with this operation.
requestBody - The request body for the completion operation.
requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


the Upload object can accept byte chunks in the form of Parts along with Response<T>.


public Batch createBatch(BatchCreateRequest createBatchRequest)

Creates and executes a batch from an uploaded file of requests. Response includes details of the enqueued job including job status. The ID of the result file is added to the response once complete.


createBatchRequest - The specification of the batch to create and execute.


the Batch object.


public Response createBatchWithResponse(BinaryData createBatchRequest, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Creates and executes a batch from an uploaded file of requests. Response includes details of the enqueued job including job status. The ID of the result file is added to the response once complete.

Request Body Schema

     endpoint: String (Required)
     input_file_id: String (Required)
     completion_window: String (Required)
     metadata (Optional): {
         String: String (Required)

Response Body Schema

     id: String (Required)
     object: String (Required)
     endpoint: String (Optional)
     errors (Optional): {
         object: String (Required)
         data (Optional): [
                 code: String (Optional)
                 message: String (Optional)
                 param: String (Optional)
                 line: Integer (Optional)
     input_file_id: String (Required)
     completion_window: String (Optional)
     status: String(validating/failed/in_progress/finalizing/completed/expired/cancelling/cancelled) (Optional)
     output_file_id: String (Optional)
     error_file_id: String (Optional)
     created_at: Long (Optional)
     in_progress_at: Long (Optional)
     expires_at: Long (Optional)
     finalizing_at: Long (Optional)
     completed_at: Long (Optional)
     failed_at: Long (Optional)
     expired_at: Long (Optional)
     cancelling_at: Long (Optional)
     cancelled_at: Long (Optional)
     request_counts (Optional): {
         total: Integer (Optional)
         completed: Integer (Optional)
         failed: Integer (Optional)
     metadata (Optional): {
         String: String (Required)


createBatchRequest - The specification of the batch to create and execute.
requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


the Batch object along with Response<T>.


public Upload createUpload(CreateUploadRequest requestBody)

Creates an intermediate Upload object that you can add Parts to. Currently, an Upload can accept at most 8 GB in total and expires after an hour after you create it. Once you complete the Upload, we will create a File object that contains all the parts you uploaded. This File is usable in the rest of our platform as a regular File object. For certain purposes, the correct mime_type must be specified. Please refer to documentation for the supported MIME types for your use case. For guidance on the proper filename extensions for each purpose, please follow the documentation on creating a File.


requestBody - The request body for the operation options.


the Upload object can accept byte chunks in the form of Parts.


public Response createUploadWithResponse(BinaryData requestBody, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Creates an intermediate Upload object that you can add Parts to. Currently, an Upload can accept at most 8 GB in total and expires after an hour after you create it. Once you complete the Upload, we will create a File object that contains all the parts you uploaded. This File is usable in the rest of our platform as a regular File object. For certain purposes, the correct mime_type must be specified. Please refer to documentation for the supported MIME types for your use case. For guidance on the proper filename extensions for each purpose, please follow the documentation on creating a File.

Request Body Schema

     filename: String (Required)
     purpose: String(assistants/batch/fine-tune/vision) (Required)
     bytes: int (Required)
     mime_type: String (Required)

Response Body Schema

     id: String (Required)
     created_at: long (Required)
     filename: String (Required)
     bytes: long (Required)
     purpose: String (Required)
     status: String(pending/completed/cancelled/expired) (Required)
     expires_at: long (Required)
     object: String(upload) (Optional)
     file (Optional): {
         object: String (Required)
         id: String (Required)
         bytes: int (Required)
         filename: String (Required)
         created_at: long (Required)
         purpose: String(fine-tune/fine-tune-results/assistants/assistants_output/batch/batch_output/vision) (Required)
         status: String(uploaded/pending/running/processed/error/deleting/deleted) (Optional)
         status_details: String (Optional)


requestBody - The request body for the operation options.
requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


the Upload object can accept byte chunks in the form of Parts along with Response<T>.


public FileDeletionStatus deleteFile(String fileId)

Delete a previously uploaded file.


fileId - The ID of the file to delete.


a status response from a file deletion operation.


public Response deleteFileWithResponse(String fileId, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Delete a previously uploaded file.

Response Body Schema

     id: String (Required)
     deleted: boolean (Required)
     object: String (Required)


fileId - The ID of the file to delete.
requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


a status response from a file deletion operation along with Response<T>.


public BinaryData generateSpeechFromText(String deploymentOrModelName, SpeechGenerationOptions speechGenerationOptions)

Generates text-to-speech audio from the input text.


