
Dela via

printerDefaults resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Represents the printer's default settings. Check the printer's capabilities to see all the values that it supports.


Property Type Description
colorMode printColorMode The default color mode to use when printing the document. Valid values are described in the following table.
contentType String The default content (MIME) type to use when processing documents.
copiesPerJob Int32 The default number of copies printed per job.
dpi Int32 The default resolution in DPI to use when printing the job.
duplexMode printDuplexMode The default duplex (double-sided) configuration to use when printing a document. Valid values are described in the following table.
finishings printFinishing collection The default set of finishings to apply to print jobs. Valid values are described in the following table.
fitPdfToPage Boolean The default fitPdfToPage setting. True to fit each page of a PDF document to a physical sheet of media; false to let the printer decide how to lay out impressions.
inputBin String The default input bin that serves as the paper source.
mediaColor String The default media (such as paper) color to print the document on.
mediaSize String The default media size to use. Supports standard size names for ISO and ANSI media sizes. Valid values are listed in the printerCapabilities topic.
mediaType String The default media (such as paper) type to print the document on.
multipageLayout printMultipageLayout The default direction to lay out pages when multiple pages are being printed per sheet. Valid values are described in the following table.
orientation printOrientation The default orientation to use when printing the document. Valid values are described in the following table.
outputBin String The default output bin to place completed prints into. See the printer's capabilities for a list of supported output bins.
pagesPerSheet Int32 The default number of document pages to print on each sheet.
quality printQuality The default quality to use when printing the document. Valid values are described in the following table.
scaling printScaling Specifies how the printer scales the document data to fit the requested media. Valid values are described in the following table.



JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.printerDefaults",
  "copiesPerJob": "Integer",
  "contentType": "String",
  "finishings": [
  "mediaColor": "String",
  "mediaType": "String",
  "mediaSize": "String",
  "pagesPerSheet": "Integer",
  "orientation": "String",
  "outputBin": "String",
  "inputBin": "String",
  "fitPdfToPage": "Boolean",
  "multipageLayout": "String",
  "colorMode": "String",
  "quality": "String",
  "duplexMode": "String",
  "dpi": "Integer",
  "scaling": "String"