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Financial Reports Overview

Financial reports are one of the main tools you can use to provide information for required statutory reports. Because of user-defined rows and columns, you can decide which data you want to compare and how. This means you can create as many customized financial statements as you want without using report designer. You can also choose to use a predefined column layout for any financial report.

To better manage the report data, you can:

  • Create general ledger correspondence.
  • Create constants.
  • Create extensions.
  • Create expressions.

Financial reports are set up on the Financial Reports page.


Make sure to print the following reports to review the general ledger account information you are using in financial reports:

G/L Account Turnover report G/L Account Card report G/L Account Entries Analysis report

See also

Import and Export Financial Reports
Define a Financial Report Extension
Define a Financial Report Constant
Work with Financial Reports

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