
Dela via

CodeCop Info AA0232

The FlowField of a table should be indexed.


You can potentially increase performance if fields that are used in FlowFields are added to SumIndexedFields of the corresponding key.

Reason for the rule


Be aware that this rule can, in some cases, cause false warnings even though you have addressed any performance issues by adding SIFT indices. The rule will be fixed in a future release.

When there are performance issues on List pages, the root cause is often that they display FlowFields defined on top of tables that are inadequately indexed - these are typically missing SIFT indices. As any FlowField potentially can be shown on a page, make sure that they're all adequately indexed.

Bad code example

table 18 Customer
        field(97; "Debit Amount"; Decimal)
            CalcFormula = Sum ("Detailed Cust. Ledg. Entry"."Debit Amount" WHERE("Customer No." = FIELD("No."),
                                                                                 "Entry Type" = FILTER(<> Application),
                                                                                 "Initial Entry Global Dim. 1" = FIELD("Global Dimension 1 Filter"),
                                                                                 "Initial Entry Global Dim. 2" = FIELD("Global Dimension 2 Filter"),
                                                                                 "Posting Date" = FIELD("Date Filter"),
                                                                                 "Currency Code" = FIELD("Currency Filter")));
            FieldClass = FlowField;
    keys { ... }
table 379 "Detailed Cust. Ledg. Entry"
    fields { ... }
        key(Key1; "Entry No.")
            Clustered = true;

Good code example

table 18 Customer
        field(97; "Debit Amount"; Decimal)
            CalcFormula = Sum ("Detailed Cust. Ledg. Entry"."Debit Amount" WHERE("Customer No." = FIELD("No."),
                                                                                 "Entry Type" = FILTER(<> Application),
                                                                                 "Initial Entry Global Dim. 1" = FIELD("Global Dimension 1 Filter"),
                                                                                 "Initial Entry Global Dim. 2" = FIELD("Global Dimension 2 Filter"),
                                                                                 "Posting Date" = FIELD("Date Filter"),
                                                                                 "Currency Code" = FIELD("Currency Filter")));
            FieldClass = FlowField;
    keys { ... }
table 379 "Detailed Cust. Ledg. Entry"
    fields { ... }
        key(Key1; "Entry No.")
            Clustered = true;
        key(Key2; "Customer No.", "Entry Type", "Initial Entry Global Dim. 1", "Initial Entry Global Dim. 2", "Posting Date", "Currency Code")
            SumIndexFields = "Debit Amount"

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