Skapa trådar och skicka data vid starttid
När en operativsystemsprocess skapas matar operativsystemet in en tråd för att köra kod i den processen, inklusive alla ursprungliga programdomäner. Från och med då kan programdomäner skapas och förstöras utan att några operativsystemtrådar nödvändigtvis skapas eller förstörs. Om koden som körs är hanterad kod kan du hämta ett Thread objekt för tråden som körs i den aktuella programdomänen genom att hämta den statiska CurrentThread egenskapen av typen Thread. I det här avsnittet beskrivs skapande av trådar och alternativ för att skicka data till trådproceduren.
Skapa en tråd
När du skapar ett nytt Thread objekt skapas en ny hanterad tråd. Klassen Thread har konstruktorer som tar ett ThreadStart ombud eller ett ParameterizedThreadStart ombud. Ombudet omsluter den metod som anropas av den nya tråden Start när du anropar metoden. Att anropa Start mer än en gång gör att en ThreadStateException utlöses.
Metoden Start returnerar omedelbart, ofta innan den nya tråden faktiskt har startats. Du kan använda ThreadState egenskaperna och IsAlive för att bestämma trådens tillstånd när som helst, men de här egenskaperna bör aldrig användas för att synkronisera trådarnas aktiviteter.
När en tråd har startats är det inte nödvändigt att behålla en referens till Thread objektet. Tråden fortsätter att köras tills trådproceduren slutar.
I följande kodexempel skapas två nya trådar för att anropa instanser och statiska metoder på ett annat objekt.
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Threading;
public ref class ServerClass
// The method that will be called when the thread is started.
void InstanceMethod()
"ServerClass.InstanceMethod is running on another thread.");
// Pause for a moment to provide a delay to make
// threads more apparent.
"The instance method called by the worker thread has ended.");
static void StaticMethod()
"ServerClass.StaticMethod is running on another thread.");
// Pause for a moment to provide a delay to make
// threads more apparent.
"The static method called by the worker thread has ended.");
public ref class Simple
static void Main()
ServerClass^ serverObject = gcnew ServerClass();
// Create the thread object, passing in the
// serverObject.InstanceMethod method using a
// ThreadStart delegate.
Thread^ InstanceCaller = gcnew Thread(
gcnew ThreadStart(serverObject, &ServerClass::InstanceMethod));
// Start the thread.
Console::WriteLine("The Main() thread calls this after "
+ "starting the new InstanceCaller thread.");
// Create the thread object, passing in the
// serverObject.StaticMethod method using a
// ThreadStart delegate.
Thread^ StaticCaller = gcnew Thread(
gcnew ThreadStart(&ServerClass::StaticMethod));
// Start the thread.
Console::WriteLine("The Main() thread calls this after "
+ "starting the new StaticCaller thread.");
int main()
// The example displays output like the following:
// The Main() thread calls this after starting the new InstanceCaller thread.
// The Main() thread calls this after starting the new StaticCaller thread.
// ServerClass.StaticMethod is running on another thread.
// ServerClass.InstanceMethod is running on another thread.
// The instance method called by the worker thread has ended.
// The static method called by the worker thread has ended.
using System;
using System.Threading;
public class ServerClass
// The method that will be called when the thread is started.
public void InstanceMethod()
"ServerClass.InstanceMethod is running on another thread.");
// Pause for a moment to provide a delay to make
// threads more apparent.
"The instance method called by the worker thread has ended.");
public static void StaticMethod()
"ServerClass.StaticMethod is running on another thread.");
// Pause for a moment to provide a delay to make
// threads more apparent.
"The static method called by the worker thread has ended.");
public class Simple
public static void Main()
ServerClass serverObject = new ServerClass();
// Create the thread object, passing in the
// serverObject.InstanceMethod method using a
// ThreadStart delegate.
Thread InstanceCaller = new Thread(
new ThreadStart(serverObject.InstanceMethod));
// Start the thread.
Console.WriteLine("The Main() thread calls this after "
+ "starting the new InstanceCaller thread.");
// Create the thread object, passing in the
// serverObject.StaticMethod method using a
// ThreadStart delegate.
Thread StaticCaller = new Thread(
new ThreadStart(ServerClass.StaticMethod));
// Start the thread.
Console.WriteLine("The Main() thread calls this after "
+ "starting the new StaticCaller thread.");
// The example displays the output like the following:
// The Main() thread calls this after starting the new InstanceCaller thread.
// The Main() thread calls this after starting the new StaticCaller thread.
// ServerClass.StaticMethod is running on another thread.
// ServerClass.InstanceMethod is running on another thread.
// The instance method called by the worker thread has ended.
// The static method called by the worker thread has ended.
Imports System.Threading
Public class ServerClass
' The method that will be called when the thread is started.
Public Sub InstanceMethod()
"ServerClass.InstanceMethod is running on another thread.")
' Pause for a moment to provide a delay to make
' threads more apparent.
"The instance method called by the worker thread has ended.")
End Sub
Public Shared Sub SharedMethod()
"ServerClass.SharedMethod is running on another thread.")
' Pause for a moment to provide a delay to make
' threads more apparent.
"The Shared method called by the worker thread has ended.")
End Sub
End Class
Public class Simple
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim serverObject As New ServerClass()
' Create the thread object, passing in the
' serverObject.InstanceMethod method using a
' ThreadStart delegate.
Dim InstanceCaller As New Thread(AddressOf serverObject.InstanceMethod)
' Start the thread.
Console.WriteLine("The Main() thread calls this after " _
+ "starting the new InstanceCaller thread.")
' Create the thread object, passing in the
' serverObject.SharedMethod method using a
' ThreadStart delegate.
Dim SharedCaller As New Thread( _
New ThreadStart(AddressOf ServerClass.SharedMethod))
' Start the thread.
Console.WriteLine("The Main() thread calls this after " _
+ "starting the new SharedCaller thread.")
End Sub
End Class
' The example displays output like the following:
' The Main() thread calls this after starting the new InstanceCaller thread.
' The Main() thread calls this after starting the new StaticCaller thread.
' ServerClass.StaticMethod is running on another thread.
' ServerClass.InstanceMethod is running on another thread.
' The instance method called by the worker thread has ended.
' The static method called by the worker thread has ended.
Skicka data till trådar
Ombudet ParameterizedThreadStart är ett enkelt sätt att skicka ett objekt som innehåller data till en tråd när du anropar Thread.Start(Object). Se ParameterizedThreadStart ett kodexempel.
Att använda ombudet ParameterizedThreadStart är inte ett typsäkert sätt att skicka data, eftersom Thread.Start(Object) metoden accepterar alla objekt. Ett alternativ är att kapsla in trådproceduren och data i en hjälpklass och använda ombudet ThreadStart för att köra trådproceduren. I följande exempel visas den här tekniken:
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Threading;
// The ThreadWithState class contains the information needed for
// a task, and the method that executes the task.
public ref class ThreadWithState
// State information used in the task.
String^ boilerplate;
int numberValue;
// The constructor obtains the state information.
ThreadWithState(String^ text, int number)
boilerplate = text;
numberValue = number;
// The thread procedure performs the task, such as formatting
// and printing a document.
void ThreadProc()
Console::WriteLine(boilerplate, numberValue);
// Entry point for the example.
public ref class Example
static void Main()
// Supply the state information required by the task.
ThreadWithState^ tws = gcnew ThreadWithState(
"This report displays the number {0}.", 42);
// Create a thread to execute the task, and then
// start the thread.
Thread^ t = gcnew Thread(gcnew ThreadStart(tws, &ThreadWithState::ThreadProc));
Console::WriteLine("Main thread does some work, then waits.");
"Independent task has completed; main thread ends.");
int main()
// This example displays the following output:
// Main thread does some work, then waits.
// This report displays the number 42.
// Independent task has completed; main thread ends.
using System;
using System.Threading;
// The ThreadWithState class contains the information needed for
// a task, and the method that executes the task.
public class ThreadWithState
// State information used in the task.
private string boilerplate;
private int numberValue;
// The constructor obtains the state information.
public ThreadWithState(string text, int number)
boilerplate = text;
numberValue = number;
// The thread procedure performs the task, such as formatting
// and printing a document.
public void ThreadProc()
Console.WriteLine(boilerplate, numberValue);
// Entry point for the example.
public class Example
public static void Main()
// Supply the state information required by the task.
ThreadWithState tws = new ThreadWithState(
"This report displays the number {0}.", 42);
// Create a thread to execute the task, and then
// start the thread.
Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(tws.ThreadProc));
Console.WriteLine("Main thread does some work, then waits.");
"Independent task has completed; main thread ends.");
// The example displays the following output:
// Main thread does some work, then waits.
// This report displays the number 42.
// Independent task has completed; main thread ends.
Imports System.Threading
' The ThreadWithState class contains the information needed for
' a task, and the method that executes the task.
Public Class ThreadWithState
' State information used in the task.
Private boilerplate As String
Private numberValue As Integer
' The constructor obtains the state information.
Public Sub New(text As String, number As Integer)
boilerplate = text
numberValue = number
End Sub
' The thread procedure performs the task, such as formatting
' and printing a document.
Public Sub ThreadProc()
Console.WriteLine(boilerplate, numberValue)
End Sub
End Class
' Entry point for the example.
Public Class Example
Public Shared Sub Main()
' Supply the state information required by the task.
Dim tws As New ThreadWithState( _
"This report displays the number {0}.", 42)
' Create a thread to execute the task, and then
' start the thread.
Dim t As New Thread(New ThreadStart(AddressOf tws.ThreadProc))
Console.WriteLine("Main thread does some work, then waits.")
Console.WriteLine( _
"Independent task has completed main thread ends.")
End Sub
End Class
' The example displays the following output:
' Main thread does some work, then waits.
' This report displays the number 42.
' Independent task has completed; main thread ends.
Varken ThreadStart eller ParameterizedThreadStart ombudet har ett returvärde eftersom det inte finns någon plats att returnera data från ett asynkront anrop. Om du vill hämta resultatet av en trådmetod kan du använda en återanropsmetod, som du ser i nästa avsnitt.
