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AppSourceCop Error AS0121

When a symbol is moved the name must remain the same.


The name of the moved symbol in the source and the destination application is different.


The name of a moved symbol in the source application is different from the name in the destination application. This is important because maintaining consistent naming for symbols when they are moved ensures that dependent extensions and applications can continue to function correctly. Changing the name of a symbol during a move can lead to broken references and functionality issues in dependent extensions.

How to fix this diagnostic?

Ensure that the name of the symbol remains the same when it's moved from the source application to the destination application. Here are the steps to fix this diagnostic:

  1. Identify the symbol that has been moved and is causing the AS0121 error.
  2. Verify that the name of the symbol in the source application matches the name in the destination application.
  3. If the names are different, update the symbol in the destination application to match the name in the source application.
  4. Ensure that all references to the symbol in both the source and destination applications are updated accordingly.

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