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Bill of Lading in the Russian Version

In Russia, a bill of lading is a legal document between the company that ships the items and the carrier. The document accompanies the shipped items, and it serves as a receipt of shipment when the items are delivered at the destination.

Set up bills of lading report

To set up the Bill of Lading report, use the following steps:

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Report Selection – Sales, and then choose the related link.
  2. In the Usage field, choose Shipment
  3. On the relevant line, add the report 14951 to the line so it can be printed from the Posted Sales Shipment page.

The report is exported to Microsoft Excel.

Printing document

When you set up the document, it can be printed from any Posted Sales Shipment. When you print the report, the report is exported to Excel.

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