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
speechGenerationOptions - A representation of the request options that control the behavior of a text-to-speech operation.


the response.


public Response generateSpeechFromTextWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, BinaryData speechGenerationOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Generates text-to-speech audio from the input text.

Request Body Schema

     input: String (Required)
     voice: String(alloy/echo/fable/onyx/nova/shimmer) (Required)
     response_format: String(mp3/opus/aac/flac) (Optional)
     speed: Double (Optional)

Response Body Schema



deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
speechGenerationOptions - A representation of the request options that control the behavior of a text-to-speech operation.
requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


the response body along with Response<T>.


public AudioTranscription getAudioTranscription(String deploymentOrModelName, String fileName, AudioTranscriptionOptions audioTranscriptionOptions)

Gets transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio file data. Audio will be transcribed in the written language corresponding to the language it was spoken in.


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
fileName - The file name that is represented in the file field of AudioTranscriptionOptions.
audioTranscriptionOptions - The configuration information for an audio transcription request.


AudioTranscription transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio data.


public String getAudioTranscriptionAsPlainText(String deploymentOrModelName, AudioTranscriptionOptions audioTranscriptionOptions)

Gets transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio data. Audio will be transcribed in the written language corresponding to the language it was spoken in.


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
audioTranscriptionOptions - The configuration information for an audio transcription request.


transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio data.


public String getAudioTranscriptionText(String deploymentOrModelName, String fileName, AudioTranscriptionOptions audioTranscriptionOptions)

Gets transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio file data. Audio will be transcribed in the written language corresponding to the language it was spoken in.


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
fileName - The file name that is represented in the file field of AudioTranscriptionOptions.
audioTranscriptionOptions - The configuration information for an audio transcription request.


transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio data.


public Response getAudioTranscriptionTextWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, String fileName, AudioTranscriptionOptions audioTranscriptionOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio file data. Audio will be transcribed in the written language corresponding to the language it was spoken in.


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
fileName - The file name that is represented in the file field of AudioTranscriptionOptions.
audioTranscriptionOptions - The configuration information for an audio transcription request.
requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio data.


public Response getAudioTranscriptionWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, String fileName, AudioTranscriptionOptions audioTranscriptionOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio file data. Audio will be transcribed in the written language corresponding to the language it was spoken in.


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
fileName - The file name that is represented in the file field of AudioTranscriptionOptions.
audioTranscriptionOptions - The configuration information for an audio transcription request.
requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


AudioTranscription transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio data along with Response<T>.


public AudioTranslation getAudioTranslation(String deploymentOrModelName, String fileName, AudioTranslationOptions audioTranslationOptions)

Gets English language transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio file data.


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
fileName - The file name that is represented in the file field of AudioTranslationOptions.
audioTranslationOptions - The configuration information for an audio translation request.


AudioTranscription english language transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio file data.


public String getAudioTranslationAsPlainText(String deploymentOrModelName, AudioTranslationOptions audioTranslationOptions)

Gets English language transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio data.


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
audioTranslationOptions - The configuration information for an audio translation request.


english language transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio data.


public String getAudioTranslationText(String deploymentOrModelName, String fileName, AudioTranslationOptions audioTranslationOptions)

Gets English language transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio file data.


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
fileName - The file name that is represented in the file field of AudioTranslationOptions.
audioTranslationOptions - The configuration information for an audio translation request.


english language transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio file data.


public Response getAudioTranslationTextWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, String fileName, AudioTranslationOptions audioTranslationOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets English language transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio file data.


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
fileName - The file name that is represented in the file field of AudioTranslationOptions.
audioTranslationOptions - The configuration information for an audio translation request.
requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


english language transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio file data along with Response<T>.


public Response getAudioTranslationWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, String fileName, AudioTranslationOptions audioTranslationOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets English language transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio file data.


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
fileName - The file name that is represented in the file field of AudioTranslationOptions.
audioTranslationOptions - The configuration information for an audio translation request.
requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


AudioTranslation english language transcribed text and associated metadata from provided spoken audio file data along with Response<T>.


public Batch getBatch(String batchId)

Gets details for a single batch specified by the given batchID.


batchId - The identifier of the batch.


details for a single batch specified by the given batchID.


public Response getBatchWithResponse(String batchId, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets details for a single batch specified by the given batchID.

Response Body Schema

     id: String (Required)
     object: String (Required)
     endpoint: String (Optional)
     errors (Optional): {
         object: String (Required)
         data (Optional): [
                 code: String (Optional)
                 message: String (Optional)
                 param: String (Optional)
                 line: Integer (Optional)
     input_file_id: String (Required)
     completion_window: String (Optional)
     status: String(validating/failed/in_progress/finalizing/completed/expired/cancelling/cancelled) (Optional)
     output_file_id: String (Optional)
     error_file_id: String (Optional)
     created_at: Long (Optional)
     in_progress_at: Long (Optional)
     expires_at: Long (Optional)
     finalizing_at: Long (Optional)
     completed_at: Long (Optional)
     failed_at: Long (Optional)
     expired_at: Long (Optional)
     cancelling_at: Long (Optional)
     cancelled_at: Long (Optional)
     request_counts (Optional): {
         total: Integer (Optional)
         completed: Integer (Optional)
         failed: Integer (Optional)
     metadata (Optional): {
         String: String (Required)


batchId - The identifier of the batch.
requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


details for a single batch specified by the given batchID along with Response<T>.


public ChatCompletions getChatCompletions(String deploymentOrModelName, ChatCompletionsOptions chatCompletionsOptions)

Gets chat completions for the provided chat messages. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
chatCompletionsOptions - The configuration information for a chat completions request. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.


chat completions for the provided chat messages. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.


public IterableStream getChatCompletionsStream(String deploymentOrModelName, ChatCompletionsOptions chatCompletionsOptions)

Gets chat completions for the provided chat messages in streaming mode. Chat completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.

Code Samples

openAIClient.getChatCompletionsStream(deploymentOrModelId, new ChatCompletionsOptions(chatMessages))
         .forEach(chatCompletions -> {
             if (CoreUtils.isNullOrEmpty(chatCompletions.getChoices())) {
             ChatResponseMessage delta = chatCompletions.getChoices().get(0).getDelta();
             if (delta.getRole() != null) {
                 System.out.println("Role = " + delta.getRole());
             if (delta.getContent() != null) {
                 String content = delta.getContent();


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
chatCompletionsOptions - The configuration information for a chat completions request. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.


chat completions stream for the provided chat messages. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.


public IterableStream getChatCompletionsStream(String deploymentOrModelName, ChatCompletionsOptions chatCompletionsOptions, ChatCompletionStreamOptions streamOptions)

Gets chat completions for the provided chat messages in streaming mode. Chat completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
chatCompletionsOptions - The configuration information for a chat completions request. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.
streamOptions - the streamOptions value to set.


chat completions stream for the provided chat messages. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.


public Response> getChatCompletionsStreamWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, ChatCompletionsOptions chatCompletionsOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets chat completions for the provided chat messages in streaming mode. Chat completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.

Code Samples

     .getChatCompletionsStreamWithResponse(deploymentOrModelId, new ChatCompletionsOptions(chatMessages),
         new RequestOptions().setHeader("my-header", "my-header-value"))
     .forEach(chatCompletions -> {
         if (CoreUtils.isNullOrEmpty(chatCompletions.getChoices())) {
         ChatResponseMessage delta = chatCompletions.getChoices().get(0).getDelta();
         if (delta.getRole() != null) {
             System.out.println("Role = " + delta.getRole());
         if (delta.getContent() != null) {
             String content = delta.getContent();


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
chatCompletionsOptions - The configuration information for a chat completions request. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.
requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


chat completions stream for the provided chat messages. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.


public Response getChatCompletionsWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, ChatCompletionsOptions chatCompletionsOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets chat completions for the provided chat messages. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.

Request Body Schema

     messages (Required): [
             role: String(system/assistant/user) (Required)
             content: String (Optional)
     max_tokens: Integer (Optional)
     temperature: Double (Optional)
     top_p: Double (Optional)
     logit_bias (Optional): {
         String: int (Optional)
     user: String (Optional)
     n: Integer (Optional)
     stop (Optional): [
         String (Optional)
     presence_penalty: Double (Optional)
     frequency_penalty: Double (Optional)
     stream: Boolean (Optional)
     model: String (Optional)

Response Body Schema

     id: String (Required)
     created: int (Required)
     choices (Required): [
             message (Optional): {
                 role: String(system/assistant/user) (Required)
                 content: String (Optional)
             index: int (Required)
             finish_reason: String(stopped/tokenLimitReached/contentFiltered) (Required)
             delta (Optional): {
                 role: String(system/assistant/user) (Optional)
                 content: String (Optional)
     usage (Required): {
         completion_tokens: int (Required)
         prompt_tokens: int (Required)
         total_tokens: int (Required)


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
chatCompletionsOptions - The configuration information for a chat completions request. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.
requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


chat completions for the provided chat messages. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data along with Response<T>.


public Response getChatCompletionsWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, BinaryData chatCompletionsOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets chat completions for the provided chat messages. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.

