Använda ett AsyncCallback-ombud för att avsluta en asynkron åtgärd
Program som kan utföra annat arbete i väntan på resultatet av en asynkron åtgärd bör inte blockera väntan tills åtgärden har slutförts. Använd något av följande alternativ för att fortsätta köra instruktioner i väntan på att en asynkron åtgärd ska slutföras:
Använd ett AsyncCallback ombud för att bearbeta resultatet av den asynkrona åtgärden i en separat tråd. Den här metoden visas i det här avsnittet.
IsCompleted Använd egenskapen för den IAsyncResult som returneras av den asynkrona åtgärdens BeginOperationName-metod för att avgöra om åtgärden har slutförts. Ett exempel som visar den här metoden finns i Avsökning för status för en asynkron åtgärd.
Följande kodexempel visar hur du använder asynkrona metoder i Dns klassen för att hämta DNS-information (Domain Name System) för användardefinierade datorer. I det här exemplet skapas ett AsyncCallback ombud som refererar till ProcessDnsInformation
metoden. Den här metoden anropas en gång för varje asynkron begäran om DNS-information.
Observera att den användardefinierade värden skickas till parametern BeginGetHostByNameObject . Ett exempel som visar hur du definierar och använder ett mer komplext tillståndsobjekt finns i Använda ett AsyncCallback-ombud och tillståndsobjekt.
The following example demonstrates using asynchronous methods to
get Domain Name System information for the specified host computers.
This example uses a delegate to obtain the results of each asynchronous
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Threading;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Collections;
namespace Examples.AdvancedProgramming.AsynchronousOperations
public class UseDelegateForAsyncCallback
static int requestCounter;
static ArrayList hostData = new ArrayList();
static StringCollection hostNames = new StringCollection();
static void UpdateUserInterface()
// Print a message to indicate that the application
// is still working on the remaining requests.
Console.WriteLine("{0} requests remaining.", requestCounter);
public static void Main()
// Create the delegate that will process the results of the
// asynchronous request.
AsyncCallback callBack = new AsyncCallback(ProcessDnsInformation);
string host;
Console.Write(" Enter the name of a host computer or <enter> to finish: ");
host = Console.ReadLine();
if (host.Length > 0)
// Increment the request counter in a thread safe manner.
Interlocked.Increment(ref requestCounter);
// Start the asynchronous request for DNS information.
Dns.BeginGetHostEntry(host, callBack, host);
} while (host.Length > 0);
// The user has entered all of the host names for lookup.
// Now wait until the threads complete.
while (requestCounter > 0)
// Display the results.
for (int i = 0; i< hostNames.Count; i++)
object data = hostData [i];
string message = data as string;
// A SocketException was thrown.
if (message != null)
Console.WriteLine("Request for {0} returned message: {1}",
hostNames[i], message);
// Get the results.
IPHostEntry h = (IPHostEntry) data;
string[] aliases = h.Aliases;
IPAddress[] addresses = h.AddressList;
if (aliases.Length > 0)
Console.WriteLine("Aliases for {0}", hostNames[i]);
for (int j = 0; j < aliases.Length; j++)
Console.WriteLine("{0}", aliases[j]);
if (addresses.Length > 0)
Console.WriteLine("Addresses for {0}", hostNames[i]);
for (int k = 0; k < addresses.Length; k++)
// The following method is called when each asynchronous operation completes.
static void ProcessDnsInformation(IAsyncResult result)
string hostName = (string) result.AsyncState;
// Get the results.
IPHostEntry host = Dns.EndGetHostEntry(result);
// Store the exception message.
catch (SocketException e)
// Decrement the request counter in a thread-safe manner.
Interlocked.Decrement(ref requestCounter);
'The following example demonstrates using asynchronous methods to
'get Domain Name System information for the specified host computers.
'This example uses a delegate to obtain the results of each asynchronous
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Collections.Specialized
Imports System.Collections
Namespace Examples.AdvancedProgramming.AsynchronousOperations
Public Class UseDelegateForAsyncCallback
Dim Shared requestCounter as Integer
Dim Shared hostData as ArrayList = new ArrayList()
Dim Shared hostNames as StringCollection = new StringCollection()
Shared Sub UpdateUserInterface()
' Print a message to indicate that the application
' is still working on the remaining requests.
Console.WriteLine("{0} requests remaining.", requestCounter)
End Sub
Public Shared Sub Main()
' Create the delegate that will process the results of the
' asynchronous request.
Dim callBack as AsyncCallback
Dim host as string
Dim i, j, k as Integer
callback = AddressOf ProcessDnsInformation
Console.Write(" Enter the name of a host computer or <enter> to finish: ")
host = Console.ReadLine()
If host.Length > 0
' Increment the request counter in a thread safe manner.
' Start the asynchronous request for DNS information.
Dns.BeginGetHostEntry(host, callBack, host)
End If
Loop While (host.Length > 0)
' The user has entered all of the host names for lookup.
' Now wait until the threads complete.
Do While requestCounter > 0
' Display the results.
For i = 0 To hostNames.Count - 1
Dim dataObject as Object = hostData(i)
Dim message as String
' Was a SocketException was thrown?
If TypeOf dataObject is String
message = CType(dataObject, String)
Console.WriteLine("Request for {0} returned message: {1}", _
hostNames(i), message)
' Get the results.
Dim h as IPHostEntry = CType(dataObject, IPHostEntry)
Dim aliases() as String = h.Aliases
Dim addresses() as IPAddress = h.AddressList
If aliases.Length > 0
Console.WriteLine("Aliases for 0}", hostNames(i))
For j = 0 To aliases.Length - 1
Console.WriteLine("{0}", aliases(j))
Next j
End If
If addresses.Length > 0
Console.WriteLine("Addresses for {0}", hostNames(i))
For k = 0 To addresses.Length - 1
Console.WriteLine("{0}", addresses(k).ToString())
Next k
End If
End If
Next i
End Sub
' The following method is called when each asynchronous operation completes.
Shared Sub ProcessDnsInformation(result as IAsyncResult)
Dim hostName as String = CType(result.AsyncState, String)
' Get the results.
Dim host as IPHostEntry = Dns.EndGetHostEntry(result)
' Store the exception message.
Catch e as SocketException
' Decrement the request counter in a thread-safe manner.
End Try
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace