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Set Up Responsible Employees and Advance Statements

The Advance Statement report enables you to print and view information about payments made to and from responsible employees. This report also enables you to print and view primary documents of responsible employee expenses.

Creating the Responsible Employee Card

The Resp. Employee Card window is created for each responsible employee on the basis of the Employee Card window, but it can also be created independently.

It provides the following information:

  1. Responsible Employee card number
  2. Data of the responsible employee (address, postal code or city, and telephone)
  3. Contacts (telephone, e-mail address, Internet address)
  4. General ledger entry postings of the responsible employee on the Posting FastTab (Gen. Bus. Posting Group, VAT Bus. Posting Group, and Vendor Posting Group)
  5. Documents of the responsible employee (unposted and posted advance statements), which can be opened using the Documents button.

The following procedure shows how to access the Resp. Employee Card window.

To create a Responsible Employee card

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Resp. Employees, and then choose the related link.
  2. Create a new card.
  3. Choose the OK button.

To create a Responsible Employee Card from an Employee card

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Employees, and then choose the related link.

  2. Choose the Create Resp. Employee action.

  3. The Resp. Employee Card window contains the following information entered manually or from the corresponding glossary and settings.

    Field Description
    No. Specifies the value that is filled automatically from the Employee Card window, or is entered manually.
    Name Specifies the value that is filled automatically from similar fields in the Employee Card window or is entered manually.
    Address Specifies the value that is filled automatically from similar fields in the Employee Card window or is entered manually.
    Post Code Specifies the value that is filled automatically from similar fields in the Employee Card window or is entered manually.
    Country/Region Code Specifies the value that is filled automatically from similar fields in the Employee Card window or is entered manually.
    Phone No. Specifies the value that is filled automatically from similar fields in the Employee Card window or is entered manually.
    Search Name Specifies the value of the Name field is entered from the displayed Resp. Employee Card window.
    Communication (E-Mail, Home Page) Specifies the values that are filled automatically from similar fields in the Employee Card window or is entered manually.
    Currency Code Specifies a blank by default.
    Gen. Bus. Posting Group Specifies the value of the Adv. Stmt. Gen. Bus. Posting Gr field from the Purchases and Payables setup on the Advance Statement FastTab.
    VAT Bus. Posting Group Specifies the value of the Adv. Stmt. VAT Bus. Posting Gr field from the Purchases and Payables setup on the Advance Statement FastTab.
    Vendor Posting Group Specifies the value of the Adv. Stmt. Vendor Posting Gr field from the Purchases and Payables setup on the Advance Statement FastTab.

Creating the Advance Statement

The Advance Statement is created by the responsible employees. This statement contains information about payments received by the employees and about primary documents that are provided to confirm the expenses.

The Advance Statement contains the following information:

  • Advance Statement number
  • Posting date and document date
  • Responsible employee data (code and name)
  • Advance purpose and posting description
  • Number of documents and pages
  • Remainder or overdraft document to register the payment document for the advance statement
  • Currency code to register currency expenses
  • Expense lines, which are registered according to the value selected in the Type in Advance Statement lines field – G/L Account, Item, Fixed Asset, Charge (Item), and Employee Purchase values

The following expense lines are registered according to the value selected in the Type field and No. or Employee Purchase Vendor No. fields, in the lines of Advance Statement:

  • To write off the expense:
    • Type - G/L Account
    • No. - General ledger account number
  • To account for the purchased items or materials:
    • Type - Item
    • No. - Item cardnumber
  • To account for the purchased fixed asset:
    • Type - Fixed Asset
    • No. - Fixed Asset card number
  • To account for additional charges for purchased items:
    • Type - Charge (Item)
    • No. - Item charge code
  • To register the primary documents received from the vendor (in case primary documents have been received from the vendor for items, fixed assets, or expenses by responsible employee):
    • Type - Empl. Purchase
    • Employee Purchase Vendor No. - Vendor number

To access the Advance Statement

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Advance Statements, and then choose the related link.

    The Advance Statement window contains the following information in the General FastTab, in the header, entered manually or filled in from the corresponding glossary and settings.