Request Body Schema

     messages (Required): [
             role: String(system/assistant/user) (Required)
             content: String (Optional)
     max_tokens: Integer (Optional)
     temperature: Double (Optional)
     top_p: Double (Optional)
     logit_bias (Optional): {
         String: int (Optional)
     user: String (Optional)
     n: Integer (Optional)
     stop (Optional): [
         String (Optional)
     presence_penalty: Double (Optional)
     frequency_penalty: Double (Optional)
     stream: Boolean (Optional)
     model: String (Optional)

Response Body Schema

     id: String (Required)
     created: int (Required)
     choices (Required): [
             message (Optional): {
                 role: String(system/assistant/user) (Required)
                 content: String (Optional)
             index: int (Required)
             finish_reason: String(stopped/tokenLimitReached/contentFiltered) (Required)
             delta (Optional): {
                 role: String(system/assistant/user) (Optional)
                 content: String (Optional)
     usage (Required): {
         completion_tokens: int (Required)
         prompt_tokens: int (Required)
         total_tokens: int (Required)


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
chatCompletionsOptions - The configuration information for a chat completions request. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.
requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


chat completions for the provided chat messages. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data along with Response<T>.


public Completions getCompletions(String deploymentOrModelName, CompletionsOptions completionsOptions)

Gets completions for the provided input prompts. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
completionsOptions - The configuration information for a completions request. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.


completions for the provided input prompts. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.


public Completions getCompletions(String deploymentOrModelName, String prompt)

Gets completions for the provided input prompt. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
prompt - The prompt to generate completion text from.


completions for the provided input prompts. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.


public IterableStream getCompletionsStream(String deploymentOrModelName, CompletionsOptions completionsOptions)

Gets completions as a stream for the provided input prompts. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
completionsOptions - The configuration information for a completions request. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.


an IterableStream<T> of completions for the provided input prompts. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.


public IterableStream getCompletionsStream(String deploymentOrModelName, CompletionsOptions completionsOptions, ChatCompletionStreamOptions streamOptions)

Gets completions as a stream for the provided input prompts. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
completionsOptions - The configuration information for a completions request. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.
streamOptions - the streamOptions value to set.


an IterableStream<T> of completions for the provided input prompts. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.


public Response getCompletionsWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, CompletionsOptions completionsOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets completions for the provided input prompts. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.

Request Body Schema

     prompt (Required): [
         String (Required)
     max_tokens: Integer (Optional)
     temperature: Double (Optional)
     top_p: Double (Optional)
     logit_bias (Optional): {
         String: int (Optional)
     user: String (Optional)
     n: Integer (Optional)
     logprobs: Integer (Optional)
     echo: Boolean (Optional)
     stop (Optional): [
         String (Optional)
     presence_penalty: Double (Optional)
     frequency_penalty: Double (Optional)
     best_of: Integer (Optional)
     stream: Boolean (Optional)
     model: String (Optional)

Response Body Schema

     id: String (Required)
     created: int (Required)
     choices (Required): [
             text: String (Required)
             index: int (Required)
             logprobs (Required): {
                 tokens (Required): [
                     String (Required)
                 token_logprobs (Required): [
                     double (Required)
                 top_logprobs (Required): [
                         String: double (Required)
                 text_offset (Required): [
                     int (Required)
             finish_reason: String(stopped/tokenLimitReached/contentFiltered) (Required)
     usage (Required): {
         completion_tokens: int (Required)
         prompt_tokens: int (Required)
         total_tokens: int (Required)


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
completionsOptions - The configuration information for a completions request. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.
requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


completions for the provided input prompts. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data along with Response<T>.


public Response getCompletionsWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, BinaryData completionsOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets completions for the provided input prompts. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.