Hämta data från trådar med motringningsmetoder
I följande exempel visas en motringningsmetod som hämtar data från en tråd. Konstruktorn för klassen som innehåller data och trådmetoden accepterar också ett ombud som representerar motringningsmetoden. innan trådmetoden slutar anropas återanropsdelegaten.
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Threading;
// Delegate that defines the signature for the callback method.
public delegate void ExampleCallback(int lineCount);
// The ThreadWithState class contains the information needed for
// a task, the method that executes the task, and a delegate
// to call when the task is complete.
public ref class ThreadWithState
// State information used in the task.
String^ boilerplate;
int numberValue;
// Delegate used to execute the callback method when the
// task is complete.
ExampleCallback^ callback;
// The constructor obtains the state information and the
// callback delegate.
ThreadWithState(String^ text, int number,
ExampleCallback^ callbackDelegate)
boilerplate = text;
numberValue = number;
callback = callbackDelegate;
// The thread procedure performs the task, such as
// formatting and printing a document, and then invokes
// the callback delegate with the number of lines printed.
void ThreadProc()
Console::WriteLine(boilerplate, numberValue);
if (callback != nullptr)
// Entry point for the example.
public ref class Example
static void Main()
// Supply the state information required by the task.
ThreadWithState^ tws = gcnew ThreadWithState(
"This report displays the number {0}.",
gcnew ExampleCallback(&Example::ResultCallback)
Thread^ t = gcnew Thread(gcnew ThreadStart(tws, &ThreadWithState::ThreadProc));
Console::WriteLine("Main thread does some work, then waits.");
"Independent task has completed; main thread ends.");
// The callback method must match the signature of the
// callback delegate.
static void ResultCallback(int lineCount)
"Independent task printed {0} lines.", lineCount);
int main()
// The example displays the following output:
// Main thread does some work, then waits.
// This report displays the number 42.
// Independent task printed 1 lines.
// Independent task has completed; main thread ends.
using System;
using System.Threading;
// The ThreadWithState class contains the information needed for
// a task, the method that executes the task, and a delegate
// to call when the task is complete.
public class ThreadWithState
// State information used in the task.
private string boilerplate;
private int numberValue;
// Delegate used to execute the callback method when the
// task is complete.
private ExampleCallback callback;
// The constructor obtains the state information and the
// callback delegate.
public ThreadWithState(string text, int number,
ExampleCallback callbackDelegate)
boilerplate = text;
numberValue = number;
callback = callbackDelegate;
// The thread procedure performs the task, such as
// formatting and printing a document, and then invokes
// the callback delegate with the number of lines printed.
public void ThreadProc()
Console.WriteLine(boilerplate, numberValue);
if (callback != null)
// Delegate that defines the signature for the callback method.
public delegate void ExampleCallback(int lineCount);
// Entry point for the example.
public class Example
public static void Main()
// Supply the state information required by the task.
ThreadWithState tws = new ThreadWithState(
"This report displays the number {0}.",
new ExampleCallback(ResultCallback)
Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(tws.ThreadProc));
Console.WriteLine("Main thread does some work, then waits.");
"Independent task has completed; main thread ends.");
// The callback method must match the signature of the
// callback delegate.
public static void ResultCallback(int lineCount)
"Independent task printed {0} lines.", lineCount);
// The example displays the following output:
// Main thread does some work, then waits.
// This report displays the number 42.
// Independent task printed 1 lines.
// Independent task has completed; main thread ends.
Imports System.Threading
' The ThreadWithState class contains the information needed for
' a task, the method that executes the task, and a delegate
' to call when the task is complete.
Public Class ThreadWithState
' State information used in the task.
Private boilerplate As String
Private numberValue As Integer
' Delegate used to execute the callback method when the
' task is complete.
Private callback As ExampleCallback
' The constructor obtains the state information and the
' callback delegate.
Public Sub New(text As String, number As Integer, _
callbackDelegate As ExampleCallback)
boilerplate = text
numberValue = number
callback = callbackDelegate
End Sub
' The thread procedure performs the task, such as
' formatting and printing a document, and then invokes
' the callback delegate with the number of lines printed.
Public Sub ThreadProc()
Console.WriteLine(boilerplate, numberValue)
If Not (callback Is Nothing) Then
End If
End Sub
End Class
' Delegate that defines the signature for the callback method.
Public Delegate Sub ExampleCallback(lineCount As Integer)
Public Class Example
Public Shared Sub Main()
' Supply the state information required by the task.
Dim tws As New ThreadWithState( _
"This report displays the number {0}.", _
42, _
AddressOf ResultCallback)
Dim t As New Thread(AddressOf tws.ThreadProc)
Console.WriteLine("Main thread does some work, then waits.")
Console.WriteLine( _
"Independent task has completed; main thread ends.")
End Sub
Public Shared Sub ResultCallback(lineCount As Integer)
Console.WriteLine( _
"Independent task printed {0} lines.", lineCount)
End Sub
End Class
' The example displays the following output:
' Main thread does some work, then waits.
' This report displays the number 42.
' Independent task printed 1 lines.
' Independent task has completed; main thread ends.