    Field Description
    No. Specifies the number of the advance statement, which is calculated automatically. The number depends on the value of the Advance Statement Nos. field that was specified in the Purchases & Payables Setup window on the Advance Statement FastTab.
    Posting Date, Document Date Specifies the posting date and document date. By default, these fields are filled in with the value from the work date. It can also be filled in manually.
    Employee No. Specifies the number of responsible employee. The value is selected manually from the vendor list.
    Employee Name Specifies the name of responsible employee. This field is filled in automatically with the values of the Name and Name2 fields of the Resp. Employee Card window.
    Advance Purpose Specifies the purpose of advance.
    Posting Description Specifies the posting description of the document. This field is filled in automatically with the value from the Invoice No. field. The field can be edited manually.
    Vendor Invoice No. Specifies the number of an external document. This field is filled in automatically.
  2. The Advance Statement window contains the following information in the Statement FastTab in the header, entered manually or filled in from the corresponding glossary and settings.

    Field Description
    No. of Documents, No. of Pages Specifies the number of documents that confirm expenses and number of pages of these documents. The fields are filled in manually with numeric values.
    Remaining or Overdraft Doc. No. Specifies the cash document that closes the remaining or overdraft amount for this advance statement. A payment document is selected from the vendor ledger entries of the responsible employee.

    The Advance statement window contains the following information from the expense lines that are created.

    Field Description
    Type Select G/L Account, Item, Fixed Asset, Charge (Item), Empl. Purchase depending on the type of expenses.
    No. If Type = G/L Account: In the No. field, select a general ledger account from the General Ledger Account List glossary. If Type = Item: In the No. field, select an Item card from the Item List glossary. If Type = Fixed Asset: In the No. field, select a Fixed Asset card from the Fixed Asset List glossary. If Type = Charge (Item): In the No. field, select an item charge from the Item Charges and Fixed Asset Charges glossary.
    Empl. Purchase Vendor No. If Type = Empl. Purchase: In the Empl. Purchase Vendor No. field, select a Vendor card from the Vendor List glossary.
    Empl. Purchase Entry No If Type = Empl. Purchase: In the Empl. Purchase Entry No. field, select a posted vendor entry from the vendor ledger entries. Note: You must post an invoice from the vendor before registering in advance statement, in case a responsible employee receives primary documents (invoice-facture for example) from the vendor.
    Empl.Purchase Document No, Empl. Purchase Document Date The fields are filled in manually. In the Empl.Purchase Document No. field, enter the number of the document that confirmed expenses in the current line. In the Empl. Purchase Document Date field, enter the date of the document that confirmed expenses in the current line.
    Description Description of expenses in the current line. The Description field is filled in with the value of the Name or Description field from the selected card by default.
    Quantity Direct Cost Excl. VAT Quantity and cost of expenses (items and fixed assets). The fields are filled in with numeric values manually.

    The Created Document Status field reflects the current document status. To change the current document status from Open to Released.

  3. Choose the Release action. The released advance statement will be accessible for printing.

Printing an Unposted Advance Statement

The following procedure shows how to print an unposted advance statement.

To print an unposted Advance Statement

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Advance Statements, and then choose the related link.

  2. In the Advance Statement window, choose the Print action.


    The report is usually printed after creating the document for signing and confirmation.

  3. On the Purchase Header FastTab, apply the following filters.

    Field Filter
    No. This field contains the unposted advance statement number. By default, a value from the open document is entered.
    Document Type This field is filled in automatically.
  4. On the Options FastTab, specify the employees for signing the document as listed in the following table.

    Parameter Description
    Accountant (Cashier) Select an employee code (cashier) from the Employee List table to fill in the corresponding fields in the statement.
    Accountant Select an employee code (accountant) from the Employee List table to fill in the corresponding fields in the statement.
  5. Choose the Print button.

Viewing the Posted Advance Statement

To following procedure demonstrates how to access the posted Advance Statement.

To view the posted advance statement

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Posted Advance Statement, and then choose the related link.

A posted Advance Statement reflects all the information entered in the document in the Advance statement.

Printing the Posted Advance Statement

The following procedure shows how to print the posted Advance Statement.

To print a posted advance statement

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Posted Advance Statements and then choose the related link.

  2. Choose the Print action. The Posted Advance Statement dialog box opens.


    The report is usually printed as an approved and confirmed document.

  3. On the Purch. Inv. Header FastTab of the report, apply the following filters.

    Field Filter
    No. This field contains the number of the posted advance statement. By default, this value is entered from the open document.
  4. On the Options FastTab, specify the employees to sign the document as listed in the following table.

    Parameter Description
    Accountant (Cashier) Select the employee code (cashier) from the Employee List table to fill in the corresponding fields in the report.
    Accountant Select the employee code (accountant) from the Employee List table to fill in the corresponding fields in the report.
  5. Choose the Print button.

See Also

Human Resources

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