Request Body Schema

     prompt (Required): [
         String (Required)
     max_tokens: Integer (Optional)
     temperature: Double (Optional)
     top_p: Double (Optional)
     logit_bias (Optional): {
         String: int (Optional)
     user: String (Optional)
     n: Integer (Optional)
     logprobs: Integer (Optional)
     echo: Boolean (Optional)
     stop (Optional): [
         String (Optional)
     presence_penalty: Double (Optional)
     frequency_penalty: Double (Optional)
     best_of: Integer (Optional)
     stream: Boolean (Optional)
     model: String (Optional)

Response Body Schema

     id: String (Required)
     created: int (Required)
     choices (Required): [
             text: String (Required)
             index: int (Required)
             logprobs (Required): {
                 tokens (Required): [
                     String (Required)
                 token_logprobs (Required): [
                     double (Required)
                 top_logprobs (Required): [
                         String: double (Required)
                 text_offset (Required): [
                     int (Required)
             finish_reason: String(stopped/tokenLimitReached/contentFiltered) (Required)
     usage (Required): {
         completion_tokens: int (Required)
         prompt_tokens: int (Required)
         total_tokens: int (Required)


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
completionsOptions - The configuration information for a completions request. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.
requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


completions for the provided input prompts. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data along with Response<T>.


public Embeddings getEmbeddings(String deploymentOrModelName, EmbeddingsOptions embeddingsOptions)

Return the embeddings for a given prompt.


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
embeddingsOptions - The configuration information for an embeddings request. Embeddings measure the relatedness of text strings and are commonly used for search, clustering, recommendations, and other similar scenarios.


representation of the response data from an embeddings request. Embeddings measure the relatedness of text strings and are commonly used for search, clustering, recommendations, and other similar scenarios.


public Response getEmbeddingsWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, EmbeddingsOptions embeddingsOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Return the embeddings for a given prompt.

Request Body Schema

     user: String (Optional)
     model: String (Optional)
     input (Required): [
         String (Required)

Response Body Schema

     data (Required): [
             embedding (Required): [
                 double (Required)
             index: int (Required)
     usage (Required): {
         prompt_tokens: int (Required)
         total_tokens: int (Required)


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
embeddingsOptions - The configuration information for an embeddings request. Embeddings measure the relatedness of text strings and are commonly used for search, clustering, recommendations, and other similar scenarios.
requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


representation of the response data from an embeddings request. Embeddings measure the relatedness of text strings and are commonly used for search, clustering, recommendations, and other similar scenarios along with Response<T>.


public Response getEmbeddingsWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, BinaryData embeddingsOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Return the embeddings for a given prompt.

Request Body Schema

     user: String (Optional)
     model: String (Optional)
     input (Required): [
         String (Required)

Response Body Schema

     data (Required): [
             embedding (Required): [
                 double (Required)
             index: int (Required)
     usage (Required): {
         prompt_tokens: int (Required)
         total_tokens: int (Required)


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
embeddingsOptions - The configuration information for an embeddings request. Embeddings measure the relatedness of text strings and are commonly used for search, clustering, recommendations, and other similar scenarios.
requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


representation of the response data from an embeddings request. Embeddings measure the relatedness of text strings and are commonly used for search, clustering, recommendations, and other similar scenarios along with Response<T>.


public OpenAIFile getFile(String fileId)

Returns information about a specific file. Does not retrieve file content.


fileId - The ID of the file to retrieve.


represents an assistant that can call the model and use tools.


public byte[] getFileContent(String fileId)

Returns information about a specific file. Does not retrieve file content.


fileId - The ID of the file to retrieve.


represent a byte array.


public Response getFileContentWithResponse(String fileId, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Returns information about a specific file. Does not retrieve file content.

Response Body Schema



fileId - The ID of the file to retrieve.
requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


represent a byte array along with Response<T>.


public Response getFileWithResponse(String fileId, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Returns information about a specific file. Does not retrieve file content.

Response Body Schema

     object: String (Required)
     id: String (Required)
     bytes: int (Required)
     filename: String (Required)
     created_at: long (Required)
     purpose: String(fine-tune/fine-tune-results/assistants/assistants_output/batch/batch_output/vision) (Required)
     status: String(uploaded/pending/running/processed/error/deleting/deleted) (Optional)
     status_details: String (Optional)


fileId - The ID of the file to retrieve.
requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


represents an assistant that can call the model and use tools along with Response<T>.


public ImageGenerations getImageGenerations(String deploymentOrModelName, ImageGenerationOptions imageGenerationOptions)

Creates an image given a prompt.


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
imageGenerationOptions - Represents the request data used to generate images.


the result of a successful image generation operation.


public Response getImageGenerationsWithResponse(String deploymentOrModelName, ImageGenerationOptions imageGenerationOptions, RequestOptions requestOptions)

Creates an image given a prompt.

Request Body Schema

     model: String (Optional)
     prompt: String (Required)
     n: Integer (Optional)
     size: String(256x256/512x512/1024x1024/1792x1024/1024x1792) (Optional)
     response_format: String(url/b64_json) (Optional)
     quality: String(standard/hd) (Optional)
     style: String(natural/vivid) (Optional)
     user: String (Optional)

Response Body Schema

     created: long (Required)
     data (Required): [
             url: String (Optional)
             b64_json: String (Optional)
             revised_prompt: String (Optional)


deploymentOrModelName - Specifies either the model deployment name (when using Azure OpenAI) or model name (when using non-Azure OpenAI) to use for this request.
imageGenerationOptions - Represents the request data used to generate images.
requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


the result of a successful image generation operation along with Response<T>.


public PageableList listBatches()

Gets a list of all batches owned by the Azure OpenAI resource.


a list of all batches owned by the Azure OpenAI resource.


public PageableList listBatches(String after, Integer limit)

Gets a list of all batches owned by the Azure OpenAI resource.


after - Identifier for the last event from the previous pagination request.
limit - The number of batches to retrieve. The default is 20.


a list of all batches owned by the Azure OpenAI resource.


public Response> listBatchesWithResponse(RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets a list of all batches owned by the Azure OpenAI resource.

Query Parameters

| ----- | ------- | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Name  | Type    | Required | Description                                                         |
| after | String  | No       | Identifier for the last event from the previous pagination request. |
| limit | Integer | No       | Number of batches to retrieve. Defaults to 20.                      |

You can add these to a request with RequestOptions#addQueryParam

Response Body Schema

     object: String (Required)
     data (Optional): [
             id: String (Required)
             object: String (Required)
             endpoint: String (Optional)
             errors (Optional): {
                 object: String (Required)
                 data (Optional): [
                         code: String (Optional)
                         message: String (Optional)
                         param: String (Optional)
                         line: Integer (Optional)
             input_file_id: String (Required)
             completion_window: String (Optional)
             status: String(validating/failed/in_progress/finalizing/completed/expired/cancelling/cancelled) (Optional)
             output_file_id: String (Optional)
             error_file_id: String (Optional)
             created_at: Long (Optional)
             in_progress_at: Long (Optional)
             expires_at: Long (Optional)
             finalizing_at: Long (Optional)
             completed_at: Long (Optional)
             failed_at: Long (Optional)
             expired_at: Long (Optional)
             cancelling_at: Long (Optional)
             cancelled_at: Long (Optional)
             request_counts (Optional): {
                 total: Integer (Optional)
                 completed: Integer (Optional)
                 failed: Integer (Optional)
             metadata (Optional): {
                 String: String (Required)
     first_id: String (Optional)
     last_id: String (Optional)
     has_more: Boolean (Optional)


requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


a list of all batches owned by the Azure OpenAI resource along with Response<T>.


public List listFiles()

Gets a list of previously uploaded files.


a list of previously uploaded files.


public List listFiles(FilePurpose purpose)

Gets a list of previously uploaded files.


purpose - A value that, when provided, limits list results to files matching the corresponding purpose.


a list of previously uploaded files.


public Response> listFilesWithResponse(RequestOptions requestOptions)

Gets a list of previously uploaded files.

Query Parameters

| ------- | ------ | -------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Name    | Type   | Required | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                             |
| purpose | String | No       | A value that, when provided, limits list results to files matching the corresponding purpose. Allowed values: "fine-tune", "fine-tune-results", "assistants", "assistants\_output", "batch", "batch\_output", "vision". |

You can add these to a request with RequestOptions#addQueryParam

Response Body Schema

     object: String (Required)
     data (Required): [
             object: String (Required)
             id: String (Required)
             bytes: int (Required)
             filename: String (Required)
             created_at: long (Required)
             purpose: String(fine-tune/fine-tune-results/assistants/assistants_output/batch/batch_output/vision) (Required)
             status: String(uploaded/pending/running/processed/error/deleting/deleted) (Optional)
             status_details: String (Optional)


requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.


a list of previously uploaded files along with Response<T>.


public OpenAIFile uploadFile(FileDetails file, FilePurpose purpose)

Uploads a file for use by other operations.


file - The file data (not filename) to upload.
purpose - The intended purpose of the file.


represents an assistant that can call the model and use tools.

Applies to